Massive Busts & Dead Wax on #MorningMonarchy: #May11, 2017

Source: MediaMonarchy
May 12, 2017

Flaring tempers, massive busts and dead wax + this day in history w/the assassination of a British Prime Minister and our song of the day by Shakey Graves on your Morning Monarchy for May 11, 2017. MP3/Notes/Links:

Powerball’s $1.5 Billion Swindle Of Americans

Bryce Covert & Judd Legum
January 11, 2016

If you want to go to the corner store this week to pick up a gallon of milk, be prepared to wait. America has been gripped by lottery fever and lines are snaking out the doors of convenience stores across the county.

The next Powerball drawing, scheduled for Wednesday, will be worth about $1.5 billion to the winner. This is projected to be the biggest lottery payout in the history of the world.

Why are Powerball jackpots getting so huge? It’s not an accident.

Prize Pools Are Going Up Because Powerball Just Became Much Harder To Win

In October, the consortium of states that runs Powerball approved a series of rule changed that made it much harder to win the jackpot. Under the new rules you select five of 69 numbers, up from five out of 59 numbers. The choices for the Powerball was actually reduced from 35 to 26. Still, this decreased the odds of winning the jackpot from 1 in 175 million to 1 in 292 million.

The purpose of this change was to increase the chances that there would be no grand prize winner for any given drawing. When this happens, the prize pool rolls over creating giant jackpots. At the time the rule changes were first floated in July, FiveThirtyEight estimated that the chances of a $1 billion prize pool increased from 8.5% to 63.4% over a given five year period.

At the same time, the decreased number of choices for the individual Powerball made winning small $4 prizes more likely. “The rules change is intended to increase the odds of winning any prize, while making it more difficult to win the jackpot prize,” the New York State Gaming Commission wrote in a memo supporting the change.

The purpose of creating massive jackpots is because they induce more people to play. The prospect of big payouts spark a flood of free media attention, encouraging people to speculate on how a windfall would impact their life.

Last year, when there was no huge jackpot, Powerball sales declined by 19%.

Americans Already Spend An Obscene Amount On Lottery Tickets

The “slump” in lottery ticket sales, of course, is relative. In 2014, Americans spent $70.15 billion on lottery tickets. That’s about $630 for every household in the United States.

Spending on lottery tickets exceeds the amount of money spent on sports tickets, books, video games, movies and music, combined.


The Lottery Is A Regressive Tax On The Poor

For all the money Americans spend, they get very little in return — particularly the poorest.

The odds of winning any lotto jackpot are extremely low. And that means people spend a lot of money without getting much, if anything, back. Players lose an average of 47 cents on the dollar each time they buy a ticket.

And it’s those who can least afford to lose any money who are most likely to be buying tickets. Low-income people account for the majority of lottery sales, while sales are highest in the poorest areas. One study found that the poorest third of households buy more than half of the tickets sold in any given week.

Profit from those ticket sales go to government coffers. The share of lottery profits that is paid out to players varies greatly by state, from just 15 percent in West Virginia to 76 percent in Massachusetts. But even that smaller share in the latter state is an important source of revenue. In 2009, lotteries in 11 states brought in more revenue than the corporate income tax. And thus the lottery acts like an implicit 38 percent tax on mainly the poorest people.

The Myth Of Lottery-Fueled Education Funding

The promise of many lotteries is that this extra government revenue will go to important things like education funding, so people can rest easier about throwing their money at tickets. But even that promise is often hollow. In New Mexico and Georgia, two states that promised to create scholarship programs with lottery revenue, demand outstripped the money so quickly that both rescinded the promises.

This is pretty typical of what usually happens. States increase per capita spending on education right after they enact a lottery, but they end up decreasing overall spending later on. On the other hand, the six states left without lotteries end up spending 10 percent more of their budgets over time, on average, on education compared to lottery states. Part of the problem is that lottery revenue tends to be unstable and hard to predict over the long term, while it can only rise so much given that residents can only buy so many tickets. It’s also easy for lawmakers to move the money away from priorities like education to anything else, like plugging budget holes.

