US Presidents Can Grant Immunity To Snooping Spies

Sharyl Attkisson reports on methods of covert surveillance

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By: Jon Rappoport
April 16, 2017

Government agents can’t legally spy on a US citizen? Do the spying in a ship outside the three-mile limit, in international waters.

This is just one way of skirting the law.

Sharyl Attkisson, former CBS investigative reporter, recently spoke with “a small group of reliable, formerly high-placed intelligence officials.” They tipped her to surveillance tactics in the arsenal of intel agencies.

Attkisson: “U.S. Presidents have the power to issue secret presidential directives that can authorize otherwise illegal acts (theoretically in the country’s best interests). These directives may come with pre-planned cover stories to be used in the event the operation is exposed, and they come with indemnity for those involved, giving them permission to lie about the operation or their involvement without fear of prosecution… The public will rarely know about such presidential directives since most who see them must sign agreements that promise nondisclosure and consent to polygraphs.”

That’s a blockbuster revelation.

Guaranteed immunity for those involved in the spying/surveillance operation (and other types of operations).

Plus permission for agents to lie about being involved.

All in the interest of “national security.” Unless it isn’t. Unless a president wants to enact revenge on a personal enemy, or commit a financial crime, or win an election, or protect a friend, or serve his elite bosses, or advance a corporate goal, or…pretty much anything.

He can act like a king.

One of Attkisson’s intelligence sources told her the following: “If the work of targeting an individual cannot be accomplished by government intel officers, it can be contracted out to third parties or to foreign parties who aren’t bound by U.S. law.”

Here’s a complete shady five-step method for spying. Attkisson:

“1. Locate a foreign target already under CIA surveillance.”

“2. Have a government agent use the foreign target’s phone and/or computer to make it look like the foreigner contacted the U.S. citizen whose communications are sought. The contacts can be benign, but they establish a record that falsely implies a relationship exists between the U.S. citizen and the foreign target.”

“3. The government agent can also mimic a communication back from the U.S. citizen to the foreign target, creating an appearance that the U.S. citizen initiated contacts. This could be favorable to justifying a warrant on the U.S. citizen later.”

“4. The U.S. citizen is now tied to the foreign entity and is now an ‘incidental’ collection target that can be surveilled in a ‘masked’ format. Although ‘masked,’ the surveilling agency knows the U.S. citizen’s identity.”

“5. If the U.S. citizen does anything that can be construed as illegal or suspicious, it’s possible the intel agency can then receive approval to surveil him directly rather than only ‘incidentally’.”

All these crooked methods and approaches to spying on US citizens are, of course, accompanied by other legal methods. And permission to pursue even the legal avenues can be obtained by hoax and fraud and special favor. Then there is the NSA, which spies on Americans as if it were a natural law, like the sun rising and setting.

The war on terror? That’s just a pretext to allow universal surveillance.
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Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

Americans poised for ‘complete and total re-evaluation’ of news sources – Lionel

Source: RTAmerica
January 18, 2017

Telecommunications giant AT&T intends an $85billion merger with Time Warner. Some are speculating that AT&T will ditch CNN after the deal in order to curry favor with the Trump administration, despite AT&T’s denial of such rumors. Legal and media analyst Lionel of Lionel Media joins RT America’s Simone Del Rosario to discuss the implications of the merger in light of Trump’s presidency after his fierce criticism of CNN.

Monopoly concerns over AT&T and Time Warner mega-merger

Source: RT
October 25, 2016

Telecommunications company AT&T has agreed to purchase the content division of Time Warner for $85 billion. There are concerns that the deal between the two mega companies will create a monopoly. RT America’s Manila Chan has the latest on the deal and why some object to it.

Monopoly AT&T Plan Will Further Control the Internet, Content


October 23, 2016

AT&T Mulls Reinvention for Web With $86 Billion Time Warner Deal  … DirecTV parent wants to own leading Hollywood film, TV studio … Merger accord could be reached Sunday, announced by Monday … Time Warner Inc. and AT&T Inc. have survived the evolution of color TV and cable over the decades. Now they’re merging to adapt to the latest technological shifts: smartphones and streaming. -Bloomberg

Another Bloomberg article that makes it sound like such a vast merger is business-as-usual. But it’s not. It’s just a furtherance of the technocratic, corporate-judicial monopoly that passes for a “free-market” in the West.

Thomas Jefferson and other US founders were so worried about bankers and corporations that they made sure money production was left in the hands of individuals. Need money? You could dig gold and silver out of the ground. The federal government would weigh and stamp the metal. It was a confirmation process not a creative one.

