What if a mandatory penicillin vaccine were forced onto every child in America starting tomorrow?

Image: What if a mandatory penicillin vaccine were forced onto every child in America starting tomorrow?
Source: NaturalNews.com
S.D. Wells
April 10, 2017

Currently, the state of California requires all children to be force vaccinated with the entire schedule of CDC “recommended” vaccines in order to be able to exercise their right to attend public school and get an education. It doesn’t matter if any of those children are allergic to mercury, aluminum, polysorbate 80, African green monkey kidney cells, genetically modified bacteria, neomycin (an antibiotic), human serum albumin (other people’s blood), formaldehyde, monosodium glutamate (MSG), bovine extract, gelatin, calf serum, or sodium chloride. Every child must be injected with all of these ingredients, without being tested for allergies against them first, as they are all listed and contained in the CDC’s “excipient” list of vaccine ingredients, in case you have any doubts. How many other U.S. states will soon demand forced vaccination for all children?

Even though penicillin, an antibiotic about 5 to 10% of the U.S. population is allergic to, is not currently a vaccine ingredient, does it matter? Did you know many vaccines are made with a peanut oil extract, but it’s not listed because only “trace amounts” remain? Nearly 2 million U.S. children have severe peanut allergies. Coincidence? Are those trace amounts enough to cause severe allergic reactions? You bet they are, along with unnatural, violent immune system reactions to injecting human blood, monkey kidney cells, cow’s blood, chicken embryo and live viruses combined from different strains.

Extreme vaccine-induced allergic reactions occur when your immune system reacts to foreign proteins and chemicals lodged in muscle tissue or that cross the blood/brain barrier

Penicillin allergy occurs because certain children’s immune systems mistake the drug as a harmful substance, often because the drug is injected with several viruses, bacteria, chemical adjuvants, foreign proteins, human pooled blood samples, and other experimental excipients that have never been tested for safety, allergies or for their neurotoxic effects on humans. Children in America are guinea pigs, including infants and babies still in the womb. Mercury is toxic to humans at any level, even if only eaten or when it touches the skin. Imagine what’s happening when it’s shot directly into body tissue through a needle.

If the human body detects and identifies these chemicals, drugs, and foreign proteins as harmful substances, it develops antibodies to them, even if they are mixed with powerful antibiotics. The second and third time those same drugs and chemicals are injected into the child, the reaction can be violent, brain damaging, central nervous system damaging, and yes, sometimes lethal, just like with penicillin.

Why the massive autism epidemic in 2017? Do the math…

Since 5 to 10% of the U.S. population is allergic to penicillin, if you injected everyone today with a penicillin-loaded vaccine, millions of people would suffer a severe allergic reaction, and many would die. There are more than 300 million Americans. If just 2% had a lethal allergic reaction to a penicillin inoculation, that would equate to about 6 million deaths. That’s how many people were murdered in the Holocaust. Now if you injected 300 million Americans with mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde, polysorbate 80, MSG, and African green monkey kidney cells, and just 2% of those people had a severe allergic reaction where their immune systems went into shock and their brains were damaged by the neurotoxins, there would be about 6 million people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD).

A new government survey of parents suggests that 1 in every 45 children ages 3 through 17 have already been diagnosed with ASD. This number is much higher than the CDC estimate, and for good reason. There are approximately 80 million children in the U.S.A. now. That means there are about 2 million children diagnosed with some form of autism, and many, many others who are suffering from vaccine damage that’s not diagnosed as ASD. When will that number equal or surpass 6 million? Statistics show that every other child in America will have some form of autism by 2032 – that’s 40 million children and just 15 years from right now.

Nearly 4 million American kids today have either severe peanut allergies or autism–wonder why?

The next time those autistic children are injected with the same drugs and chemicals, including the mercury-loaded influenza vaccine, a.k.a. the “flu shot,” specific antibodies will flag the dangerous concoction once injected into muscle tissue and blood, and the chemicals released by this activity cause the signs and symptoms associated with severe and often lethal allergic reactions, just like with penicillin. Get it?

Signs and symptoms of allergic reactions to injecting vaccine ingredients like peanut oil, formaldehyde, MSG, sodium chloride, aluminum, human albumin, aborted fetal cells, monkey kidney cells, gelatin, neomycin and mercury include: skin rash, hives, itching, fever, swelling, shortness of breath, wheezing, anaphylaxis, central nervous system damage, brain damage, nausea, abdominal cramps, rapid pulse, drop in blood pressure, seizures, loss of consciousness, coma, and death. Some severe allergic reactions to vaccines occur days or weeks after the concoction is injected.

Ask your doctor if vaccines contain experimental excipients. Ask the nurse for the vaccine ingredients insert and read every ingredient aloud in front of the doctor and your child. You should be aware of the biggest medical fraud cover up in the history of medicine. Here’s what you can do right now to combat the insanity.

Watch the highly informative whistle-blowing interview with the directors of the controversial film VAXXED that exposes the CDC’s known link between vaccines (such as the MMR–measles, mumps, rubella combo jab) and autism:

The 8 Most Dangerous Medicines on Earth… Are You Taking Any Of These?

Dangerous medicine
Source: NaturalNews.com
S.D. Wells
August 30, 2016

“It’s time to take your medicine, honey.” “But Mom, it’s making me feel weird and horrible, and I’m not getting any better.” “Well, it’s what the doctor prescribed, so it’s what we have to do.” Have you ever been told to listen to your gut? There’s a reason for that. Actually, several reasons.