Lotteries promise the low-income people who make up the biggest portion of ticket buyers that they’ll win either through a payout or increased services. But most of the time, neither is true. As one study put it, “lotteries set off a vicious cycle that not only exploits low-income individuals’ desires to escape poverty but also directly prevents them from improving upon their financial situations.”

Read More At:

Building a Better YouTube With #BitChute – #GoodNewsNextWeek

Source: MediaMonarchy
January 10, 2017

Space, Not Spikes: Little free libraries and a place to rest your rump

The Misfit Samaritans of ‘Free Hot Soup’

Port Of Portland the 10th public entity on West Coast to sue #Monsanto for PCB contamination

Washington Frozen Out of #Syria Peace Plan

Israeli soldier convicted of Palestinian manslaughter

EU’s highest court delivers blow to UK snooper’s charter

DuPont hit with $10.5M in punitive damages in latest #C8 case

#Hyperface anti-surveillance clothing blocks security cameras’ facial-recognition software

Flashback: How Fashion Can Be Used To Thwart Facial Recognition Technology (Jan. 6, 2014)

Bitcoin Price Soars, Fueled by Speculation and Global Currency Turmoil

World’s largest survival community comprises 575 off-grid doomsday bunkers

The farmer who built her own broadband

Big ups to @rayvahey/@apolloslater on launching their YouTube alternative, #BitChute!

88 year old creates super-powered machine to knit thousands of socks for shelters

#DavidBowie‘s final recordings released as ‘No Plan EP’ for singer’s 70th birthday

Vinyl records at 25 yr high 📀👍

People Started Hacking Nintendo’s #NESClassic, Adding More Games To It 👾🕹

Landmark State Court Ruling Says THC in Blood is NOT Sufficient Grounds for DUI

Legal Marijuana Sales Reached over 6 Billion last year in North America

Marijuana activist group plans to give out 4,200 free joints at Trump’s inauguration

Here’s Why “Fake News” Sites Are Dangerous

Jon Rappoport
November 27, 2016

Here is your daily mantra: “narrow the range of thought, narrow the range of thought.”

Exposing elites who run the world?

Exposing pedophile networks?

Documenting the lies and fabrications of major media?

Laying bare the manipulations of Globalists?

Revealing the crimes of both major political parties in America?

Uncovering the spread of pharmaceutical devastation?

Tracking the ruthless ops of major corporations?

Yes, many so-called “fake news” sites do all this and much more—but something else is also going on.

Many of these sites were launched and are spearheaded by ONE man or woman.

No person outside the mainstream is supposed to be so emboldened by his/her own point of view and passion.

“All points of view belong to a group.”

We’re not supposed to believe these “fake news” INDIVIDUALS created their news operations on their own. We’re not supposed to believe each individual had a vision of what the news is supposed to be and followed that vision forward with great energy.

An individual works for what he believes is true? He keeps his own counsel? He forges ahead, despite all opposition? He may even, when all is said and done, make a profit from his own labors? We’re supposed to oppose these “evils,” and by the grace of governments and their shadow operators, we will emerge from the darkness and find our salvation in a New Order of things.

***And never—if you happen to disagree with what some independent news site is saying—NEVER entertain the idea of starting YOUR OWN news operation and building it from the ground up to reflect YOUR OWN vision. NEVER. That is individual power, which is the horrible fate that would await you.


Avoid it like the plague.

Haven’t you studied your history? This country was originally built on chipping away at people’s individual creations and tearing them down. Right? How else could America have succeeded? It is only by taking away independence in all its forms that we could have arrived at the cusp of this grand triumph now: One Collectivist World.

If we give all our attention to the six corporations that own big media and deliver their news to us, we will arrive.

Hail, Caesar! Your followers salute you!

Let the bands play. March to the tune.

No individual ever built anything, no individual can build anything, no individual ever will build anything.

Continue Reading At:

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at or OutsideTheRealityMachine.

Book Review: LBJ & The Conspiracy To Kill Kennedy – A Coalescence Of Interests by Dr. Joseph P. Farrell

Zy Marquiez
November 22, 2016

LBJ & The Conspiracy To Kill Kennedy by Dr. Joseph P. Farrell is a landmark book into the conspiracy/coup d’etat that killed President Kennedy.