When it came to corporations, history showed clearly their destructive nature. The legacy of the horrific East India Company was, for one thing, a US Constitution that made it very difficult for large corporations to emerge. In the US, the power to regulate corporations was given to states, and for good reason.

Before the Civil War (and the inevitable destruction of the republic) corporations hardly existed. And for good reason.

Here from

The East India Company was in existence for over 250 years –  from 1600-1858.  It was the biggest corporation in world history.

Largely forgotten in the UK, it was responsible for the opium wars with China, it contributed to devastating famines in India,  and was a perpetrator of cruel employment practices in Bangladesh and other British colonies.

The East India Company was chartered by the Queen and even ran its own army at one point. Sooner or later, no doubt, US companies will get to this point. We can actually see this starting to happen with the emergence of mercenaries organized and directed via non-governmental enterprises.

The US government is titanic, intrusive and increasingly authoritarian. But corporations are starting to rival the government in size and heft. This is how genuine fascism occurs. When society’s organizing elements, private and public, become so large they dominate everything else.

The larger social facilities are, the less room there is for anyone else. The situation is complicated in the West by banking control, mostly out of the City of London. Secretive elements of intelligence agencies run things on the ground throughout the West.

And yet … as we often point out, corporations in the modern age are not inevitable, nor is the technocratic fascism accompanying them. Get rid of corporate person-hood, intellectual property rights, monopoly central banking (and intrusive regulations) and corporations will shrink back down to normal proportions.

Could it happen? It will  sooner or later, when everything finally begins to fall apart. The market will re-emerge. In fact, it’s the way the US was organized originally and responsible in large part for the miracle of industrial creativity and wealth that marked pre-Civil War America for many (though not Indians, African Americans, etc.).

Markets work. Anything else leads to the destruction of society either in the short- or long-term. History repeats, and shows us the lessons we should learn.

Conclusion: Unfortunately, there are other forces at work. This latest merger is not happening by accident. It is surely an attempt to further control the Internet and related technologies. It is portrayed as a market – “capitalist” – phenomenon  but it is nothing of the sort.

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What Would Happen If…The Individual Decided To Breakaway?


Zy Marquiez
August 21, 2016

[Note: All Underlines Are Hyperlinked For Those Seeking Additional Information]

What would happen if everyone stopped funding crooked corporations that throw the population under the bus tomorrow?

What would happen if people took responsibility for their health, rather than hand off that responsibility to the Medical establishment?

What would happen if individuals begun vetting all the information from every single source, rather than take everything at face value?

What would happen if individuals quit supporting corrupt politicians?

What would happen if we quit eating unsafe genetically modified foods, that have never been proven to be safe?  Why do you think they want to keep you from knowing what foods are GMOs?  If genetically modified foods were safe, why aren’t they labeled?  Ever ruminate on that?

What would happen if we just quit giving the system our consent [silence is consent], for every illegal, inhumane and brutal action carried out on the populace?

What would happen if people quit drinking fluoridated water that causes neurological issues and countless others, that just happens to make it easier for people to be controlled, which was why the Russians and Nazis used it?  [For More Info Click Here]

What would happen if people asked what toxic substances were in their food, besides genetically modified foods?

What would happen if people knew that when a label says it’s natural, it’s anything but? [If you want something that is real you need to look for Organic/Non-GMO labels on food packages, not “natural”]

What would happen if people quit running for the cure and people began searching for the cause?  Better yet, what would happen if people took a look at Dr. Burzynski’s work?  [Watch His Documentary Here]   Or have you seen the documentary on Forbidden Cures?   [You Can Watch It Here]

What would happen if individuals knew preventable medical mistakes are the third leading cause of death in the United States?  Would they still trust the medical system?  [That doesn’t count the many more [1.5 Million a year, every year, at last estimate] that end up getting run over by Big Medica who don’t get killed by these mistakes.]

What would happen if people knew that key vaccine studies to prove vaccines are safe are funded almost entirely by Big Pharma?  That’s called conflict of interest.

What would happen if people knew the CDC covers up vaccine issues, as one of their very own scientists admitted, but which the mainstream media won’t touch?

What would happen if people knew there’s a vaccination reaction system that has paid out billions even though vaccinations are claimed to be ‘safe’?

What would happen if we quit allowing ourselves to be divided and began standing together?

What would happen if people quit taking excuses for answers from those at the top, and began finding – or better yet, creating! – solutions themselves?

What would happen if individuals decided a better world starts with them?

The point of asking those questions is to show that we, whether we like it or not, are the largest component of the system.

If we merely begun acting on everything that is in our best interest, truly our best interest and not in the interest of the corrupt corporations/politicians then everything would begin to change.

