Book Review: Saucers, Swatstikas And Psyops – A History Of A Breakaway Civilization: Hidden Aerospace Technologies & Psychological Operations by Dr. Joseph P. Farrell | #SmartReads

TheBreakaway | BreakawayConciousness
Zy Marquiez
July 27, 2017

Saucers, Swatstikas And Psyops – A History Of A Breakaway Civilization: Hidden Aerospace Technologies And Psychological Operations by Dr. Joseph P. Farrell is a phenomenal introduction into his analysis of the breakaway civilization.

In this introductory book to his breakaway civilization trilogy, Dr. Farrell seeks to shed light into the murky and malicious mechanism that has brought about arguably the first modern breakaway civilization: The Nazis.

As Dr. Farrell himself notes, nigh nobody has taken a gander at the field of studying Breakaway Civilizations, except for a handful of individuals.  Those individuals are Carroll Quigley and Richard Dolan.  Be that as it may, Dr. Farrell’s point in creating this book is not to overthrow the works of those two prior authors, but to supplement them with a fresh new set of eyes that attempts to look at the broader picture (as well as implications) and ascertain what other threads of data might lie unknown but still remain crucial to this topic.

Moreover, Dr. Farrell intriguingly touches upon how the Nazi UFO mythos came to light, which is actually quite an illuminating examination since it ties into other nefarious dealings, considering who publically manifested the meme. Another component pondered at lengths are psychological operations (psy-ops), since they feature prominently in understanding the totality of the breakaway phenomenon and how UFO’s serve as a perfect cover for it.

Essentially, what Dr. Farrell seeks to do, and argues quite well for, is bring about a prima facie case for the very existence of a Breakaway Civilization, its structure, how its remained in power for so long, and many of its underlying tentacles, one intriguing one being the topic of psy-ops.

Hearkening back to psychological operations, Dr. Farrell takes an intriguing route, not oft-considered, and instead of analyzing the George ADamnski case for its extraterrestrial implications, he analyzes it for its implications as a psy-op.  This is crucial, because it helps lay the foundation for much of what takes place within UFOlogy and how the consideration of anything other than the ET-hypothesis for our advanced technologies is looked at askance, even though evidence keeps mounting that both hypothesis are plausible, and should be considered equally.  In respect to Adamski, Farrell also breaks down not only inconsistencies within the account, but also other overlooked data sets that could imply more nefarious components therein.

Perception management and social engineering are also given a keen glance, which is vital since by the very nature of the technologies, those behind some of the UFOs could employ the technology to manipulate the views of the populace on a mass scale.  This, of course would mean that very notion of UFOs could be used to carry out psychological operations of all types on an unsuspecting public.  The analysis is quite intriguing because it gives a new fresh set of eyes to view much of what has happened in the UFOlogy community and with contactees.

Another intriguing point in the book is Dr. Farrell’s analysis of the provocative and enduring statements made by former chief of Lockheed’s Skunk Work’s’ division, Ben Rich.  The implications of this part alone are rather staggering.  A fair glance is also given to the suppression of Tesla’s work, Project Skyvault, Project Winterhaven, Torsion Physics, and more.

The book also features a table of contents that is extremely informative, while also containing a rather useful bibliography for researchers that wish to follow up the information further.

Dr. Farrell rounds out the book with a salient gander at the financial, geographic and historical components of the breakaway civilization.  These areas of research serve as the cornerstone upon which to cement all previous commentaries and analysis throughout the book as it gives extensive evidence for the capability of such a civilization to exist, as well as the implications thereof.   The disturbing connections of the Nazis and radical Islam, and how those take part in psychological operations is also given a look, since it bears much importance in our current paradigm and that of radical Islam.  More importantly, Dr. Farrell also touches upon the disturbing Nazi plan to come back after the war.  For more on this please read Dr. Farrell’s The Third Way – The Nazi International, European Union & Corporate Fascism, which is a phenomenal read in its entirety and serves to explain much of what is also currently taking place in the world.

To those that might think its ludicrous that the Nazi’s even contemplated ‘coming back’ from the war, the author cites another reliable source to show that this was in fact the case:

“Captured Nazi documents reveal they had a comeback plan.  Their plan to regain power after the war revolved around using their friends and fascist sympathizers in other countries – particularly in the United States – to do their bidding while rebuilding Germany.  These documents note that, as late as 1944, the Nazis were hoping for a Republican victory in the presidential election because they would get an easier peace.  The second part of their plan aimed at provoking a war between the U.S. and Soviet Union would allow the Nazis to retake power in Germany without U.S. intervention.”