Many “Western” medicines are made in laboratories using chemicals and are highly experimental, and worse yet, they’re never tested on humans, except when they’re actually prescribed, applied, or injected into them. Humans are the ultimate guinea pigs in America, while Big Pharma pockets trillions in profit. How did this all come to be? Simple answer: After WWII, Nazi scientists were hired fresh out of prison to work on pharmaceuticals, vaccines, chemotherapy, and chemical food additives, in order to fuel the most insidious business on earth–allopathic medicine. It’s no conspiracy theory either. The horror that took place at the Holocaust in Germany was continued, on a lesser scale, in the United States, for money.

Think about it. There is NO OTHER REASON our U.S. based pharmaceutical companies hired convicted mass murderers to fill the highest positions at Bayer, BASF, and Hoechst. Fritz ter Meer, convicted of mass murder, served just 5 prison years, then conveniently became the chairman of Bayer’s supervisory board (yes, THAT Bayer–that makes children’s medications and the most popular aspirin). Carl Wurster of BASF helped manufacture Zyklon-B gas, the powerful pesticide used to execute millions of Jews–this freak went to work on chemotherapy, the biggest medical scam of the century. Kurt Blome, who admitted to killing Jews with “gruesome experiments,” was hired in 1951 by the U.S. Army Chemical Corps to work on chemical warfare. Get it?

In other words, Big Pharma’s evil seeds, which the FDA calls medicine, were first planted in the United States 65 years ago. Many of the “mad scientists” who tortured innocent human beings in the Holocaust were hired and promoted by U.S. Presidents to catapult what we call “Western Medicine,” and its ultimate goal of creating sickness, and then treating its symptoms for profit.

Take heed, my friends, because THESE are the 8 most DANGEROUS MEDICINES on Planet Earth. It’s called the “War Against the Weak.”

War Against the Weak

#1. SSRIs – highly experimental, never proven safe or effective, and can completely block serotonin, leading to thoughts of suicide and even homicidal and suicidal acts of horror.

#2. MMR vaccine (measles, mumps, rubella) – associated with causing autism and other central nervous system disorders and a myriad of health issues. When the LIVE measles virus gets into the body, the immune system is severely compromised, and the other chemical adjuvants and genetically modified ingredients attack the child, causing permanent and sometimes fatal results.

#3. Influenza vaccine (flu shot) – contains up to 50,000 parts per billion of mercury, in addition to formaldehyde, MSG, and aluminum. Can cause pregnant women to abort and have miscarriages

#4. Antibiotics – annihilate good gut bacteria and therefore severely decreases immune system. Doctors inappropriately prescribe antibiotics for viral infections and make matters much worse!

#5. HPV vaccine (human papillomavirus) – known to send teens into anaphylactic shock and comas. Thousands of families have sued the manufacturers for millions of dollars for chronic and permanent health damages.

#6. Chemotherapy – annihilates the immune system and often leads to the body forming new cancers, especially in the blood. Nazi scientists knew in the 1950s that chemotherapy only makes cancer temporarily recede, only to come back with a vengeance in other parts of the body! (Still, Western Medicine calls this successful)

#7. “RotaTeq” rotavirus vaccine – extremely toxic (oral) vaccine contains LIVE rotavirus strains (G1, G2, G3, G4, and P1), plus highly toxic polysorbate 80 and FETAL BOVINE SERUM. Also contains parts of porcine circovirus – a virus that INFECTS PIGS.

#8. Polio vaccine (oral and injected with needle) – It’s a cold, hard, scary fact that millions of Americans were injected with CANCER when they got the polio vaccine. Plus, the oral and nasal versions of the vaccine have been spreading polio in India and leaving many children paralyzed for life.

Sure, people are paranoid of infectious diseases and for good reason. The American medicine industry has exacerbated the WORST cases on record to scare the living hell out of everyone into injected their known carcinogens for “protection.” It’s racketeering and it’s illegal, but the vaccine manufacturers are immune to lawsuits, protected by a massive slush fund and their own secret court of law. If you or your child is severely injured by vaccines, you CANNOT sue the vaccine manufacturer. You will have to take that case to the Office of Special MASTERS of the U.S. Court of Federal Claims, which is commonly called the highly secretive “Vaccine Court.” This corrupt “court” administers a no-fault compensation program (yes, you read that correctly), that serves as an alternative to your Constitutional rights. Established back in 1986, after drug companies lost massive profits in high-profile lawsuits due to vaccines severely damaging a number of children, who suffered seizures and brain damage, linked to the DPT vaccine.

Before you EVER consider swallowing or injecting chemical toxins called “medicine” again, visit at least one Naturopathic Physician and find out if the health problem or problems are nutritional based, because odds are, they are!

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Why Vaccines, Pesticides & Chemtrails Are The Top Weapons Of Mass Destruction

Weapons of mass destruction
Source: NaturalNews.com
S.D. Wells
August 15, 2016

Before delving into these highly controversial subjects, it is paramount to review the proper definitions of each, as they inherently relate to the relevant understanding of how each applies to today’s “science,” politics, the environment, and of course, human health and safety.

First, a weapon of mass destruction, or “WMD,” is a chemical, nuclear, radiological or biological weapon that has the ability to kill and bring significant harm to a large number of humans, not to mention massive damage to human-made structures and the biosphere.

