Australia: A New Church Pedophile Scandal Erupts

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By: Jon Rappoport
July 3, 2017

Reuters, June 29, from Sydney and Vatican City:

“A top adviser to Pope Francis was charged with multiple historical sex crimes in his native Australia on Thursday, bringing a worldwide abuse scandal to the heart of the Vatican.”

“Appointed Vatican economy minister by Francis, Cardinal George Pell is the highest-ranking Church official to face such accusations. He asserted his innocence and said the pontiff had given him leave of absence to return to Australia to defend himself.”

“But Pell, a former archbishop of Melbourne and Sydney, had come under pressure from an Australian government commission on institutional child abuse, and had himself been under investigation for at least a year.”

What are the chances Cardinal Pell survives this scandal? Already ill, will he conveniently die before the Australian investigation puts him through the wringer?

The intrigues of the Vatican are endless, and they always have been. The silent wars taking place between factions have taken many forms. In this case, Cardinal Pell was originally appointed by Pope Francis to clean up the financial mess (numerous scandals) in the Church, but Pell ran into roadblocks as he tried to push that agenda forward.

Whether Pell is innocent or guilty of pedophilia, it’s possible that power blocs within Vatican City decided to discredit him and sideline him, in order to maintain secrecy about the money crimes they’ve been committing—they ramped up the pedophile investigation in Australia to take Pell out of the picture.

Since their earliest days, the Vatican has been a money machine, using religion as a front to raise cash. In the process, the Church “fathers” have condoned and/or participated in child sexual abuse and rape.

It’s absurd to think pedophilia in the Church rears its ugly head here and there, now and then. It’s institutional and embedded and always has been.

As I mentioned in a previous article about another subject, the limited hangout is a typical strategy of large organizations, when faced with exposure. Confession of a crime is made, as if the offense is highly unusual or limited to a particular person or sub-group, and a promise is made to investigate and root out the problem. But the real goal is: admit a “mistake,” make that the whole story (when it isn’t), and hope the wider ongoing crime vanishes from public consciousness.

“Well, it was just that one cardinal and some other pedophile bishop we heard about. I’m glad the Church is remedying the situation…”

Not on your life. The Church IS that situation, all over the world.

In the case of Cardinal Pell, a covert Church op can be taking place on several levels at once: Discredit Pell, smash his reputation in order to keep hiding financial crimes inside the Vatican; and produce a limited hangout by admitting that Pell is guilty of pedophile acts, as if he is the exception rather the rule.

For purposes of this covert op, it doesn’t matter whether Pell is, in fact, guilty or innocent. It only matters that he serves a purpose.

The public at large, of course, never gets to see the actual op. They only get to see what the Vatican wants them to.

If this sounds like we’re talking about an intelligence agency, a CIA, for example, and its devious strategies, we are definitely talking about that. The CIA and every other intelligence agency in the West has, over time, learned much from the machinations of Vatican City.

The Papacy and its right arm, the Jesuits (you can reverse that order of power and control) is the granddaddy of all intelligence operations; but that’s another story for another time.

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Why Did Pope Benedict XVI Resign?

Dr. Joseph P. Farrell Ph.D.
June 4, 2017

That question has been hovering in the background of European geopolitics ever since he did it, and one Italian geopolitician and strategist, Germano Dottori, thinks he has an answer, according to this article shared this week by Mr. G.P.:

Italian Geo-Strategist Fuels Debate Over Pope Benedict’s Resignation

The essence of Signor Dottori’s argument is this:

The conflicts between the Church and the United States did not become less, even with the passing of John Paul II. They instead continued during the pontificate of Pope Ratzinger, in the course of which, what exacerbated them was not only the [policy and strategic] investment made by Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton in the political Islam of the Muslim Brotherhood during the so-called Arab Spring, but also the firm desire of Benedict XVI to achieve an historic reconciliation with the Patriarchate of Moscow [under Patriarch Kirill], the true and proper religious coronation of a geopolitical project of Euro-Russian integration, which were in his intentions strongly supported by Germany and also by Silvio Berlusconi’s Italy – but not by that more American-friendly one [Italy], which is to be recognized in Giorgio Napolitano [Italian President, 2006-2015].