Farrell also notes another separate sourced document that goes on to state that the Nazis had to continue carrying out their plans underground.[2]

In its mind-bending totality, Saucers, Swatstikas And Psyops is a book pregnant with implications that will undoubtedly become more and more apparent with time.  This exposition by Dr. Farrell outlining the foundation for the breakaway civilization, its psychological operations, and the historical details certainly sets the stage for further areas of research.

One great aspect of the book, is that Saucers, Swatstikas And Psyops is chock-full of sources and footnotes, which allow the reader not only a chance to verify and also follow up research, but also shows the seriousness of Dr. Farrell’s work.

For those seeking further information bout the Nazi’s Postwar plan, please read Dr. Farrell’s, please read The ThirdWay – The Nazi International, European Union & Corporate Fascism.  And for those seeking information about the Breakaway Civilizations please read the second and third book in Dr. Farrell’s trilogy:

Covert Wars & Breakaway Civilizations – The Secret Space Program, Celestial Psyops & Hidden Conflicts
Covert Wars & Clash Of Civilizations – UFOs, Oligarchs & Space Secrecy

[1] Dr. Joseph P. Farrell Ph.D., Glen Yeadon & John Hawkins, The Nazi Hydra In America: The Suppressed History Of A Century, p.23., cited in Saucers, Swastikas & Psyops, p. 109.]
[2] Dr. Joseph P. Farrell Ph.D., Saucers, Swastikas & Psyops, p. 113.
If you find value in this information, please share it.  This article is free and open source.  All individuals have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to Zy Marquiez and
About The Author:

Zy Marquiez is an avid book reviewer, inquirer, an open-minded skeptic, yogi, and freelance writer who aims at empowering individuals while also studying and regularly mirroring subjects like Consciousness, Education, Creativity, The Individual, Ancient History & Ancient Civilizations, Forbidden Archaeology, Big Pharma, Alternative Health, Space, Geoengineering, Social Engineering, Propaganda, and much more.

His other blog, features mainly his personal work, while serves as a media portal which mirrors vital information nigh always ignored by mainstream press, but still highly crucial to our individual understanding of various facets of the world

Catherine Austin Fitts – Breakaway Truth – A Tale Of Two Civilizations – DarkJournalist

Source: DarkJournalist
June 19, 2017

The Deep Interview

In this exciting special episode, Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt welcomes back Former Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Catherine Austin Fitts. Catherine is the President of The Solari Report, a quarterly journal and website that integrates economic trends with a larger geopolitical picture.

Ascent of the Black Budget Underworld

Catherine sees the forces vying for power in the 21st century as a combination of Black Budget underworld with its covert influence in drug running, money laundering and high finance, and the robotic, transhumanist corporate culture that is attempting to create a new kind of digital slavery.

In either case, the public civilization is only vaguely aware of the impact of these forces on their daily lives. In everyday living in modern society, an average person doesn’t often get the opportunity to see the massive plan being brought to bear for the global dominance of a worldwide smartgrid capable of cataloging every person according to its harvesting algorithm.

Book Review: A.D. After Disclosure by Richard Dolan & Bryce Zabel | #SmartReads

TheBreakaway | BreakawayConciousness
Zy Marquiez
May 17, 2017

A.D. After Disclosure – When The Government Finally Reveals The Truth About Alien Contact by Richard Dolan & Bryce Zabel is a book for tomorrow, a book for the future.  A.D. is a book that seeks to investigate the possible outcomes of what the nascent stages of a post-disclosure will look like.

The book is based on the following premise:

“Most people now reject the theory that all sightings can be explained away as weather balloons, swamp gas, flares, ball lighting, or mass hallucination.  Instead, they have settled on one conclusion:  Some UFOs appear to be intelligently controlled physical craft of some kind from some place that is not here.”[1]

With that premise firmly established, Dolan  & Zabel seek to answer the following questions:  Whenever secrecy on UFOs and alien contact ends, what will take place?  How will the world, and governments, react?  How will commerce, business, religions, et al, all react?

Countless scenarios and implications abound, and that is why a book like this was not only needed, but carried out.  Now, in attempt to prepare the world for what could ensue post-disclosure, the authors leave no stone unturned in the ramifications that will follow ‘the day’.  Sifting through everything from the possible events beginning in the initial day and forward, the authors bring about rather sensible and grounded speculations on what that process will be like.