Pesticides are the only toxic substances released intentionally into our environment (on a regular basis) to kill living things. The term pesticide is an umbrella term that includes substances used to kill weeds (herbicides), insects (insecticides), fungus (fungicides) and rodents (rodenticides), among other agricultural “pests.”

Chemtrails are part of an ongoing mass aerial dispersal of biological waste and pesticides that initially look like normal contrails, but are easy to detect because they do not dissipate quickly since they are not formed from normal water-based condensation. Chemtrails are also much thicker than contrails, and often extend across the sky in patterns of Xs and tick-tack-toe-looking grids.

Vaccines are experimental injections of disease-causing agents intended to conjure an unnatural, hyper-immune reaction in humans in order to ameliorate the effects of future infections by “wild” pathogens. Yet, the effectiveness of inoculation theory and practice has never been proven successful; in fact, “deadened” or “weakened” forms of microbes and viruses often spring back to life inside the injected humans, spreading or “shedding” the very infectious disease the immunization is supposed to prevent. Even if the injected victim does not become immediately ill from the dormant virus, known carcinogenic agents and genetically modified organisms are now prominent in all vaccines, including flu shots, and can cause severe health detriment in the short- and long-term.

These agents, or “adjuvants,” often include mercury (listed as thimerosal), monosodium glutamate (MSG), formaldehyde (embalming fluid) and aluminum (known to cause Alzheimer’s disease). No vaccine has ever been proven safe for humans, despite “paid for” research published by the manufacturers. Current immunizations are proven to contribute to the spread of over 25 known infectious diseases, including polio and measles.

Biological and chemical weapons utilized for population control in America and developing countries

No other country in the world is more interested in the cessation of population expansion than the USA, especially when it comes to eugenics – the racial profiling and proliferation of non-whites, as the globalists and elite super-rich pretend to help minorities and the under-privileged with “food” and “medicine.”

In fact, U.S. law allows the testing of chemicals and biological agents on the civilian population. There is no conformed consent here, and there are no democratic voting procedures in place to protect human health, animal health or environmental welfare. Plus, many self-proclaimed philanthropists, like Bill Gates and George Soros, fund depopulation agendas by funding, promoting, and distributing GM (genetically modified) foods (cancer-causing, pesticide-laden food) and toxic vaccinations to unsuspecting populations.

Under the guise of help, entire populations of “undesirables” are being systematically wiped out by the very food and medicine they believe are helping them. Vaccines like DTAP and HPV are sterilizing many female teenagers. In fact, Kenya Catholic Doctors Association is charging UNICEF and WHO for sterilizing millions of girls at the beginning of their child-bearing age, under the guise of the “anti-tetanus” vaccination program that’s sponsored by the Kenyan government itself. Scientific evidence from independent laboratories revealed at least half a dozen samples of the tetanus vaccine tested from various locations around Kenya confirmed their worst fears, as they tested positive for the HCG antigen used in anti-fertility vaccines!

Zika virus HOAX: Spreading of ‘Naled’ actually causes the birth defects mass media claims are caused by Zika

Right now, over a 10-square-mile area of Miami-Dade County, EPA- and CDC-approved mass chemical warfare on humans is in effect, with the excuse tied to the Zika virus hoax. The highly toxic insecticide “Naled” (pun may be intended) contains dibrom, known to cause birth defects in humans, even in low concentrations. So, in effect, a weapon of mass destruction is being used in the name of fighting mosquitoes, and the U.S. population is so dumbed-down from fluoridated water and pharmaceuticals, that they believe the government actually cares about them and is trying to help.

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8 Lifestyle Practices That Can Help Prevent Cancer

Cancer prevention
Source: NaturalNews.com
S.D. Wells
August 7, 2016

The first question people ask themselves when they find out they have cancer is, “How did I get it?” Yet 99 percent of those people will never figure out the answer to that question. Why? Because cancer is caused mainly by the cumulative consumption of toxins over time. If you keep consuming toxins, your oncologist can’t save you.

No knife can cut out the toxins in your blood. No amount of chemotherapy or radiation can eradicate the carcinogens invading your blood supply. In fact, chemotherapy adds to it; however, the good news is that it’s never too late to cut off cancer’s fuel by ending your chemical intake – and that includes what you eat, drink, breathe in, inject, and put on your body. Medical doctors know NOTHING about this. They recommend the “best” surgeons, the most “technologically advanced” oncology institutions, and relentless testing, including CAT scans, MRIs, mammograms, biopsies, and so on, and so on.

Sure, it’s overwhelming. It should be. You should realize that all the testing and surgery in the world cannot get the poison out of the “pool” if you just go home and keep pouring it in after it’s “removed” or treated with more chemicals. Use common sense. There’s no one step cure. There’s no magic wand a surgeon can wave to fix cancer. No dermatologist in the world can just cut off a cancer spot and cure you for life. No organ can be removed that ends cancer if you eat, drink, breathe and inject toxins day after day after day. Cancer curing lives and breathes in cancer prevention. Don’t eat cancer and it won’t eat you. Apply broad sweeping strokes to paint your new healthy life picture. These are not one stop shopping cures – rather they are lifestyle changes that almost ensure you won’t get what every third American gets in their life – and that’s the dreaded “c” word.

The following 8 lifestyle practices are simple, practical, and can prevent cancer, so do them!

1. Try to always avoid eating GMOs and processed foods whenever possible. Most “American” conventional food contains artificial ingredients, pesticides, preservatives, additives, bleach, nitrates, toxic gluten, and hydrogenated oils that cause cancer.