How it has come to an end is well-known to everyone. The Italian and papal governments were simultaneously hit by a scandalous, coordinated, and unusually violent and unprecedented campaign, even involving more or less opaque maneuvers in the financial field, with the final effect coming to a head in November 2011 with Berlusconi’s departure from the Palazzo Chigi and, on February 10 [sic – 11], 2013, the abdication of Ratzinger. At the height of the crisis, Italy progressively saw its access to international financial markets closed, while the Institute for Religious Works (IOR) [the Vatican Bank] was temporarily cut out of the Swift 4 circuit.

Note the implied claims:

(1) the Vatican, with Germany’s blessing (Ratzinger was, after all, the first German pope in about six hundred years), was pursuing a closer relationship with Eastern Orthodoxy, principally through Patriarch Kiril III;

(2) This was apparently being done in conjunction to create a “Eurasian integration”, which apparently was emphasizing the cultural basis of that integration in a common Catholic heritage;

(3) the Vatican and Italy were both hit by “a scandalous, coordinated, and unusually violent and unprecedented campaign,” which we may assume is “code” for the pedophilia scandals rocking Ratzinger’s pontificate. Dottori is clearly suggesting this emanated from the circles of western power. (At this juncture, one has to pause, and mention another possibility: with the pedophilia scandals erupting around western leaders, and the arrests in this country and others associated with it, that possibility emerges from the fact that, a few years ago, when one said “pedophilia rings” one thought of the Vatican, and, to a lesser extent, other churches. Now, however, there has been an interesting shift of perception, for when one says “pedophilia rings” one thinks of corrupt, and largely secular, western politicians. This may indicate a covert counter-operation emanating from the Vatican.)

(4) This campaign was also coordinated with a campaign to strip the Vatican of its access to international financial markets.

We can recall much corroboration of these suggestions, in that shortly after the beginning of his pontificate, Jorge Cardinal Bergolio (Francis I) began to attempt to clean up (yet again) the operations of the Vatican Bank, even going so far as to appoint the same auditor for it as for the Bank of International Settlements and, reportedly, Lloyd’s of London. In short, Bergolio’s efforts appear to cave to the pressures being exerted by the West and the USA.

It’s that first point, however, that seems to have been much more important than meets the eye:

Here an Italian expert in geo-strategic studies thus claims that both the Italian government under Berlusconi and the papacy of Benedict XVI were toppled due to financial maneuvers that put both states in jeopardy. Alessandro Rico published, on 17 May, an article entitled “Ratzinger costretto ad abdicare dal ricatto di Obama” (“Ratzinger Forced to Abdicate Due to Obama’s Blackmail”) in the Italian newspaper La Verità – a publication which has no inclination toward traditional Catholicism at all, but, rather, sharply rebukes traditional and conservative Catholics in that same 17 May issue (as Giuseppe Nardi points out). Rico himself puts the Dottori statement in context with the 20 January 2017 Open Letter to President Trump, published by the traditional Catholic newspaper The Remnant, which called for an investigation into a possible U.S. intervention against Pope Benedict XVI. As Rico points out, Pope Benedict at the time stood in opposition to President Obama’s collaboration with the Muslim Brotherhood, especially with the pope’s Regensburg address in which he criticized Islamist fundamentalism. The U.S., as Rico along with Dottori explains, was not in favor of a papal rapprochement with the Patriarch of Moscow which could further support a European rapprochement with Russia. A partial basis for this desired rapprochement could also be a rejection of the moral relativism of the West.

When speaking about the financial pressure that was, in 2013, put on the Vatican by excluding the Papal State from the SWIFT system – which interrupted the credit card payments in the Vatican City, and thus in the Vatican museums – Rico also recalls: “Strangely, this [SWIFT] function was re-established immediately after the resignation of Benedict XVI.” (Bold-italics emphasis added)

In other words, American policy was deliberately attempting to forestall the formation of what can only be called a “Christian bloc.” If this seems farfetched, one should recall that Russia, prior to the Soviet era, played precisely this role in European and world geopolitics, as the protector of Orthodox Christians. The Vatican exercised this role through proxy states, most recently through Austria-Hungary, Italy, and various other Catholic regional powers.