Going back in time a bit, the authors also seek to reconstruct  how entire secrecy structure began, how it remains in place, and what the cover-up looks like.  From there, points for, and points against disclosure are analyzed by the authors as they attempt to engineer the mentality that those pulling the strings have on this trenchant issue.  Covered also are moments in UFOlogy where it seemed like truth waves might have been made, and possible disclosure could have ensued, but ultimately failed.  Thankfully, the book doesn’t just stop there.

More importantly, also ruminated upon are the who ‘they’ are, and the how.  Additionally, the Breakaway Civilization is examined in a couple of instances, as they are in large part somewhat responsible for this searing secrecy that’s taken place since the late 40’s and early 50’s.

The blaring blowback that’ll take place post-disclosure is covered from nigh every angle.  Everything from panic, fear, truth commissions, changes in the energy paradigm, legal issues, media, economics, psychology, pop culture, and more, are all given at least a cursory glance as to how they might integrate into the whole avalanche of issues that will develop.

One salient component examined is also the CIA and the mainstream media’s role in making sure true investigations and news doesn’t break to the masses.  Of course, this shouldn’t be surprising since the mainstream media has been in bed with the CIA, as per Operation Mockingbird.

The authors note that:

“Some of this information came out during the 1970s, when the CIA admitted to having paid relationships with more than 400 mainstream American journalists.  Consider the possibilities available to any person or group covertly employing 400 journalists.  Although the CIA claimed it ended such relationships, it tacitly acknowledged the need to cultivate them in cases of national security…Former CIA Chief William Colby, a cold man who made his mark during the murderous Project Phoenix, who rose to the top of the Agency during the 1970s, and whose life ended in a boating “accident” on Potomac in 1995, once told a confident that every major media was covered by the long reach of the CIA.”[2]

Such are some of the reasons why this information has never been given a fair shot.  Of course, denial and ridicule became the M.O. du jour of the establishment of anybody that even dared question the subject of UFOs and anything paranormal.

After Disclosure also covers what type of political instability will ensue post-disclosure given how governments all over the world will be facing the wrath of the populace for having covered up such a subject up for decades.  The fury won’t stop there, however.  Academicians who didn’t take the subject seriously and even ridiculed people, as well as psychologists who didn’t take individuals allegations of disturbing incidents will also have to contend with an angry populace once the truth comes out full throttle.

Whenever the day comes, an endless tsunami of questions that will result.  Especially given how very solid evidence has been declassified in the past shows the US Government is taking this situation very seriously, and has for decades.  Some of these include: 1949 FBI Memo, the 1954 Maxwell AFB Emergency Report, the 1947 Twining Memo, the 1966 Intrusion at Minot Air Force Base, the 1976 Tehran Encounter, the 1967 Malmstrom AFB Incident, and many more documents.  These are all public record.

As individuals can gather, this subject, regarding whomever is behind the phenomena, is being taken extremely serious, as it should.  The problem of the public is being told one thing, while behind the scenes something more ominous is manifesting.

That said, this book really extends the breadth and scope of the analysis of a post-disclosure world in salient ways.   It is a book that should be regarded seriously, just as the rest of Dolan’s work, if for no other reason than there is immense growing evidence that keeps suggesting something is amiss.  The odds that “nothing” is taking place keeps gravitating to zero with every new account from a reliable witness that comes forth. The world has no reason to think this is ever going to stop.  At least not anytime soon.

As humanity seeps again into space in the coming decades, more and more strange events will happen.  In fact, we can already see how much NASA loves to whitewash documents and talk nonsense once anything of note happens.   NASA will surely have to answer for a lot, especially if what individuals like Donna Hare, who was a former Disclosure Project witness, says is true.”

As Dolan notes in his Secret Space Program & Breakaway Civilization book:

“She had a secret clearance during the early 1970s for NASA subcontractor Philco Ford, and was shown a satellite image of a distinct UFO.  It was explained to her that this technician’s job was to airbrush any evidence of UFOs out of photographs for NASA before they were made public.  She also learned from other employees at the Johnson Space Center that some of the astronauts had seen extraterrestrial craft on the Moon. This was in the 1970s, after the moon landings had taken place.  In Hare’s words, “I believe there were three such craft on the Moon when they landed.”[3]

With such evidence amassing, the more complex this charged subject becomes.  Be that as it may, we mustn’t pretend that the comptrollers will just disclose for no reason.  As the authors state, their hand will have to be forced somehow.  There is no ‘right’ time.  But when it happens, be prepared.  But have no fear.