2. Never put personal care products on your skin, hair, lips, or nails that contain chemicals. Look for organic products that tell you specifically, on the label, they DO NOT contain parabens, coal tar dyes, talc, PEGs (polyethylene glycols), petroleum-based chemicals, phthalates, or Triclosan.

3. Never burn or spray products in your home that contain chemicals, like cheap candles and most popular air fresheners. Buy organic candles and make your own air freshener with filtered water, rubbing alcohol (as carrier), and natural essential oils for wonderful fragrances. It’s an easy formula! Now go buy a spray bottle.

4. Avoid all vaccines and flu shots, as most contain mercury, aluminum, MSG, and formaldehyde. This is no joke. Just check the CDC website. It’s scary and getting worse. So many hoax diseases out there and you can build natural immunity by eating organic food and taking herbal tinctures. Check out turmeric, oil of oregano, and garlic!

5. Never drink water from the tap, as it usually contains sodium fluoride and other people’s medications. Chemicals like bleach cause bladder cancer and pancreatic cancer. Buy a good water filter and never look back!

6. Avoid almost all white foods because they are bleached: including white bread, white pasta, white flour, white sugar, white rice except basmati)

7. Avoid artificial sweeteners – mainly aspartame, sucralose (Splenda), and sorbitol. These are known to cause irritable bowels and migraines, which are just first signs your body is rejecting them. Later comes cancer. Quit them all NOW!

8. If possible, avoid prescription medications, as most are chemical based and turn the blood acidic, enabling cancer to develop and spread easily. Big surprise, huh? Nearly every medication out there simply relieves the symptoms of toxicity temporarily. Don’t fall for the tricks MDs shell out.

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New Science Confirms That Eating Curry [With Turmeric] Prevents Dementia

Source: NaturalNews.com
Sarah Landers
July 28, 2016

As reported by The Telegraph, eating curry at least once a week may help you to prevent dementia, according to new research published in the Journal of Nutrition. The study by Australian scientists shows that a weekly hit of spicy food will keep your mind sharper for longer.

Turmeric has been identified as the most important and beneficial component, and is an ingredient used in almost every curry – from your mild and creamy kormas to extra hot and spicy vindaloos. Great news if you are a lover of spicy food – but what exactly is it about turmeric that helps prevent dementia?

Dementia and turmeric

According to the Alzheimer’s Association, Alzheimer’s disease is the sixth leading cause of death in the U.S., and more than 5 million Americans are currently living with the debilitating disease. Even more terrifying is the fact that one in every three seniors dies with Alzheimer’s or a similar form of dementia.

There is no known cure for the progressive disease, but scientists have found that there are various superfoods and natural remedies that can help slow down or prevent the development of the condition. The health benefits of turmeric are numerous, and it is thought that this spice alone is powerful enough to replace your entire medicine cabinet. The main component in the spice – curcumin – is thought to fight liver damage, cirrhosis, Parkinson’s, various types of cancer and now, dementia.

Curcumin is believed by scientists to block rogue proteins called beta amyloid, which clump together and destroy neurons, as reported by The Telegraph. The scientists at Edith Cowan University in Perth studied 96 participants aged between 40 and 90 over a period of 12 months. Some of the participants were given a daily placebo, while others were given curcumin pills.

The scientists then tested various verbal and memory skills, and found that those taking the placebo suffered a decline in mental function after only six months, while those taking curcumin saw no decline.

According to The Telegraph, there is already evidence revealing a lower prevalence of dementia and better cognitive function in cultures where curry is a staple part of diets. Curcumin therapy has also been trialed in animals.

Dr. Laura Phipps of Alzheimer’s Research UK is reserving judgment. She said: “Some studies have produced limited evidence very high doses of curcumin – much higher than might be normally found in foods like curry – could have some impact on memory and thinking skills, but large-scale clinical trials will be required before researchers can fully assess any potential benefits.”

Foods to avoid to prevent dementia and Alzheimer’s disease

If you are keen to minimize your chances of developing Alzheimer’s disease, you should avoid eating the following foods:

  • Foods high in aluminum: This additive is used in almost everything, including cheese, cake mixes and milk formulas. Aluminum is toxic to brain tissue, and has been linked to the beginning stages of Alzheimer’s disease.
  • Foods high in artificial sweetener aspartame: This sugar substitute has been linked to brain tumors, seizures and dementia.
  • Foods high in mercury: These include farmed salmon, rice and high-fructose corn syrup. Long-term exposure to this toxin may produce Alzheimer’s-like symptoms.
  • Foods high in artificial flavoring diacetyl: This has been linked to dementia, and is a major component in snack foods such as buttered popcorn and beer.
  • Foods that contain a lot of preservatives: Monosodium glutamate accelerates cognitive decline and is contained in almost all processed foods, according to Top 10 Grocery Secrets.

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Beware Of The Top 10 Toxins In Food & In Medicine That Cause The Majority Of US Allergies, Diseases & Disorders

Chemical toxins
Source: NaturalNews.com
S.D. Wells
June 28, 2016

From cradle to grave, Americans suffer from “mysterious” health problems that medical doctors just can’t seem to solve, not with medications, surgery or chemotherapy. Where oh where could all of these problems come from – ones that other countries barely have, or don’t have at all?

Think about it: Why would anyone’s body completely freak out just because you open a jar of peanut butter on the other side of the room? Why would a baby get a headache so severe that it causes brain damage? How did the statistics of autism go from 1 in 10,000 boys to 1 in 68, just since the late 1990s, and could it have anything to do with injecting the most toxic non-radioactive chemical on planet earth – an acute neurotoxin called mercury – into the muscle tissue of children over, and over, and over, and up to 30 times before they reach the age of three?