“OK, so what?” one might think. “Where’s the high octane speculation?”

Well, brace yourselves, because it’s a whopper: note that the actions taken against the Vatican were (1) a pedophilia scandal and (2) a severing of access to international financial clearing in response to Ratzinger’s statements about fundamentalist Islam. (And at this juncture, please recall that Francis I has indicated that Christians do have the right of self-defense against Islamic terrorism, a point often lost in the shuffle). This suggests, as the Russians were similarly affected by threats of exclusion from SWIFT, to the point of developing their own domestic, and ultimately parallel system of international financial clearing, that the Vatican may have been attempting to do an end run around the Western Financial blackmail (denial of service, effectively, to SWIFT), and to gain access to the system(s) being built out by and in Russia. In short, this means the Vatican was attempting to gain access also to the space assets that make international clearing possible.

If this reading of the covert warfare taking place against the Vatican by Mr. Globaloney (and vice versa, if my reading of the pedophilia scandal having moved from the Vatican to western politicians is true), then what one is witnessing is a long-term strategy and goal of the Vatican, which, for the moment may be summarized in the following high octane speculation:

(1) Intermediate goal: Gain access to other systems of financial clearing that are independent of that of the West. For the moment, this means the systems being put into place by Russia and China and, to a lesser extent, existing Japanese capabilities in the Pacific (and for a historical note, do not forget that connection between Japan and the Vatican, via Emperor Hirohito who deposited some of the Golden Lily loot in the Vatican bank, according to Peggy and Sterling Seagraves in Gold Warriors);

(2) Longer term goal: use contacts thus gained to utilize (and perhaps finance) their space launch capacity to launch Vatican-owned communications satellites;

(3) Ultimate goal: build out an independent system of financial clearing by and for the Vatican and any allied churches.

If that high octane speculation is correct, then the USA and the Vatican are engaged in a covert war, just as are the USA and China and the rest of the BRICSA bloc, for those independent financial clearing systems, more than anything else, are a direct challenge to the US dollar reserve currency status.

(And as for the religious “rapprochement”, Orthodoxy’s position has always been clear, because conceptual/doctrinal content defines Orthodoxy, not institutional boundaries or adherence to supreme authorities claiming infallibility: if there is to be such an arrangement beyond mere ecumenical cooperation, then there must be a full return of Roman Catholicism to that conceptual content, and a jettisoning of all those doctrines added to Orthodoxy on the basis of papal authority alone. While this is not the place to elaborate on this, it is to be noted that the recent statements of Francis I and Kiril III focused, not on doctrinal differences and the departure of the Papacy from that tradition, but rather on areas of common cultural concern. This would seem to indicate that both churches perceive a very serious existential threat, perhaps exhibited by Benedict XVI’s remarks about Islamic fundamentalism which led, according to Dottori, to his resignation.)

There’s one more implication here: if indeed Ratzinger was forced to resign, i.e., resigned under duress, then a case might be made that the resignation is null and void… and that, of course, would be a scenario that would throw the papal church into a position it has not been in since the middle ages, and it may thus be the “high trump card” the plotters of the coup are holding over Bergolio.

Whatever one makes of these high octane speculations, this is definitely one to watch, because we have not heard the last of this story.

See you on the flip side…

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About Dr. Joseph P. Farrell

Joseph P. Farrell has a doctorate in patristics from the University of Oxford, and pursues research in physics, alternative history and science, and “strange stuff”. His book The Giza DeathStar, for which the Giza Community is named, was published in the spring of 2002, and was his first venture into “alternative history and science”.

Vatican Wants A Global Central Bank

Dr. Joseph P. Farrell
January 11, 2017

Color me surprised… NOT.