Sometime in the future, the day will come that some government will have to admit the truth in respects to extraterrestrial life being factual.  Whenever that day comes, hysteria, panic, and speculation will fill the airwaves of all media on the planet.  When that happens, do you want to know what to expect, or not?  If you do, get this book.  That way, whenever whatever incident takes place happens, you will at least be ahead of the curve, and prepared for some of the probable circumstances that will follow.  This is NOT said to cause fear, but to bring awareness of an issue that will change mankind forever.

More than anything, this book is a call to action, for everyone who has ever taken this subject seriously, or who has thought about it at length.  The transformation that will take place of the planet [culturally, geopolitically, psychologically, emotionally, etc.] is something that should be thoroughly ruminated upon and discussed at length, even if it goes beyond people’s comfort zones.

Whenever a paradigm shift is about to take place, most individuals can’t see, or come to terms with what’s about to happen.  Thankfully, according to some polls most people believe in life out there, so a massive paradigm shift of ‘life out there’ should come as no surprise to many.  Still, though, if humanity is to be a responsible race, and transition into the Space Age that is to come in the coming decades, it has to take subjects such as this seriously.  This book helps greatly in that effort, because all the evidence points to humans not being alone.

If you’ve ever had a curious bone in your body about this subject, ruminate deeply upon getting this book.  It really does provide the firmest ground upon which an individual may stand in such a tumultuous subject.  The sooner individuals prepare for what’s the come, the easier the transition will be.


[1] Richard Dolan & Bryce Zabel, A.D. After Disclosure – When The Government Finally Reveals The Truth About Alien Contact, pp. 17-18.
[2] Ibid., p. 57.
[3] Richard Dolan, The Secret Space Program & Breakaway Civilization, pp. 13-14.

This article is free and open source.  All individuals are encouraged to share this content and have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to Zy Marquiez and
About The Author:

Zy Marquiez is an avid book reviewer, researcher, an open-minded skeptic, yogi, humanitarian, and freelance writer who studies and mirrors regularly subjects like Consciousness, Education, Creativity, The Individual, Ancient History & Ancient Civilizations, Forbidden Archaeology, Big Pharma, Alternative Health, Space, Geoengineering, Social Engineering, Propaganda, and much more.

His other blog, features mainly his personal work, while serves as a media portal which mirrors vital information nigh always ignored by mainstream press, but still highly crucial to our individual understanding of various facets of the world.

Book Review: UFOs For The 21st Century Mind by Richard Dolan

TheBreakaway | BreakawayConciousness
Zy Marquiez
April 4, 2017

In UFOs & The National Security State: Chronology Of A Cover-up – Volume 1, Richard Dolan carried out his opening salvo into the field of UFOlogy.  Seeking a veritable encyclopedia  of verifiable UFO sightings and never finding one, Dolan wrote a book based upon all data he collated from all the previous research he had undertaken.  In essence, he wrote the book he was looking for in UFOlogy, but wasn’t available.

In UFO’s & The National Security State – Volume 2, Dolan further cemented himself as a genuine historian by buttressing his previous work with another landmark piece.  Like his other books, this book is sourced to the hilt, which is appreciated for those seeking to venture further into the abstruse.  Moreover, this book is also the book in which the term “Breakaway Civilization” was coined.  A notable point to be sure, because that idea has been used by others seeking truth within this field and others, and it’s helped shed light into darker areas in this field.  What’s more, the ‘encyclopedia’ that Dolan began in volume one continued.

Thence, in A.D. After Disclosure, Dolan and his author Bryce Zabel sought to examine how the day after “the Others” are announced might play out, and they carry out the examination in salient fashion.  This book features a very sober analysis to many of the probable scenarios that will play out in a post-disclosure worked.  Anyone seeking to understand the possibilities such a sobering day will bring should ruminate upon getting this book.

Now, in UFOs For The 21st Century Mind, Dolan wrote a book to grapple the mind of newer generations and readers, the unexposed minds, the interested minds that have long sought to dive into “the phenomenon” but didn’t know where to start.

Along this stream of thought, this book strikingly brings about a fresh new look at UFOs, with modern eyes, employing a much broader perspective and dataset than the average UFO book.  Dolan doesn’t simply stick to classic sightings, abductions and declassified documents, but goes beyond to ruminate upon the realm of consciousness, quantum entanglement and more.  This book really is an up-to-date assessment of the situation from a multiplicity of angles.

Dolan begins the book by examining what UFOs could be by guiding the reader closer to the subject thoughtful and yet trenchant manner.  This helps the reader familiarize themselves with the subject and come to realize that there are a variety of explanations for UFO phenomena, many of which do not get considered   at length, if at all.  Additionally, this is also crucial because many individuals still continue to experience the phenomena in a variety of ways, and yet there aren’t any official channels to seek help from.