People worry so much about infectious diseases, but since the advent of decent plumbing and hospital hygiene in the mid-1900s, that hasn’t been a problem. Maybe everybody should be much more concerned about preventing preventable diseases, that shouldn’t be labeled diseases at all, since they’re not really contagious, in the literal sense of the word. The epidemic-style “diseases” of modern America are more or less disorders – disorders of the cells, malfunctions of cleansing organs, chronic inflammation, unnatural, conjured-up immune reactions, severely disrupted endocrine systems, infected lymphatic fluids, and profoundly disturbed central nervous systems. These malfunctions are not normal. The majority of these are not inherited from parents. These are health crises that develop after birth, and often worsen within a handful of years to the extent that they become permanent issues, requiring extensive, expensive, long-term care.

Since WWII, American food, medicine and personal care products have become heavily contaminated with toxins, and not by accident. “Big Food” and “Big Pharma” have grown to monopolize the industries that make Americans sick and dysfunctional, and they target the children, knowing that the parents will do anything (including spending every dime they have) to try to fix the problems and give their kids a normal life, or at least as close to normal as their money will provide. And there are only two types of medical doctors in the USA: There are the ones who know nothing about toxins in food and medicine, and who prescribe chemical quack medicines that address only the symptoms of preventable disorders, and then there are the medical doctors who know about toxins in food, medicine and personal care products, but prescribe chemical quack medicines anyway.

So, it’s not conspiracy theory when you eat a food product loaded with monosodium glutamate (MSG) and get a migraine headache within an hour that lasts for hours, leaving you completely non-functional, now is it? So then realize this, it’s also not guess work to figure out that most hyperactive, “ADHD” children eat toxic food dyes and can’t sit still at school afterwards. It’s also not some wild “hypothesis” that vaccines are made with peanut oil, which is not listed as an ingredient, because the so-called “trace amounts” aren’t enough to “count” according to the CDC. So now, friends, it’s time to closely examine the top 10 toxins in food and medicine that cause the majority of U.S. allergies, diseases and disorders.

#1. Mercury in vaccines causes autism.

#2. Peanut oil used to brew vaccines causes severe peanut allergies in developing children.

#3. Aspartame in food, beverages, gum, candy and medicine causes anxiety, seizures and depression – it’s a hidden schedule II narcotic!

#4. Mono sodium glutamate (MSG) in food and vaccines causes migraine headaches and brain damage in infants.

#5. Consuming unfermented soy regularly, whether organic or not (often found in baby formula), causes severe fluctuations in estrogen levels, leading to cancer tumors.

#6. Aluminum in antacids and vaccines causes Alzheimer’s and dementia.

#7. Sodium fluoride in tap water causes lowered IQ, cancer and brittle bones.

#8. High fructose corn syrup (HFCS) is the leading cause of diabetes worldwide.

#9. Consuming canola regularly, whether organic or not, destroys the protective coating surrounding your nerves, and leads to the degeneration of the heart, kidneys, thyroid gland and adrenals.

#10. Nearly all conventional food dyes are synthetic, petroleum-based and cause allergies, hyperactivity in children, and eventually, cancer.

Detoxification, prevention and cures for America’s multi-faceted health crisis

There are many foods and superfoods that help the human body detoxify from heavy metal toxin overload, and they include, but are not limited to: chia seeds, cilantro, spirulina and chlorella. There are many foods that build natural immunity to infectious diseases, and they include, but are not limited to: turmeric, aloe, oil of oregano, vitamin D3, vitamin C, garlic, ginger and organic and raw cruciferous vegetables. There are food colorants that come from natural foods, like berries. There are phenomenal water filtration systems for your home, including the Big Berkey. There are healthy oil choices like coconut oil and hemp seed oil, that prevent Alzheimer’s disease and cancer, respectively. There are healthy forms of salt, like actual sea salt, that’s full of the minerals your body wants most.

Remember, just because your government allows 70,000 toxic agents in food, and even more in medicine and personal care products, doesn’t mean you have to be naive and consume them, and then go to an MD for more punishment. Get smart; eat organic. Buy from local farmers, and grow your own healthy food!

Read More At: NaturalNews.com

The Top 7 Strangest, Literally Mind-Blowing Vaccine Ingredients


Source: NaturalNews.com
S.D. Wells
June 15, 2016

The vaccine industry is completely “immune” to being sued in a court of law by any person who finds themselves or their children injured by the insane boatload of chemicals now found in every single vaccine, including influenza vaccines (flu shots). This allows vaccine manufacturers to use virtually ANY chemical, genetically modified organism, virus, bacteria, or tissue sample from another animal, as a vaccination ingredient, without ever testing anything for safety or efficacy.

The vaccine manufacturers could literally use snake venom, uranium, plutonium, or cesium 137 in an inoculation, and if it killed an adult, child, infant, or pregnant woman and her unborn child, they could not be sued. The vaccine industry has their own court of law, their own judges, and a slush fund to keep parents silent and keep these cases out of the media, and it works. Have you EVER seen any person on the news on television, or read any newspaper article about some person or their child who was injured by a vaccine? Though millions and millions of dollars have been paid out due to vaccine violence, no stories ever make it to the mainstream media outlets.