In this article shared by Ms. S.H., the Vatican recently sponsored a committee that called for (surprise surprise) a global central bank:

Vatican Calls For Central World Bank To Be Set Up Across The Globe

I definitely think this to be a colossally, hugely, unabashedly bad (and furthermore) stupid idea, but one certainly in line with what the Vatican, and Papacy, really are, based on claims much of the Christian world, and most of the secular humanistic world, regard as egregiously false, and those claims are tyrannical. There is no other word for them. There is no dressing them up, no explaining them away, and no softening of them, for that institution itself has not softened them nor rejected them.

Why is this a colossally, hugely, unabashedly bad and stupid idea?

Years ago, on one of many interviews with the late George Anne Hughes of The Byte show, and in conjunction with a prolonged series of interviews about my book Babylon’s Banksters, I offered the opinion that eventually one would see the Vatican jump on the global government central bank bandwagon. My reasons were simple: throughout history, one has seen an alliance between the debt-money model, central banks, and religion… in short, an alliance between “money changers” and “the Temple,” and it seems to me I remember a certain Someone having something to say about that a couple of millennia ago. (Apparently, that Someone and His supposedly infallible “Vicar” are now in a bit of ideological conflict.) In a private correspondence with a friend, I also predicted that inevitably one would see a move toward a European currency, or a global currency, backed by the “moral suasion” represented by religion. The trouble is, what religion makes such universal political and temporal claims?

Answer: the Papacy.

And it’s been very clever in trying to distance itself not only from its own past, but from its own claims about itself. Recall that after the revolution of Vatican Two, Popes abandoned their sedan chairs and the papal tiara, the triple crown that symbolized and embodied the claims of the institution to have authority over the church triumphant (in heaven), the church suffering (in purgatory) and the church militant (on earth), each represented by one of the three crowns in the tiara. Pope Pius XII (Eugenio Cardinal Pacelli) was the last person to wear it, though Pope Paul VI was crowned with it, he seldom wore it in public functions. But amid all the flannel- and cotton-mouthed pronouncements of the Second Vatican Council, one central doctrine was treated in the old fashioned language: the papacy, and its claims, itself, and those pronouncements of Vatican Two stressed all the vocabulary of plenitudo potestatis that one was accustomed to from the mediaeval popes like Boniface VIII and Innocent III. It was, after all, Boniface VIII whose (aptly named) Bull, Unam Sanctam, stated clearly and unequivocally that it was necessary to salvation for every human creature to be subject to the Roman pontiff. Not in communion with, not adherent to other Catholic doctrine, but simply subject to the Papacy. And this itself was the subject of critique, not only by Eastern Orthodox theologians of the day (and since), but also of Roman Catholic theologians themselves: in the face of such supreme authority, what did the rest of Catholic doctrine really matter, if the sine qua non of being Catholic were mere submission to a claim of authority, whether or not that authority in other respects was even Catholic. The critique was leveled again by Roman Catholics, some even bishops, at the first Vatican Council that defined papal infallibility, and universal and immediate jurisdiction, in 1870-71.

The whole papal edifice and its claims have come again under scrutiny by Catholics dismayed by some of the current occupant of these claims’ recent pronouncements, some of which don’t sound all that “Catholic.” Francis has called for his more traditionally-minded opponents to be “flexible and adaptable”; but when push comes to shove, invokes papal authority. The rest of Catholic tradition and doctrine are wholly subservient to it. And that means, effectively, all Catholic doctrine and practice are up for grabs.

In short, as the Orthodox Churches have stated clearly and unequivocally since these claims were pressed on it a millennium ago: such claims are no part of Catholic doctrine or practice, and lie at the heart of the West’s schism from Orthodoxy ever since. The Protestants took up this renunciation of papal claims during the Reformation. It is the papacy, and its claims, that are at the heart of the disunity of Christendom, and that are at the heart of the issue.

So now the Vatican calls for a global central bank, and taxes on all financial transactions. And this is but another clue that the world of Boniface VIII is still alive and well, for one can assume that the Vatican wants its “cut of the action” in return for…

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About Joseph P. Farrell

Joseph P. Farrell has a doctorate in patristics from the University of Oxford, and pursues research in physics, alternative history and science, and “strange stuff”. His book The Giza DeathStar, for which the Giza Community is named, was published in the spring of 2002, and was his first venture into “alternative history and science”.

