Episode 7: Self Defense on Campus [Social Experiment]

Source: Nick Drossos
October 24, 2016

Nick sits down with our next volunteer and asks her where she learned about the importance of safety. Jennifer explains that her parents were instrumental in teaching her to always practice self-awareness. Throughout these social experiments, Nick observes that the majority of volunteers are fearful, which brings him to an important conclusion about fear versus awareness.

[Book Review] You Are The Awakening By Zen Gardner

Zy Marquiez
July 25, 2016

There are many people in the alternative media/research community that are putting out good information, without a doubt.  Then, there is an even narrower set of individuals putting out even better, more thought provoking, yet discerning information.  Zen Gardner is part of the latter.

For years, Zen Gardner has made it a mission of writing information in a manner that’s truthful, sobering, and yet, empowering.  What makes his work so great is that he distills everything down in a narrow approach that not only helps individuals see the incoming tyrannical government onslaught for what it is, but he does so in a manner that does not instill fear, but responsibility rather.

In You Are The Awakening, Zen Gardner showcases many of his best essays in an easy to read format that helps shed light on many pressing issues individuals/society faces.

Zen’s inspiring spirit flows through his writings, and his work has helped inspire many individuals to live a more authentic, well rounded and purposeful life.

Throughout the book, issue after issue is explored, and details into how our reality is being manipulated are gazed into in a salient fashion.  Some of these issues included mainstream media, propaganda, politics, divide and conquer, solutions, consciousness, and much much more.

The author isn’t afraid to call it how he sees it, which is always greatly appreciated, but he also helps individuals not panic.  Instead, Zen is all about rousing action through self awareness and deep ruminations.

Throughout this book the reader gets a feel of a genuine commitment to making individuals stronger, and making the world a better place.  And that’s certainly not something we witness every day.

To that effect, Zen often brings issues down to a local, community, and individual level, which is where the rubber meets the road.  That’s where we each individually have the most power, and that’s where we can see an individual-driven tsunami of change growing, and how it will continue to grow over time with every positive action we take.

If you’ve read Zen’s work, you will appreciate this book greatly.  And if you haven’t, this is an excellent starting point to help yourself gaze through the lens of an individual that has made it his life mission to help empower others to reach their inherent maximum innermost potential.

What’s not to love about that?


7 Actions Individuals Can Take To Navigate Through The Media Minefield


“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. …We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society. …In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons…who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind.”
Edward Bernays, Propaganda

“Much of what is reported as ‘news’ is little more than the uncritical transmission of official opinions to an unsuspecting public,” wrote Parenti.  Fox news commentator Brit Hume stated, “What [the mass media] pass off as objectivity, is just a mindless kind of neutrality.” 
– Jim Marrs, Rise Of The Fourth Reich – The Secret Societies That Threaten To Take Over America

Zy Marquiez
July 16, 2016

As of late, have had quite a few friends and acquaintances online and in person ask me how is it possible to figure out what information passes muster in our information overload reality of ours.  This got me thinking about the simple things that experience has taught me over time

Below follow some of the tenets that have helped me greatly for nigh a decade in being able to discern more and more what’s what within media.

#1: Don’t believe anything anyone says, including me.

Just because the media states something, doesn’t make it true.  As the Walter Lippman once said, “News and the truth are not the same thing…”.

If we take a cautious approach, we make sure we are not being mislead into opinions being passed off as facts, or a belief-system [i.e. the current race war propaganda nigh everywhere] at the outset that might work against us.  If in the end, the information is still true, nothing is lost.  But when news ‘happens’ to be incomplete, or if its disinformation, misinformation, or downright deception, we as individuals stand to pay a heavy price by believing news without verifying what’s being said.  Be wary.

#2: Remain open-minded, but skeptical, about everything.

Open-mindedness seems to be quite rare these days.  True open mindedness is open to all, and keen discernment will help to gravitate to what’s sensible.  But we need to remain skeptical as well, because there’s many agendas in play with certain information, and many motives behind the scenes.  These can help drive information in numerous directions, which is why it’s hard to ascertain the truth at times these days.

#3: Vet the information with relentless research.

As individuals, it is imperative that we proceed in our search for facts with a devoted approach that’s as flexible as it is trenchant.  Asking shrewd questions is practically mandatory to get to the bottom of things, or at least to follow certain leads.

What are the sources/references of the article, researcher, and people quoted there in?  Is the information presented ironclad?  Has any information been presented by others that repudiates that very information?  Have any of the data points been eviscerated?  Is there a conflict of interest [especially monetarily] involved?  Etc etc.

Only by plotting a course will we get to where we wish to get, which is the truth.  Incisive questions facilitate this task.

#4: Always remain flexible to the information presented.

For instance, when information about the Zika virus came out, at first there were several people within my life that were really concerned.  At the outset, they showed great fear at such possibilities.

However, it was suggested for them to keep an open mind and not be fearful, because it could be that the information was not being presented in a complete manner.