Examples of what happens when individuals begin acting in their best interest follow:

Americans Now Spending BILLIONS On Natural Health Remedies Including Superfoods & Homeopathy, While Denouncing Big Pharma’s Failed Medicine

Monsanto’s Profits Drop 25% AGAIN, As Farmers, Individuals Go Organic

As Demand Skyrockets, Thousands Of US Farms Are Going Organic

This New Neighborhood Will Grow Its Own Food, Power Itself & Handle It’s Own Waste

Environmental Group Establishes Training Centers To Educate Farmers About Organic Growing Techniques

Costco Working To Increase The Organic Food Supply In America By Investing In Farm-To-Market Principles On A Massive Scale

Victory!  Judge Closes Industry Loophole, Barring Pesticides From Compost Used In Organic Food Production

Chef Buys Organic Permaculture Farm To Grow His Own Living Pantry

Demand For Organics Shows *No Sign Of Slowing* After Double Digit Growth

How ‘Farmacy Practice, Or Using Food As Medicine, Can Change The World
Farmers Can Receive Grants To Move To Organic Farming

Please note, those are merely a handful of the stories available, and that’s only the change taking place regarding people wanting real food. 

What would happen if…individuals realized they are the solutions to their very problems, and the time to act is now?

Google’s AI Kill Switch

Dr. Joseph P. Farrell
June 15, 2016

One of my favorite television series is Person of Interest, which has – to say the least – a very contemporary story line. In it, the inventor of a massive AI datamining and surveillance operation, Harold Finch, has created this program for post-9/11 monitoring of potential terrorist activities. Mr. Finch has built a back-door into his own program, allowing him to use it to intervene in the lives of private individuals facing difficulties. And, as a means of being able to control his creation, he has built in his own kill switch, a program that shuts his machine off every 24 hours and wipes its memory, to prevent it from going out of control.

THe trouble is, in the series, another friend of his has built a similar program called Samaritan, but this is stolen by a rogue MI-6 intelligence agent, who removes the kill switch, allowing Samaritan to grow and grow, and mount a cyber war against Finch’s machine.

Well, art imitates life, as they saying goes, and in this case, it may be a little closer to home than we imagine, but we’ll get back to that. In this case, the following article was shared by Ms. K.M., a regular reader and contributor of articles for review here. And in this case, it’s a whopper doozie:

Google is working on a kill switch to prevent an AI uprising

The crux of the matter is addressed right up front:

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Joseph P. Farrell has a doctorate in patristics from the University of Oxford, and pursues research in physics, alternative history and science, and “strange stuff”. His book The Giza DeathStar, for which the Giza Community is named, was published in the spring of 2002, and was his first venture into “alternative history and science”.


Breakaway Links Of The Day – 3/30/2016


Zy Marquiez
March 30, 2016

Again, we have Big Pharma front-and-center in two more scandals [isn’t this becoming a daily thing?].  Fluoride’s unsafe nature is spoken about, and Sayer Ji pens a rather intricate, intriguing and thought-provoking article on the nature of light, life & human consciousness.

The Internet Reformation That’s Sweeping The World
[Source: TheDailyBell]

Antidepressant Review Shows Big Pharma Covers Up Links To Suicide
[Source: NaturalSociety]

You Won’t Believe How Much Fluoride Is In Your Water
If you drink tap water, please do your research.  Not only is it laden with Fluoride, which is a neurotoxin [among other things], but it also has many other toxic components.  Also, if you drink/purchase water bottles, look into purchasing a water filter.  By getting a quality filter not only will you stop exposing yourself to bisphenol A [and other toxins that leach from plastic], but the filter will pay for itself rather quickly, and you’ll be able to save money while decreasing your biofootprint.  Its something worth pondering.
[Source: iHealthTube]

Biophotons: The Human Body Emits, Communicates With, And Is Made From Light
A rather intriguing read in the nature of the human body, as well as consciousness. 
[Source: GreenMedInfo]

Entire Media Desperately Tries To Censor This Doctor’s Book…But Fails!
(Hint: It threatens a $10+ billion drug industry that preys upon the mental health of citizens while keeping them all sick or addicted…)
[Source: NaturalNews]

Privacy a ‘luxury good’ under proposed consumer privacy rule

Source: RT
March 14, 2016

The Federal Communications Commission announced it wants to create new consumer privacy rules for internet service providers that would clarify what of their customers’ personal data can be collected ‒ and would give consumers more control what they share. Legal and Media analyst Lionel of Lionel Media joins RT America’s Manila Chan to give his take on “consumer protection.”