In Dolan’s own words:

“Whether or not you consider UFOs to be nonsense or of great importance, people are seeing things that are affecting them deeply.  Because there are no institutional structures for them to report or discuss what they see, they often keep silent, and try to forget or only secretly cherish one of the most incredible experiences of their lives.”[1]

Dolan, however, doesn’t shy away from the fact that this is a very serious issue.  While ruminating deeply upon it, he ponders reasons both pro and con that will help bring lucidity to a situation often bathed in shadows.  In fact, implications in the fields of economy, politics, religion, culture and science are given a cursory overview early on, and then are covered at length later in the book.  Dolan doesn’t merely stop there, though.

Journeying back in time, Dolan goes on to explore this phenomenon all the way back into ancient times and attempts to separate the wheat from the chaff.  This is important because it shows UFOs aren’t merely a modern phenomena.   In addition, salient subjects such as pyramids, lost civilizations, and ancient images goes to show that there probably is more than meets the eye within this field.

Interestingly, we know that some pyramids contain astronomical data.  This is particularly interesting because when this information is taken in conjunction with much of the lore and myths that abound those structures, and the fact that there’s hundreds of pyramids around the globe, and the fact that many of the core of the myths echoes nigh carbon copy traditions,  it should bring one pause.  Granted, it’s not proof, but very suggestive evidence nonetheless.

What’s more, some ancient writings seem to have what could be descriptions of ancient technology, such as the passage from Ezekiel, from the Bible, which Josef Blumrich, former NASA employee, sought to debunk.

Ironically, in the book The Spaceships of Ezekiel:

“Blumrich presented technical specifications of the spacecraft that he argued, fit Ezekiel’s description perfectly.  Of course, we should remember that Ezekiel presumably was describing something well beyond his experience for his time 2,500 years ago.  If he did see a descending spacecraft, he would have lacked the language or technological understanding to describe it in any way other than he did.”[2]

Later in the book, Dolan brings the reader up to more modern times when he examines a distinct array of sightings  and issues from the time.  These include ghost rockets, the Airship mysteries, which are rather fascinating in fact, the Minot case, the Malmstrom case, airspace violations and more.  Subsequent to that that, Dolan grapples with the issue of pervasive secrecy which he ruminates upon at length, and all that that entailed.  Many of the classics – Kecksburg, Aztec, Roswell – are also given a cursory glance.

But it doesn’t stop there.  Other significant incidents of “High Strangeness” get examined, such as some famous sightings around the globe, encounters with these beings, abductions [i.e. Travis Walton & Betty & Barney Hill] and even some crash retrievals.  All of this coalesces to allow the reader to note that there’s more than ample evidence to show that the phenomena not only existed for many decades, but was taken extremely seriously by those in the upper echelons of society.

Dolan also makes sure to hone in on quite of few aspects of the early period within UFOlogy’s history.  Here he covers everything from the blatant cover that took place behind the scenes, FOIA requests, the penetration of UFO groups by intelligence agencies and even touches upon the need for more people to get involved in a more serious manner.

This call to arms isn’t to be taken lightly because, as Dolan intimates:

“…a proper study of UFOs is a revolutionary experience.  It shatters old belief systems and forces us to look at our world in a completely new way.  Everything is affected: history, politics, economics, science, religion, culture, and our ultimate vision of who and what we are as human beings.”[3]

This subject seeps into all aspects of life, which is why it should be taken seriously.  When all collated information Dolan has amassed is pondered at length and given a fair shot, it is impossible not see something is going on.  Deeper truths lie locked-up within the rabbit holes of the field.  Undoubtedly, whenever some of these truths arise they will change the face of the world over night.  Those that are researching this field will be ahead of the pack in understanding the phenomenon and much of the disinformation that will also come regarding it, in the future.  That is another point to consider why this book should be read.

This subject is too important to overlook, and if humanity is ever going to prepare itself to live in a post-disclosure era, it is important to know the history of this subject and its implications.  If you’ve never read a book on this subject in your life, make this your first one.  You will not regret it.  As someone whose read over three dozen books on the subject, nothing else comes close to be this comprehensive while also being sober and realistic. Simply stated, if you want a book that is accessible to lay person, but also stimulating enough to get your brain cells churning, get this book.


[1] Richard Dolan, UFOs For The 21st Century Mind, p. 9
[2] Ibid., p. 55.
[3] Ibid., p. 2.