The main strength of this book is that it seeks to reverse engineer the threads of evil that wielded their ways in order to carry out one of the greatest conspiracies in modern times.

Without a doubt, this is a landmark book in every sense of the word.

In the nascent stage of this book Farrell makes it a point to lay the foundation for the methodology of the events that took place.  This helps the reader understand the angle he is going to take.

Beyond that, however, Farrell goes above and beyond what any average researcher does.  In his usual methodical, leave-no-stone-unturned fashion, Farrell not only analyzes the coalescence of interests that had a hand in the assassination – FBI, CIA, Banksters, Nazis, Masons, Mafia, Big Oil, The Military, The Secret Service – but further distills these to the deep core nexus that arguably played the most prominent roles in the assassination of President Kennedy.

Furthermore, and most importantly, Farrell, in harpoon-like fashion homes in on the most devious of all public players that played a notable role in the architecture of the conspiracy: Lyndon B. Johnson.

At minimum, the turn-coat and traitor Johnson cast his tentacles all over the official “investigation” derailing the possibility of any semblance of truth from rising to the foreground.

As Farrell notes:

“…it is certainly clear that Johnson, by his policies and behaviors after the assassination, acted as if he knew who was ultimately behind the murder, for at every turn, he acted in their interest as well as his own, in suppressing any evidence tending to incriminate him, or them.  Nowhere more did he do this more clearly than in his selection of those members of the Warren Commission itself.”[1]

What this book does is not only destroy the official story, which admittedly has been done by many other researchers, but also takes it a few steps beyond that into the realm of deeper and darker elements.  Elements that made it a point not only to carry out arguably the conspiracy of the century, but also transformed the consciousness of Americans and infused enough trauma into the social psyche the likes of which western society had not witness in modern times.  Such is the signature of those that slither behind the scenes.

With everything noted, and still so much left unsaid, everyone would be served well to read this book.  The value this book offers not only in understanding what took place that day, but the coup d’etat that took place  will help one understand why we are witnessing many of the issues we are in our society, and why things haven’t changed.  That alone should be reason enough, but the book offers countless more reasons for one to read it, as all of Farrell’s book do.


[1] Dr. Joseph P. Farrell, LBJ & The Conspiracy To Kill Kennedy – A Coalescence Of Interests, pg. 285.

Reality Reduction: The 5 Media Conglomerates That Manipulate Reality & What We Know As “Truth”

We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.”
– William Casey, CIA Director [1981]
[Editor’s Note]
This post was shared nigh two weeks ago, but since WordPress seems to love censoring things that matter, we will share it as many times as need be.  The truth will not be stopped.

Zy Marquiez
August 29, 2016

“The creation of this empire has been facilitated by the power of the corporate mass media, increasingly falling into fewer and fewer hands.  The ownership of the corporations that today control the information available to the broadest portion of the population can be traced back to the same families and companies who backed Hitler.”
– Jim Marrs, Rise Of The Fourth Reich – The Secret Societies That Threaten To Take Over America, pg. 353

Media of all type plays a vital role into what we see as ‘truth’.

If the media reports that there’s terrorism  attacks ever present, then that must be the truth.  It’s not like there’s statistics that say otherwise.  If the media says the two-party system [duopoly, anyone?] that sells out the populace nigh every time to corporate interests is fair and just, then it is ‘truth’.  If further, the media states that the economy is good, then it must be the truth.  It’s not like stores like Walmart or fast food places like McDonalds are closing establishments by the hundreds.  [P.S.   Those aren’t the only business closing stores en masse.]

Never mind the fact that the media refuses to touch subjects such as preventable medical mistakes, which kill over 250,000 people and are the third leading cause of death in the United States.  That is not the ‘truth’.  That must not be talked about.  That is not normal.

Never mind the fact that the media refuses to home in on the fact that the people’s rights to know what’s in their food was eviscerated – again – by Monsanto via the DARK ACT 2.0 and corrupt politicians [read above]

Never mind the fact that the media refuses to gaze at scientific fraud, censorship, intimidation, and even media collusion.