Wikileaks, The Vatican & Covert Space Wars

Dr. Joseph P. Farrell
October 24, 2016

Over the past few days I’ve been blogging about the rash of very strange space-and-UFO-related stories that seem to form a context from which to read President Obama’s recent executive Order concerning space weather, and that context has included everything from the macabre and bizarre death of a UFO researcher in Poland to a set of Wikileaks emails implying that some sort of very deep politics – to utilize Professor Peter Dale Scott’s term – is taking place behind the scenes in the past few months, and particularly, in the past couple of weeks. I’ve already referred to the strange wikileaks emails concerning contact between Podesta – campaign manager for Darth Hillary – and former Blink 182 rock star Tom DeLonge, who retired from the group to pursue his research and interest in UFOs and who recently co-authored an entertaining novel on that subject:

DeLonge-Podesta Email

Blink-182 WikiLeaks: Read Tom Delonge’s Emails To Clinton Campaign Chair John Podesta

Now I don’t know about you, but I have difficulty believing that anyone as highly placed as Mr. Podesta, or anyone as famous as Mr. DeLonge, would be planning meetings to discuss rock music.

But the story has broadened and deepened considerably by other Wikileaks detailing similar correspondence between the recently-deceased Apollo astronaut Ed Mitchell, and Mr. Podesta. Interestingly enough, the story gained some traction in Russia’s media outlet, RT:

Space war, Vatican knowledge of extraterrestrials revealed in Podesta emails

Podesta urged to involve Obama in extraterrestrial disclosure meeting, emails reveal

According to the first RT article, Mitchell made reference to a war in space, and of course, to how kindly space brothers are willing to share their knowledge of zero point energy in return for a human pledge of “no violence in space”:

“Because the War in Space race is heating up, I felt you should be aware of several factors as you and I schedule our Skype talk,” Mitchell, who died in February, tells Podesta in the mails from 2015, before mentioning a “nonviolent” alien species that wishes to share with mankind “zero point energy.”

Mitchell, who includes in his email signature that he’s the “6th man to walk on the Moon,” warns Podesta that the “nonviolent ETI” are helping to share zero point energy with Earth but will not “tolerate any forms of military violence on Earth or in space.”

Notably, Mitchell does not advance any argument or details about the “War in Space race” that is “heating up,” which opens the door to all sorts of high octane speculation: does he mean a war that is already going on? or a coming and planned “space war” (which seems to be the most probably interpretation of his remarks)? And just who are these “non-violent ETIs”? How does Mitchell know them? How does he know they’re non-violent?

And most importantly: what’s the quid pro quo? What is Earth offering in return for all of this bountiful technology, a technology which, if you’ve been following my research on the subject in various books over the years, and this past week’s blogs, isn’t all that beyond human theorization and engineering anyway?

For me, there’s a disturbing hidden set of implications to Mitchell’s “logic” and that disturbing implication is evident in the people he is contacting: if ETI is non-violent, why not step in and put a stop to it now? And more importantly, why would ETI want to deal with a political party and philosophy that has for decades been at the forefront of abortion on demand, and bombing the daylights out of millions of innocent Muslims and tearing their countries apart? This suggests to me that there’s a moral cognitive dissonance at work with Mr. Mitchell’s ETIs, and that makes me question that little matter of the quid pro quo.

All this brings us to the second article, and recalls the strange death of UFO investigator Max Spiers which I blogged about a few days ago. Consider these statements from the second RT article:

John Podesta arranged a meeting with astronaut Edgar Mitchell to discuss the US government disclosing information to the public on aliens, according to emails leaked by WikiLeaks. The meeting was described as a prelude to involving President Barack Obama in the discussion.

“Our government is still operating from outdated beliefs and policies” Mitchell wrote in the email from 2014, in which he requested “a conversation with you and President Obama regarding the next steps in extraterrestrial disclosure for the benefit of our country and our planet.”