This article is free and open source. You are encouraged and have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to Zy Marquiez and
About The Author:

Zy Marquiez is an avid book reviewer, researcher, an open-minded skeptic, yogi, humanitarian, and freelance writer who studies and mirrors regularly subjects like Consciousness, Education, Creativity, The Individual, Ancient History & Ancient Civilizations, Forbidden Archaeology, Big Pharma, Alternative Health, Space, Geoengineering, Social Engineering, Propaganda, and much more.

His own personal blog is where his personal work is shared, while serves as a media portal which mirrors vital information usually ignored by mainstream press, but still highly crucial to our individual understanding of various facets of the world.

Dr. Joseph Farrell PhD – Pyramid Research, Babylonian Banksters, Alchemy of Money, Breakaway Civilizations, Secret Space Wars & More

Source: Deeana Aretha
January 20, 2017

Book Review: The Secret Space Program & Breakaway Civilization by Richard Dolan

Zy Marquiez
January 9, 2017

For those that don’t know, Richard Dolan is a scholar, historian, and renown researcher within the field of alternative research.

Dolan’s research has been integral in bringing in a new fresh point of view within the field of UFOlogy and this works exemplifies this rather trenchantly.

The Secret Space Program & Breakaway Civilization by Richard Dolan mirrors incisively the rest of his works quite well, although in a much more shortened manner given the length of the book.

Having coined the term “Breakaway Civilization” in his UFOs & The National Security State series, Dolan follows up with this booklet, which is a salient synopsis of the presentation he gave in San Mateo, CA in 2014 at the Secret Space Program & Breakaway Civilization Conference.

Admittedly, if you have seen that particular presentation of Dolan on youtube, then this will be nothing new.  However, if you are new to the subject, or want to have a written reference for what Dolan discussed in his presentation, then this book is certainly for you.

Dolan begins discusses UFO reports/statistics and the ongoing phenomena.  Thereafter, the author discusses the fascinating story of Ingo Swann and his remote viewing prowess.  Swann’s findings and experience definitely lend a thread of credibility that makes the reader aghast at the possibilities.  The fact that remote viewing experimentations were taking place decades ago shows how vital this type of discipline was to reconnaissance and more.

Discussed soon after are Karl Wolfe’s testimony, which he shared during the Disclosure Project, Donna Hare’s testimony regarding having to airbrush any evidence of UFOs as well as the story of Vito Saccheri.

Throughout the book Dolan homes in on the implications of the SSP & Breakaway Civilization at various stages and how these interweave with our reality in many ways.  This is appreciated given how many new folks will be reading this particular subject, and to have this subject analyzed and spoken about in a methodical, no-nonsense but in-depth and open-minded way is definitely refreshing.

Another data point delved into is Leonard Stringfield’s finding of “the crash retrieval syndrome” coupled with some cases which are highly provocative to say the least.

Also noted within the book is Dolan’s gander at what journalist James Goodall was told, which regarded highly advanced technologies stationed at the Nevada desert at the time.

Most notably, Dolan makes sure to harpoon many of the deeper implications that the subjects of Secret Space Programs and Breakaway Civilizations entail, as well as why it’s vital for the SSP & Breakaway Complex to maintain control of the subject and more importantly, the sciences.

Dolan also gives a glance at the ever illusive paradox of disclosure, while also giving light to some of the more notable renderings that relate to footage of UFOs, such as the STS 114 footage.

Soon thereafter, the author gives what he sees as the most likely scenario of the topic at hand, while also giving a cursory glance to the possible goals of the handlers.

Finally, Dolan gives his take on what individuals can do to detach from the control system and help bring about change in this discipline as well as others.

In its totality, the book not only gives individuals a hardcopy of one of Richard Dolan’s best presentations, but it’s also a different way of assimilating information.   Different people learn in different ways, and having this type of media for people to learn is highly helpful for those that appreciate tangible books like myself.

This book, or perhaps most notably, the idea of a Breakaway Civilization and  Secret Space Program certainly helps put many seemingly disparate pieces come together in a way that helps shed light onto the darkness that abounds.  And in that, this book certainly shines.

Having said that, we need cognize that how the world looks a century from now will be proportional to how individuals decide to live their lives in relation to this topic and others.  If individuals so choose to educate themselves becoming autodidacts, and also incite others into actions such as Richard Dolan has and continues to do, then the world will in fact begin to change accordingly.