Most people believe vaccines work. They believe that the only ingredients in vaccines are what is necessary to conjure an immune response to a tiny sample of the disease that is to be “prevented.” People think their body then creates antibodies for these infectious diseases and viruses, and then they are immune for life. Little do most people know that nearly every vaccine contains multiple LIVE viruses (called dormant, attenuated, or “deadened”), extremely experimental and dangerous ingredients, synthetic substances, deadly chemicals, neurotoxic agents, carcinogenic adjuvants (carriers), and they are ALL brewed in either animal tissues, eggs, dairy, peanut oil, or other known allergens that cause the majority of severe allergies, to which people are completely oblivious. Although the CDC said they phased out mercury from vaccines, it’s still in several of them, including flu shots. Read the vaccine inserts to find out the truth!

The insanity of chemical medicine continues, and flies in the face of common sense. Get ready, because here come the top 7 strangest, literally mind-blowing vaccine ingredients.

1. Monkey Kidney Cells – per the CDC website, D-tap and Polio vaccines STILL contain monkey kidney cells in which they are cultured or “brewed,” thus conjuring dangerous auto-immune reactions. The CDC and vaccine manufactures alike will tell you there are only trace amounts left, and not enough to cause any concern, but they lie. Impurities are STILL included in the formulation that’s injected. There is no human digestion process for injections, so animal organ tissues and blood that contain animal viruses are highly toxic to humans. These samples of animal tissues also come from cow hearts, duck eggs, pig’s blood, sheep blood, dog’s kidneys, horse blood, and yes, rabbit brains!

2. Latex – found in the hepatitis B vaccine, routinely given to health workers. Got extreme latex allergies? You can quit wondering why now. Many nurses are allergic to latex–that’s not a coincidence. Latex in vaccines conjures a very panicked immune response, and nurses suffer this life-threatening allergy for the rest of their lives. Hep B vaccine is now routinely given to newborns in the US and Australia.

3. Mycoplasma – these pathogens that cause pneumonia are microscopic organisms that lack rigid cell walls. Among the smallest of all free-moving organisms, one of these species causes mycoplasma pneumonia ONLY in children and young adults (the ones vaccinated, by the way). These mycoplasma are purposely inserted into vaccines as a adjuvant to “increase the immune system’s allergic response” to the jab.

4. Artificial Sweeteners! Even though you won’t be “eating” your immunization ingredients, you will be suffering that “sweet misery” from the CARCINOGENIC artificial sweeteners Sorbitol and Polyribosylribitol. Surely you weren’t made aware by your MD that excess sorbitol in the cells can cause diabetic retinopathy and neuropathy, leading to blindness. Plus, Sorbitol is a gastrointestinal and liver toxicant, to top things off. Then there’s Polyribosylribitol, a highly experimental artificial sweetener. How does it make you feel to know your children are medical guinea pigs?

5. Ammonium Sulfate – A toxic chemical fertilizer, ammonium sulfate is actually a mix of ammonia with sulfuric acid. AS stresses the immune system by causing acidosis. AS is toxic to the liver and respiratory system.

6. Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) – when injected becomes a neurotoxin, causing CNS disorders and brain damage in children.

7. Peanut Oil – that explains all those extreme peanut allergies! Many vaccines are cultured in peanut oil, and trace amounts remain. That’s why children with peanut allergies go into anaphylactic shock when you open something in the room containing peanuts–their little bodies assume they will AGAIN be injected with this “culture.” It’s a “knee-jerk” auto-immune hyper-response.

Question chemical medicine. It’s just NOT natural. Use common sense and read the vaccine and flu shot inserts before considering injecting known neurotoxins.

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This Herbicide Could Be Slowly Killing Us AND Causing This Condition

Source: iHealthTube.com
May 4, 2016

There are many things that could be behind the continued rise of health conditions in this country. Here, Dr. Stephanie Seneff discusses one that she thinks is a main contributor. Watch as she connects the dots between a common weed killer and some of the many health conditions facing us today. Find out how this herbicide could be slowly killing us and causing this common condition.

What Chemical Cocktail Is In Your Food?

Source: Mercola.com
Dr. Mercola
February 24, 2016

One of the simplest choices you can make in support of your health is to eat real food. Real food refers to vegetables, meats and wild-caught seafood, nuts, seeds, eggs, fruits and raw grass-fed dairy; foods that are in their whole, primarily unaltered form.

Such foods will not only reward you with rich concentrations of vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants, but they’re also beneficial for what they do not contain — food additives.

If you eat processed foods, you’re consuming a chemical cocktail with each bite. Even seemingly simple foods like bread, processed cheese, salad dressing or pasta sauce are typically loaded with preservatives, emulsifiers, flavorings, colorings and other “enhancers.”

9 Top Food Additives to Avoid

Since the 1950s, the number of food additives allowed in U.S. food has grown from about 800 to more than 10,000. We’re not talking only about simple natural ingredients like vinegar and table salt anymore, but countless chemical concoctions that are putting Americans’ health at risk.

What little risk assessment done on such chemicals is typically done on individual chemicals in isolation, but mounting research suggests that when you consume multiple additives in combination, the health effects may be more serious than previously imagined.

One assessment by the National Food Institute at the Technical University of Denmark found that even small amounts of chemicals can amplify each other’s adverse effects when combined.1

Really, the only way to avoid this chemical cocktail is to avoid processed foods. But at the very least, you’ll want to read food labels carefully and avoid those that follow.

  1. High-Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS)

It’s often claimed that HFCS is no worse for you than sugar, but this is not the case.