Never mind the fact that the media refuses to address issues, such as the testimony of CDC whistleblower Dr. William Thompson Ph.D., when he came out stating ‘We scheduled meeting to destroy vaccine-autism study documents’.  That’s not ‘normal’.  Vaccines are always ‘safe’ and ‘effective’.  Right.

Never mind the fact that there are hundreds of references in literature that speak about the many effects of the neurotoxin, Thimersoal, in vaccinations.  Again, that’s not ‘truth’.  We must not speak about it.

Never mind the fact that many doctors [Dr. Kelly Brogan, Dr. Peter Breggin, etc.] have come out showing what sham psychiatry is.  That must not get airtime, because, that’s not the truth.    After all, what kind of world would we have if depression was not a disease, but a symptom, as Dr. Brogan has postulated.

One would figure at least one of those news-worthy events would get plastered all over mainstream media, but such is not the case.   In fact, in the latest case of media censorship, Dr. Kelly Brogan’s book – even though it became a New York Times best seller without any mainstream media press – was blacklisted from mainstream press.  Of course, questioning mainstream narrative must not be done.  They only report on the “truth”.

As we can note, the mainstream media delineates what is, and what isn’t ‘truth’ in our society.  It’s reality reduction to the hilt.

As if that were not enough, the media can be homogenized at any time.

Very salient and troubling examples follow:

Exhibit A:

Exhibit B:

Exhibit C:

Please keep in mind, these are only some of the times the media’s been caught.  It’s impossible for us to know how often this takes place, but the fact that these have taken place goes to show the control the media is under for such to take place.  That also goes to explain why the mainstream media almost never reports conflicting information, even though the alternative media has shown how unreliable they are many times.

As you can see, whenever the tune is called, they all follow in lock-step.  It’s extremely worrisome that so many ‘different networks can use the same message.  So much for journalism!

How has this been accomplish?  With the consolidation monopolization of the media.

Jim Marrs, in his notable book Population Control elaborates:

“While the US was once a nation with a great variety of newspapers and periodicals, today virtually everything a person sees or hears is coming from one of only five multinational corporations – the Walt Disney Company, News Corporation, Time-Warner, and Viacom [which now includes CBS] and the German publishing giant Bertelsmann.  These five giants not only control the newspapers but for most of them also radio and television networks, movie studios, magazines, cable and satellite outlets, music companies, and even billboards.”[1][Emphasis Added]

In all fairness, the media is merely a puppet of the establishment.  This has been known for decades.

Nigh a century ago, Edward Bernays spoke succinctly about this in his book Propaganda:

“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. …We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society. …In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons…who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind.”[2]

As we can note, control of mass consciousness is nothing new.  In fact, it’s had decades to be perfected, which is why it’s become so efficient.

And with 5 Corporations calling the shots, how hard could the manipulation Bernays spoke of be to accomplish?

It’s imperative for us individuals to be mindful of this malicious manipulation that’s been happening for many decades now.  If we do not become cognizant of how the media manipulates our thoughts and beliefs, we stand to suffer greatly.

We as individuals need to seek information that’s not only truthful, but empowering.

Such information will allow us to see reality for what it really is, and empower us in the process.

Let’s get back to the initial point.

As we have learned, the media manipulation of reality unleashes brainwashing in certain ways people can’t imagine.  This shows how the power of the media can cast a dark veil on reality. 

Regardless of what the latest mainstream media spin is, follow your instincts.  They’ve led you this far.

The veil of propaganda will cease to have power over us the second we open our eyes and realize our inherent ability to see through the smokescreen.

And the best part about it is that the smokescreen is an illusion, a construct.  Put there by the media to keep us coupled to the reality they dictate on the daily basis.

Ultimately, illusions, once seen for what they truly are, become powerless.

Open your eyes and pierce the veil.

Open your mind and cast light on the darkness.

It’s the only way we’re going to see the reality for what it really is.


[1] Jim Marrs, Population Control – How Corporate Owners Are Killing Us, pg. 290
[2] Edward Bernays, Propaganda, pg. 37-38.