Book Review: The Ascension Mysteries by David Wilcock

Zy Marquiez
December 7, 2016

The Ascension Mysteries by David Wilcock is an interesting dissertation into the possibilities that the Universe may yield in the future.  Wilcock’s foray into the fiercely phenomenal is an unbounded approach into what he believes wholeheartedly to be taking place in the world at this time.

The book features a collation of data points, some of which come from verifiable sources, and some of which come from alleged whistleblowers, that merges in its core into what Wilcock has repeatedly called the ascension process.

Incidentally, the first half of the book felt more like having a salad, and the second part of the book was where the meat and potatoes was at.   As a connoisseur of data, the second part was far more interesting than the first, and am definitely highly appreciative of the countless sources Wilcock uses where applicable.

As a forewarning, some chapter titles – mostly particularly in the first half of the book – are a bit of a misnomer because they make the chapters seem like they were going to be vastly more interesting than they actually were.  This is coming from someone who knows how interesting Wilcock’s work has been in the past.  The subject matters within the first half of the book often went in personal directions, which in a sense was a bit of a letdown considering the possibilities the chapter’s name featured.  That’s a subjective point of view, so your mileage may vary.

In the nascent stage of The Ascension Mysteries, the author begins questioning much of what we’ve been taught in public schooling, which quite admittedly not only paints history in a different light, but is downright obscure when one delves deeply into that matter.

In any case, Wilcock proceeds to lay the foundation for his work with an analysis of the structure of the Universe, which he has termed “The Source Field”.  He uses references such as the work of Dr. Hans Jenny and Dr. Luc Montagnier to buttress this theory.

The author follows up touching lightly upon Disclosure Project which took place in 2001 and featured reputable people that claim to have access to data considering UFOs and cover ups that would boggle the mind and these individuals were also willing to testify before congress.

Thereafter, saliently noted by the author are the myriad issues we as a society face with the constant bombardment of what the Cabal wishes to infuse the populace regarding Illuminati Symbolism in pop culture & media, while also venturing into his personal background into relation to how he grew to find this information.

Noted within the confines of the book are also references to Carlos Castaneda and how his findings dovetail with alternative realities.  Wilcock also notes how his dreams helped lay the foundation of much of what he knows while also how Big Pharma played a roll into the health deterioration of his mother.  The author gives mention to the many instances of personal synchronicities that took place in his life.

From there the author speaks at length about personnel events that revolve around ESP, and how that has helped manifest much of what we know of regarding his work today.  In fact, a great portion of the first half of the book is interweaved with personal anecdotes regarding the journey that he has gone through.

Noted also by the author is his delving into LSD as well as his foray into Lucid Dreaming travels spawned in large part by the work of Dr. Stephen LaBerge’s PhD Lucid Dreaming book.  With this, Wilcock gives us how those two events also played a roll into his understanding of reality as he saw it at the time and as he sees it now.

Promptly soon after, the author then touches upon NASA and many of the issues regarding the information they have covered up at the time, and some of which they still cover up today.  Mentioned with the factors of NASA’s duplicitious dealings are whistleblower testimony from personnel who were privy to information about Moon missions and such, which definitely leave the reader knowing something is amyss within the halls of NASA.

Covering the work of Maurice Chatelain, who was the director of communications for the Apollo missions, Wilcock also shows how his findings of the “Constant of Nineveh” couple into the book.   Wilcock also covers how the Constant of Nineveh interweaves into the Solar system, how precession helps bring ascension about, and how ancient history is littered with references to a possible ascension according to his understanding.

Curiously, Wilcock makes mention of the Breakaway Civilization, but he never mentions that it was Richard Dolan who coined the term in his magnum opus series UFOs & The National Security State.  Given how much Wilcock talks about Secret Space Programs, you would figure he would give a proper nod to the idea’s creator, since it couples perfectly with Secret Space Program, especially since he’s one of the most credible in UFOlogy.

Be that as it may, Wilcock then sets his cross hairs on NASA by giving it a much more in-depth look later in the book that covers a much more thorough approach than earlier on.

Other notable topics include stargates, Ancient Civilizations, moon bases, moon anomalies across the solar system, unofficial disclosure, underground bases, insider testimony, the fight against the cabal, and much more.

One of the strongest strengths of the book is also its greatest weakness some will argue, and that is his heavy reliability on insider testimony.  Knowing this, it’s definitely an area to keep note of.  Some aspects of the book are much stronger than others, but the totality of data points sets the stage for possibilities in intricate ways.