Mitchell, the sixth man to walk on the moon, said the information needed to be disclosed to allow humans to achieve “planet sustainability generation energies,” as well exploring the cosmos without reverting to “colonialism and destruction” and as a way for the government to respectfully regard “the wisdom and intellect of its citizens as we move into space.”

In the email, Mitchell claimed that the US government made a conscious decision 50 years ago to “remove knowledge of the extraterrestrial presence from the citizens of our country.” This decision is no longer relevant, according to Mitchell, who said it is detrimental to “science, religion, and responsible citizenry.”

Podesta’s assistant, Eryn Sepp, accepted the invitation, but said, “John would likely take this meeting alone first before involving the President.”

The former astronaut, who died earlier in 2016, had communicated with Podesta via email before, warning him of an impending space war as well as Vatican knowledge of extraterrestrials.

Podesta, who is heading Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, is known for his UFO fervor stating earlier this year that he had convinced Clinton to declassify UFO files if she takes power. In 2002, he openly advocated for the public release of documents on Area 51.

In the latest batch of emails released by WikiLeaks, Podesta was asked by author and Apollo museum curator Robert Fish to discuss how “hard scientific data” can be collected on UFOs.

“Based on significant personal experience, I can attest that UFO hunters are looking in the wrong places.” Fish told Podesta in the 2015 mail.

Podesta declined to meet with Fish, but said he will keep his contact information.

Implicit between the lines here is that there is a religious dimension to the UFO phenomenon, but again, details on any specifics are not forthcoming. There is, of course, the usual claptrap from government think tanks and so on that the idea of extraterrestrial intelligent life would be a threat to various religious fundamentalisms. But the last time I checked, both Judaism, Christianity, and Islam have long understood and held that there are other forms of intelligent life besides humanity. Even Christ hints of it in the statement “I have other sheep not of this fold.”

Equally disturbing is the Vatican’s alleged involvement. The history, and claims, of the papacy are there for all to see, consider Boniface VIII’s bull Unam Sanctam for example; indeed, the universal claims of that institution and the tyrannical and oftentimes barbarous nature of its government and institutions led to the Protestant revolt in the 16th century, and to its excommunication by the Orthodox Church in the 11th. Why would this institution be chosen either by the powers that be or by ETIs – especially non-violent ones – for a “disclosure” event? It would seem, once again, that we are chin-to-chin with the moral dissonance phenomenon again, and in that, there is the dangerous possibility of great deception.

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About Joseph P. Farrell

Joseph P. Farrell has a doctorate in patristics from the University of Oxford, and pursues research in physics, alternative history and science, and “strange stuff”. His book The Giza DeathStar, for which the Giza Community is named, was published in the spring of 2002, and was his first venture into “alternative history and science”.

The Full Text of the Joint Declaration Of Patriarch Kyril III & Pope…

Dr. Joseph P. Farrell
February 20, 2016

A few days ago I blogged about the potential significance of the meeting between the Patriarch of Moscow, Kiriil, and Pope Francis, And in Thursday’s News and Views from the Nefarium I also offered a few remarks suggesting that the meeting may also presage a long-term “break in process” of the Papacy with its standard relationship with the West. To be sure, the Vatican is part of Western culture and politics, and always will be. But the assumption from the oligarchs of the west, especially the past few decades, is that the Vatican will always be firmly in its hip pocket, an assumption no doubt fueled by the strong anti-Communist pontificates of Pius XII (Eugenio Cardinal Pacelli) and  more recently, Pope John-Paul II (Karol Cardinal Woytijla). I suggested in the last News and Views that this is a hazardous assumption to make, especially given the near absence of any reference to the slaughter of Christians in the Middle East, who are, of course, predominantly either Roman Catholic, or from various branches of Eastern Christianity (Orthodox, Nestorian, Coptic, Armenian, and so on).

Crucial for the reader to understand is that the Nestorian, Coptic, and Armenian churches are independent both of Eastern Orthodoxy and of Rome, and hence, their voices are seldom heard unless the Vatican or a major Orthodox patriarchate speaks for them to some degree. This, in part, is what the joint Declaration of Pope Francis and Patriarch Kirill attempts to do

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