Cucumbers Contain Bioactive Compounds That Help Fight Cancer, Heart Disease & More


Amy Goodrich
August 9, 2016

From adding a crunch to your summer salad, to fighting cancer and heart disease, the humble cucumber is a great ally in your quest for optimal health. This wonderful low-calorie fruit (yes you read that right, cucumber is not a vegetable but a fruit) has so much more to offer than electrolytes and water.

It is the fourth most cultivated vegetable in the world, and has been around for ages. Originally grown in northern India around 4,000 years ago, cucumbers are part of the squash, melon and gourd family.

Cucumbers as medicine

As reported by The Old Farmer’s Almanac, in ancient times cucumbers were used as a medicine, rather than as food, to treat nearly everything. Recently, cucumbers have come to the attention of many modern laboratories for their potential medicinal purposes.

While cucumbers do not house impressive amounts of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals, they thank their superfood status to high levels of bioactive phytochemicals such as cucurbitacins, lignans and flavonoids.

Many of these compounds have anticancer, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-diabetic, antibacterial, anti-fungal, painkilling, wound-healing and laxative properties, making cucumbers an ideal cure-all.

Cancer-fighting cucurbitacins

Scientists found that cucurbitacins could block the signaling pathways that are essential for cancer cell growth and survival. According to a 2010 research review published in Scientific World Journal, these findings may lead to the possibility of cucurbitacin being used as a future anticancer drug.

Another study, published in the Journal of Cancer Research, found that cucurbitacin B inhibits the growth of pancreatic cancer cells by up to 81 percent.

According to the researchers, unpurified cucurbitacins have been used for centuries as folk medicine in Asian countries such as China and India. Pancreatic cancer is poorly treated by conventional therapies. Cucurbitacin B’s ability to inhibit tumor growth and induce cancer cell apoptosis may lead to new and efficient cancer treatments to fight pancreatic cancer.

Disease-fighting lignans

Lignans are a unique type of polyphenols found and extensively studied in cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli and cabbage. Recent research, however, has found that other vegetables, including cucumbers, are a good source of different types of lignans too.

Cucumbers contain lariciresinol, pinoresinol and secoisolariciresino – three lignans associated with a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease as well as several types of cancer. These include breast, uterine, ovarian and prostate cancers.

A 2010 study, published in Nutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases, found that these three compounds could protect your heart by lowering vascular inflammation and endothelial dysfunction.

Furthermore, cucumbers consist of 96 percent water, which is more than any other fruit or vegetable on our planet, making it an excellent food to keep you hydrated all day long. According to The Old Farmer’s Almanac, an average-sized cucumber contains the equivalent of a 10-ounce glass of water, and only adds 16 calories per cup.

In addition, cucumbers are well known for their ability to soothe sunburns, reduce puffy eyes and freshen the breath.

What are you waiting for? Start growing fresh, organic cucumbers in your own backyard or on your balcony. It’s easy, fun, chemical-free and super cheap.

Read More At:

Sources for this article include:

Breakaway Links Of The Day – August 8, 2016

Zy Marquiez
August 9, 2016

Yesterday was quite a busy day, and there is much to be gleaned from many of the links depending on what info one gravitates too.

Make sure to glance at the titles because there’s a lot of gems in here.

Hope all is well.

Princeton Professor Shows How Easy It Is To Hack An Election In Just 7 Minutes
Another way [yes, ANOTHER] that S/elections may be carried out, and of course the Mainstream Media is predictably ignoring it.
[ | Claire Bernish]

The Latest In Mind Manipulation Technology: Neural Smart Dust…?
A disturbing prospect of what the future of Nano-smart dust portends.  This is something everyone should be cognizant of.
[ | Dr. Joseph P. Farrell]

Media Lie About Hillary’s Severe Health Condition
[ | Jon Rappoport]

Florida To Deploy Thousands Of GMO Mosquitoes To Combat Zika; Scientists Say Environmental Impacts Unknown
[ | J.D. Heyes]

Zika Virus Now A Mental Epidemic Of Pandemic Proportions Thanks To Mass Media Hysteria
If you haven’t looked into issues with Zika and propaganda regarding it, this would be a solid place to start. 
[ | S.D. Wells]