Secondly, the main ‘con’ of the book – as mentioned previously – is that a lot of the first half of the book is filled with personal info that could have been summarized a lot more efficiently and not so verbose, thus allowing for the book to have even more tangible information.  While the information Wilcock provides regarding his family and his past is important to understand all the early process in relation to Wilcock’s background, he could have just stacked more evidence for himself instead.

Ironically, a great part of the book felt like reading a journal.  That’s okay, since it’s part of Wilcock’s approach but given the topic at hand it would have been nice for his book to be structured in a way that was as ironclad as possible rather than overly anecdotal in a few areas.  That’s just an opinion though.  Given that Wilcock features many references where applicable, some would argue that he’s already given us ample evidence for his many arguments.

Whether or not people agree with Wilcock’s thesis of ascension is up to them.  With all the evidence he provides where applicable, it at least gives people something to ponder about regarding the many topics covered and their inherent implications.

Chinese Plans For A Lunar Radar Station

Dr. Joseph P. Farrell
September 8, 2016

A few days ago I blogged about Russia’s space and defense chief, Dmitri Rogozin, wanting a Russian lunar base. Prior to that, you’ll recall, I blogged about a Japanese architectural firm’s plans to turn the Moon into a giant solar power base, beaming microwave energy back to Earth (see JAPAN WANTS MICROWAVE SELENOSOLAR POWER PLANTS ON THE MOON). Recall from that article that I offered the opinion that the real goal here was military, and to turn the Moon into a giant weapon:

 “Readers of my book Covert Wars and Breakaway Civilizations will recall that I mentioned an unusual project cooked up – pun intended – in 1968 by the insane American military-industrial-intelligence-finance-apocalypse complex. The “project” called for a system of “microwave energy satellites” that would capture the Sun’s energy and beam it back to the Earth. There was just one teensy tiny problem. The microwaves thus beamed to Earth would have to be collected by antennas at sites that would each generate five gigawatts of electricity. Each of these stations would occupy 145 square kilometers of land, and would not allow anything – human or otherwise – to live there. The sites would be constantly cooked in a huge microwave.(See my Covert Wars and Breakaway Civilizations, p. 244). That was the 1968 plan. Now the Japanese plan, you’ll note, is considerably bigger:

“Shimizu, a Japanese architectural and engineering firm, has a solution for the climate crisis: Simply build a band of solar panels 400 kilometers (249 miles) wide (pdf) running all the way around the Moon’s 11,000-kilometer (6,835 mile) equator and beam the carbon-free energy back to Earth in the form of microwaves, which are converted into electricity at ground stations.”

We know of the Japanese -Chinese rivalry over the islands in the Pacific, but perhaps there is a bigger story, one involving long-range plans involving the militarization of the Moon:

A Chinese ‘Death Star’ Moon Base?

The Chinese plan is much more explicit than the Japanese one:

“An English-language outlet of the The China Times Group, the Want China Times cites the Beijing Times, affiliated with the People’s Daily, the source of the original report.

“The shocking headline PLA dreams of turning moon into Death Star, says expert, cites that “experts in China” are trying to determine how the moon “Can be transformed into a deadly weapon. Like the Death Star in Star Wars, the moon could hypothetically be used as a military battle station and ballistic missiles could be launched against any military target on Earth.”

“The article continues that, ‘Various weapons testing sites could also be established on the moon,” citing that the Long March-3B rocket launch is merely the start of “a more ambitious program’ to this ‘Death Star’ end.

“Western media has been largely silent on these claims, in part perhaps because there is some question of the legality of using the moon for such purposes. There are thus more unanswered questions than answers at this time.”

The “Death Star” meme is being openly pushed by China, and they can hardly have missed the military implications of the Japanese proposal; forget about the rockets and such, folks. Why use rockets and h-bombs when microwaves are faster, cheaper, and much more efficient?

So look what we have: in the past few weeks, Japan, China, and Russia have all announced long range plans for the militarization of the Moon. The the question is, are we looking at competition, or something more subtle, a cooperation and the beginning of a campaign to accustom people on planet Earth to the idea that, when they look up at the full moon, they’re looking at something bristling with weapons, and that has perhaps been itself transformed, ala the Japanese proposal, into a giant weapon.

The real question is, Why? Such an expensive monstrosity would be far beyond…

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Profile photo of Joseph P. Farrell
Joseph P. Farrell has a doctorate in patristics from the University of Oxford, and pursues research in physics, alternative history and science, and “strange stuff”. His book The Giza DeathStar, for which the Giza Community is named, was published in the spring of 2002, and was his first venture into “alternative history and science”.