Soon thereafter, it was not only found out that Zika was nothing new since it had been around for decades with no issues whatsoever, but that the issues that stemmed from the Zika allegedly causing microcephaly was hogwash.

Jon Rappoport of NoMoreFakeNews.com & JonRappoport.wordpress.com covers this is at length:

The Zika-microcephaly connection is scientific nonsense. Let me run it down for you.

My analysis is beyond, “But Expert A says…” I am not dealing in appeals to authority, but instead the standards of evidence anyone can see if he opens his eyes.

First of all, the latest figures out of Brazil, the so-called epicenter of the microcephaly tragedy, reveal the following: 854 confirmed cases of microcephaly; and of those, 97 cases show the presence of the Zika virus.

Inference? Zika is not the cause of microcephaly. If it were, researchers would be able to detect it in all, or the overwhelming percentage of, microcephaly cases.“[1][Emphasis Added]

There article provides many important data points to ponder regarding this abstruse subject.

The whole point is, when initially examining an issue, don’t get married to an opinion/statement,  regardless who it’s done by.   Many times evidence surfaces that blows holes in the official story large enough to ferry the titanic through.

#5: Analyze how the information is presented.

Is the information infused with fear, or is it self-empowering? 

Within a lot of the media, be it mainstream or alternative, there is an noticeable undercurrent of fear taking place.  This causes individuals to not only live very limiting lives believing that the end is nigh [in some cases, literally] but also leaves individuals feeling powerless.  That’s unacceptable.

Information can be presented in a manner that is concerning, but still self empowering.  Be mindful of this.

#6: Always ask yourself who benefits from this.

Those who may benefit from certain events might be organizations or they might be specific people [i.e. George Soros].  However, always keep in mind almost always there are large factors at play that couple to institutions, organizations, or secretive groups who benefit from certain events taking place, or certain news being disseminated.

By following that rabbit hole, it will be easier to ascertain what kind of agendas these individuals might have given the discipline involved, the institutions involved, and any other poignant data that would be useful.

#7: Always remain calm.

No matter the issue at hand, a state of total awareness is vastly more beneficial than a state of panic.

When people panic, mistakes are made – big ones.  Mistakes can have great cost.  Don’t set yourself up for failure.

We are all different individuals, so what helps one person might not help another.  For me though, what’s helped me the most to remain calm is meditating, yoga, reading, working out, and mindful breathing.  These five tools help zap nigh all the stress out of my life.

One of my friends loves swimming, a lot.  This helps her stay centered.  Other friends gravitate towards writing and whatnot. Do whatever helps you best.  Either way, be proactive about remaining calm and collected.

To finalize, the basic seven tenets above will help guide individuals towards an incisive discernment in various types of information provided.

As long as we remain self aware and cognizant, we will be able to see clearly when an attempt is made to manipulate information.  Once an individual has practiced this enough, it becomes an automatic tool in one’s repertoire to that nets great results.

Ample benefits await.  All an individual has to do is be inquisitive and discerning.

Your ability to see through the veil of lies if you so choose is boundless  Don’t ever let anybody else tell you otherwise.

Source & Reference:

[1] Jon Rappoport, NoMoreFakeNews.com, Zika: Message To Purveyors Of Medical Fraud

Ancient Knowledge [Part 4] – Pyramids, Monuments & Megaliths, Ley Lines [Earth’s Energy Grid]

Zy Marquiez
July 15, 2016

Ancient Knowledge [Part 1] –  Consciousness, Sacred Geometry, Cymatics, Reality
Ancient KNowledge [Part 2] – Fibonacci Sequence, Golden Ratio, Phi In Nature
Ancient Knowledge [Part 3] – Pyramids, Monuments & Megaliths, Ley Lines [Earth’s Energy Grid]

“If you have a golfball sized consciousness…when you read a book you’ll have a golfball size understanding…When you look out, a golfball size awareness…and when you wake up in the morning…a golfball size weightfulness…But if you could expand that consciousness…then you read the book…more understanding, you look out, more awareness…when you wake up, more weightfulness. It’s consciousness. And there is an ocean of pure vibrant consciousness inside each one of us. And its right at the source and base of mind, right at the source of thought – It’s also at the source of matter.”

“All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force… We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent Mind. This Mind is the matrix of all matter.”
― Max Planck


The Ancients knew much more than given credit for regarding Life, The Universe, Astronomy, Advanced Mathematics, Magnetism, Healing, Unseen Forces, etc.

Encoded knowledge is information that is conveyed in signs and symbols.  These can be found all over the world.  All these ancient symbols and geometric patterns [Sacred Geometry] illustrate unseen forces at work.  What are we not being told?  Is there more to life out there than what we are brought up to believe?  Is the Universe, the Earth, and its people, vastly more wondrous than we could have ever imagined?

Part 4 of the Ancient Knowledge series focuses on the secrets of how the pyramid could have possibly been built.  In true Da Vinci Code fashion, the clues left by Edward Leedskalnin send us on a journey of enlightenment in attempting to figure out how he built his lime stone monument with the clues left within Coral Castle in Homestead, Florida.