Because high-fructose corn syrup contains free-form monosaccharides of fructose and glucose, it cannot be considered biologically equivalent to sucrose (sugar), which has a glycosidic bond that links the fructose and glucose together, and which slows its breakdown in your body.

Fructose is primarily metabolized by your liver, because your liver is the only organ that has the transporter for it.

Since all fructose gets shuttled to your liver, and, if you eat a typical Western-style diet, you consume high amounts of it, fructose ends up taxing and damaging your liver in the same way alcohol and other toxins do.

And just like alcohol, fructose is metabolized directly into fat — it just gets stored in your fat cells, which leads to mitochondrial malfunction, obesity and obesity-related diseases.

The more fructose or HFCS a food contains, and the more total fructose you consume, the worse it is for your health.

For example, female mice fed a diet that contained 25 percent of calories from corn syrup had nearly twice the death rate and 26 percent fewer offspring compared to those fed a diet in which 25 percent of calories came from table sugar.2

As a standard recommendation, I advise keeping your TOTAL fructose consumption below 25 grams per day, which is very difficult to do if you eat processed foods.

For most people it would also be wise to limit your fructose from fruit to 15 grams or less, as you’re virtually guaranteed to consume “hidden” sources of fructose if you drink beverages other than water and eat processed food.

Fifteen grams of fructose is not much — it represents two bananas, one-third cup of raisins, or two Medjool dates. The average 12-ounce can of soda contains 40 grams of sugar, at least half of which is fructose, so one can of soda alone would exceed your daily allotment.

  1. Artificial Sweeteners

Experiments have found that sweet taste, regardless of its caloric content, enhances your appetite, and consuming artificial sweeteners has been shown to lead to even greater weight gain than consuming sugar.

Aspartame has been found to have the most pronounced effect, but the same applies for other artificial sweeteners, such as acesulfame potassium, sucralose and saccharin. Yet, weight gain is only the beginning of why artificial sweeteners should generally be avoided.

Aspartame, for instance, is a sweet-tasting neurotoxin. As a result of its unnatural structure, your body processes the amino acids found in aspartame very differently from a steak or a piece of fish.

The amino acids in aspartame literally attack your cells, even crossing the blood-brain barrier to attack your brain cells, creating a toxic cellular overstimulation, called excitotoxicity, similar to monosodium glutamate (MSG).

Further, inflammatory bowel disease may be caused or exacerbated by the regular consumption of the popular artificial sweetener Splenda (sucralose), as it inactivates digestive enzymes and alters gut barrier function.3

Previous research also found that sucralose can destroy up to 50 percent of your beneficial gut flora.4 While you certainly don’t want to overdo it on sugar, there’s little doubt in my mind that artificial sweeteners can be even worse for your health than sugar and even fructose.

  1. Monosodium Glutamate (MSG)

This flavor enhancer is most often associated with Chinese food, but it’s actually in countless processed food products ranging from frozen dinners and salad dressing to snack chips and meats.

MSG is an excitotoxin, which means it overexcites your cells to the point of damage or death, causing brain dysfunction and damage to varying degrees — and potentially even triggering or worsening learning disabilities, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, Lou Gehrig’s disease and more.

Part of the problem is that free glutamic acid (MSG is approximately 78 percent free glutamic acid) is the same neurotransmitter that your brain, nervous system, eyes, pancreas and other organs use to initiate certain processes in your body.

Although the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) continues to claim that consuming MSG in food does not cause these ill effects, many other experts say otherwise.

  1. Synthetic Trans Fats

Synthetic trans fats, found in margarine, vegetable shortening, and partially hydrogenated vegetable oils, are known to promote inflammation, which is a hallmark of most chronic and/or serious diseases.

These synthetic fats have been linked to stroke, cancer, diabetes, decreased immune function, reproductive problems, heart disease and more.

Fortunately, in June 2015 the FDA announced partially hydrogenated oils (a primary source of trans fat) will no longer be allowed in food due to their health risks, unless authorized by the agency.

According to the FDA, this change may help prevent around 20,000 heart attacks and 7,000 heart disease deaths each year.

The new regulation won’t take effect until 2018. In the interim, food companies have to either reformulate their products to remove partially hydrogenated oils or file a limited use petition with the FDA to continue using them.

  1. Artificial Colors

Fifteen million pounds of artificial food dyes are added into U.S. foods every year — and that amount only factors in eight different varieties.3 As of July 2010, most foods in the European Union (EU) that contain artificial food dyes were labeled with warning labels stating the food “may have an adverse effect on activity and attention in children.”

The British government also asked that food manufacturers remove most artificial colors from foods back in 2009 due to health concerns. Nine of the food dyes currently approved for use in the U.S. are linked to health issues ranging from cancer and hyperactivity to allergy-like reactions — and these results were from studies conducted by the chemical industry itself.5

For instance, Red # 40, which is the most widely used dye, may accelerate the appearance of immune system tumors in mice, while also triggering hyperactivity in children. Blue # 2, used in candies, beverages, pet foods and more, was linked to brain tumors.

And Yellow 5, used in baked goods, candies, cereal and more, may not only be contaminated with several cancer-causing chemicals, but it’s also linked to hyperactivity, hypersensitivity and other behavioral effects in children. Even the innocuous-sounding caramel color, which is widely used in brown soft drinks, may cause cancer due to 4-methylimidazole (4-MeI), a chemical byproduct formed when certain types of caramel coloring are manufactured.