You Tell Me: US Space Commander Found Dead
[ | Dr. Joseph P. Farrell]

Genetically Engineered Coconuts Now Invading US
[ | S.D. Wells]

What You’ll Never Read About Virus-Research Fraud
Another salient analysis regarding extensive fraud in Virology. 
[ | Jon Rappoport]

The Hidden Patterns Of Creation [Part 1 & 2] – A Conversation With Dr. Joseph P. Farrell
[Forum Borealis | Al]

How Monsanto’s Roundup Unleashes Chemical Violence Against Women & Children
Another unfortunate crime Monsanto keeps adding up to their extensive resume. 
[ | L.J. Devon]

Researchers Conclude: An Unknown Human Species Bred With Ancient Humans
According to experts, an unknown species bred with early human ancestors as they migrated from Africa to Australasia. Based on the new study, researchers have concluded that there are sections of DNA that did not match any previously identified hominin species.

Physicist & Consciousness Researcher Tom Campbell – Fireside Chat July 2016 – [Part 1]
[Tom Campbell]

Hillary Clinton’s Health In Rapid Collapse…Voters In Shock After Photos Show Her Unable To Walk Up Small Flights Of Stairs
[ | Mike Adams]

Is This Why Your Body Is Too Acidic?
An interesting angle into the human body’s alkalinity. 

Monsanto Just Gave Us On More Reason To Grow Food, Not Lawns
[ | Christina Sarich]

Two Deaths Of Anti-Clinton Activists In Two Days Raises Serious Questions
[ | Claire Bernish]

Putin: Nyet To Neo-Liberals, Da To National Development
[ |. William Engdhal]

Audit Reveals That Pentagon Doesn’t Know Where $6.5 Trillion Dollars Has Gone
[ | Jay Syrmopoulos]

5 Of The Most Advanced Ancient Civilizations On Earth You Should Know About

Frankincense’s Cellular Healing Power Is A Powerful Solution For Many Types Of Cancer
[ | Daniel Barker]

Seed Starting Cool Weather Crops Outdoors In Seed Trays & Discounted Organic Fertilizers
[TheRustedGarden | Gary Pilarchik]

How To Avoid The Obesity-Related Plastic Chemical BPA
[ | Dr. Gregger]

Your Body Is Trying To Detox – Don’t Do This

How Monsanto’s Roundup Unleashes Chemical Violence Against Women & Children

L.J. Devon
August 8, 2016

One of the greatest threats to human health today is a violent chemical called glyphosate, which is the main ingredient in the famous weedkiller, Roundup. Glyphosate is sprayed on lawns and gardens all across America, with little regard to what it’s actually doing to the cellular health of men, women and children. The top genetically modified crops in the world, such as corn and soybeans, are genetically modified for a reason – to withstand glyphosate spraying, year after year.

As glyphosate accumulates in the environment, and as it’s introduced into the human body through the food supply, how does it affect the nervous, immune and endocrine systems of humans?

Glyphosate ravages the endocrine system, distorting hormones, damaging DNA and beneficial microbial co-hosts

Glyphosate is a violent chemical because it goes to war with the natural functions of the human body, including the endocrine system. The human endocrine system is made up of glands that produce hormones. Hormones are chemical messengers that signal for the balance and homeostasis of important bodily functions. When hormones are disrupted by glyphosate, important functions such as metabolism, behavior and fertility are adversely affected. Glyphosate goes to war with the human ability to reproduce.

The chemical glyphosate also acts much like an antibiotic in the human gut, destroying beneficial microbes that aid in digestion and initiate immune system functions.

Mixed with emulsifiers and surfactants, glyphosate becomes a powerful force, penetrating to kill not only plant cells, but also microbial cells interacting with human cells. This causes genetic damage, changing human DNA in ways that people cannot understand. When pregnant woman are exposed to glyphosate early in gestation, the chemical adversely affects the sexual differentiation stage of embryonic development.