Some U.S. companies are moving ahead of regulatory agencies to get these controversial additives out of their products. Mars, Inc., for instance, announced in February 2016 that it will be removing synthetic food dyes from its entire line of food products, including M&Ms candies.6

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American College Of Pediatricians Warns About Toxic Effects Of Gardasil Vaccine; Sounds Alarm Over Massive Scientific Fraud That Concealed Toxic Effects

Gardasil vaccine
Source: NaturalNews.com
Mike Adams
February 21, 2016

In the minds of many concerned parents, there is no more toxic, dangerous vaccine in the world than Gardasil. More children and teens have been maimed, hospitalized, injured and even paralyzed by HPV vaccines than any other category of vaccine interventions. And now, the American College of Pediatricians — a strongly pro-vaccine group — is sounding the alarm over the toxicity of Gardasil.

Gardail vaccines could be “associated with the very rare but serious condition of premature ovarian failure (POF),” says the ACP on its website.

Furthermore, none of the junk science “safety” studies touted by the vaccine industry ever tracked post-vaccination outcomes regarding ovarian health. “[L]ong-term ovarian function was not assessed in either the original rat safety studies or in the human vaccine trials,” explains the ACP. Even more, because doctors are so aggressively propagandized by the cash-rich vaccine industry, they don’t even realize that HPV vaccines can cause ovarian failure. “Most primary care physicians are probably unaware of a possible association between HPV and POF and may not consider reporting POF cases or prolonged amenorrhea (missing menstrual periods) to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS),” says the ACP.

Aluminum and polysorbate 80 are both linked to toxic vaccine effects

One of the crimes against children that’s carried out by the vaccine industry is the ongoing use of chemical adjuvants in vaccines. These toxic chemicals include aluminum, monosodium glutamate and polysorbate 80, and they are intentionally added to vaccines in a misguided effort to try to make the vaccines produce an inflammatory response in vaccine victims.

But these same toxic chemicals may also cause, in some children, extreme neurological inflammatory responses that lead to precisely the kind of permanent damage that gets diagnosed as Autism Spectrum Disorder (among other neurological side effects). If society routinely injects poisons into children, we should not be surprised when some percentage of those children are damaged by those poisons.

As the American College of Pediatricians explains:

[P]otential mechanisms of action have been postulated based on autoimmune associations with the aluminum adjuvant used and previously documented ovarian toxicity in rats from another component, polysorbate 80.

In other words, the science already knows about the mechanisms of potential harm caused by these ingredients. It’s not a mystery, and it’s not even debatable that injecting children with aluminum, mercury (i.e. flu shots in California), MSG, formaldehyde and polysorbate 80 will inevitably cause severe damage in some of those children.

When I tested flu shots in my laboratory via ICP-MS instrumentation, I found them to contain 25,000 times more mercury than the legal limit of mercury in the water supply.

This is why some children are so severely damaged by vaccines that they suffer permanent brain damage. Recently, the UK government paid out $90 million financial compensation to families whose children were severely damaged by the swine flu vaccine. (In the United States, vaccine makers have absolute legal immunity and cannot be sued in the customary courts.)

If you’re still not aware that all these ingredients continue to be used in vaccines in America, the CDC has already admitted they’re all routinely used in vaccines. This is not some hypothesized conspiracy theory; it’s an open admission by the CDC and the vaccine industry.

Shocking 88% of ovarian failure incidents have been attributed to Gardasil

According to the American College of Pediatricians, 88% of adverse event reports involving ovarian failure have been associated with just one vaccine: Gardasil.

“[S]ince licensure of Gardasil in 2006, there have been about 213 VAERS reports (per the publicly available CDC WONDER VAERS database) involving amenorrhea, POF or premature menopause, 88% of which have been associated with Gardasil.”

Keep in mind that because doctors don’t even realize Gardasil can cause ovarian failure, the vast majority of ovarian failure cases are never reported to the CDC VAERS database. It is feasible that the real number of ovarian failure cases caused by Gardasil might be up to 100 times the reported number, or as many as 20,000 cases across America in the last decade.

Vaccine science fraud: “Placebo” trials used polysorbate 80 and aluminum to hide the toxic side effects

As Natural News readers know very well, virtually every bit of “science” carried out by the vaccine industry is fraudulent science. Gardasil trials were no different: they put aluminum and polysorbate 80 into the placebo injections, making sure that both the placebo group and the treatment group experienced the same number of toxic side effects, thereby cancelling each other out. From this, fraudulent researchers can proclaim the clinical trials showed Gardasil to be “safe” while causing “no increase in adverse effects.”

“Pre-licensure safety trials for Gardasil used placebo that contained polysorbate 80 as well as aluminum adjuvant,” says the ACP. And that’s not an accident. It was done by design to conceal the harm caused by those ingredients.

Note carefully that the vaccine industry never conducts legitimate science that compares, for example, the injected of aluminum and polysorbate 80 vs. injections of nothing but saline solution. If that trial were carried out, it would reveal the serious, long-term toxicity caused by aluminum and polysorbate 80 (not to mention mercury, MSG, formaldehyde and other toxic ingredients that are deliberately added to vaccines).

“Therefore, if such ingredients could cause ovarian dysfunction, an increase in amenorrhea probably would not have been detected in the placebo controlled trials,” explains the ACP. And they’re correct.

But the design of those trials wasn’t an accident. The vaccine industry routinely and systematically designs its clinical trials to conceal the evidence of harm caused by vaccines.

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