U.S. government increases allowable glyphosate residues as women and children are chemically assaulted

Many birth defects are actually defects caused by glyphosate. Instead of banning it, the U.S. EPA continues to raise the residue limits, allowing more of this chemical to be sprayed on food. The FDA has also increased the threshold for glyphosate on fruit and vegetable crops, as the chemical is paraded as safe – time and time again. It’s chemical warfare, and it’s destroying the developing bodies of the most vulnerable in society – children – while also wreaking havoc on the reproductive systems of women.

As Mike Adams writes, in Food Forensics, “Every institution in America, including Congress, the mainstream media and universities, all agree that chemical violence against women and children is completely acceptable in America as long as certain corporations are earning sufficient profits from the practice. In a world where Female Genital Mutilation is considered a crime against women, it is astonishing that the chemical mutilation of all women is somehow acceptable across America.”

What changes will you make to stop the exploitation of women, children and future generations?

Are you going to participate in the chemical violence by purchasing Roundup and other glyphosate containing products at the store?

Will you talk to your local farmers about the dangers associated with their mass spraying of glyphosate?

There is a major difference between genetically modified foods and organics. How will you change your eating habits to defend yourself and your family against the most pervasive poison lurking in the food supply?

How will you purify your drinking water, to deny glyphosate an entryway into your cells?

Will you continue to do as you’re told, allowing men, women and children to be chemically mutilated from the inside out?

How will you take your healthcare into your own hands, finding ways to grow your own food, free of this violent chemical?

As the U.S. government and corporations like Monsanto arrogantly ignore the scientific evidence on glyphosate, they will continue to forcefully lie and poison the people on this planet. Because they are not held accountable for this psychopathic behavior, there is no rule of law – unless a diligent, well informed and courageous public rises to the occasion.

Will you partake in the mass chemical violence of women and children, or will you stand for justice?

Read More At:

Sources include:

Breakaway Links Of The Day – July 26, 2016

Zy Marquiez
July 27, 2016

Here are yesterday’s links.

Hope all is well.

Big Pharma Prescriptions In Including Painkillers, Antidepressants Plummeting Seniors Turn To Medical Cannabis
[ Daniel Gutierrez]

Researchers Find Pre-Inca Machu Picchu That Could REWRITE Andean History

[UrbanGardening] IN FOCUS – The Ninja Flame Weeder
[UrbanGardner | Curtis Stone]

French Should Expose Government Not Islam Over Neo-Gladio Provocations

Signed Into Law: Rhode Island Expands Medical Marijuana Program
[ | Mike Maharrey]

Who’s Responsible For The Coup In Turkey? Was It Fethulla Gullen?
[ | F. William Engdahl]

Does Your Energy Increase Or Decrease?
[ | Jon Rappoport]

CDC Releases New Meningitis B Vaccine Mandate For students, Despite Recent Study Showing Shots Fail To Protect
[ | David Gutierrez]

Annunaki Structures Before The Flood: The 200,000-Year-Old Ancient City In Africa

Sustainable Food Group Petitioning Big Food [Bread] To Stop Spraying Wheat With Cancerous Glyphosate

[ | J.D. Heyes]

Hillary Clinton Is A Threat To All Humanity
[CorbettReport | James Corbett]

Glyphosate Disrupts DNA Function, Causing ‘Medical Chaos’ In The Form Of Multiple Diseases Including Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Say Researchers
[ | Julie Wilson]

Many Of These Conditions Can Be Linked To Gluten
Dr. Bob De Maria

Leaked DNC Emails Prove Once & For All That Conspiracy Theorists Were Right All Along
[ | Mike Adams]

Scientists Conclude: There Is Evidence Of A Previously Unknown Species On Earth

62-Year-Old Man REVERSES Type-2 Diabetes By Cutting Out Pasta, Bread
[ | Ethan A. Huff]

Interviews & Insights – A Chef Without A Kitchen – Giulio Piccioli
[UrbanFarmer | Curtis Stone]

Urban Farmers Targeted By City, Issued Multiple Threats After Property Was Vandalized
[ | Claire Bernish]

Questions Surrounding The Munich Shooting
[ | Brandon Turbeville]

#GoodNewsNextWeek: There Was Never Marijuana In The Colorado Water
[MediaMonarchy | James Evan Pilato]