The Transhumanist Scrapbook: EU Wants Robots To Be Able To Copyright…

Dr. Joseph P. Farrell
July 24, 2016

Never one to allow any debate or discussion of an issue, the European Union now apparently has unveiled plans to allow robots to copyright their work, and to be able to make money, according to this article that was shared by many readers here. In fact, this story emerged during the Turkish coup, and I have wanted to blog about it but unfortunately the news bumped it off these pages for a while. But it is in my estimation a significant story, not only for what it explicitly states and portends, but for those things it does not say and that lie hidden, as it were, between the lines:

Robots allowed to trade money and claim copyright on their work under radical new EU plans

You’ll note that, at least ostensibly, the plan is to free robots from “ownership”:

Robots could be freed from their human masters and handed the power to own possessions under radical new EU plans.

Officials want to have machines declared as “electronic persons” amid fears they could challenge humanity for control of the Earth.

The plans would mean the robots could claim copyright on their work and trade money – effectively allowing them to form functional societies.

Their owners could be liable to pay social security for the machines to cover any damage caused.

Now, note what we have: (1) an assertion that robots are a new kind of person, the “electronic person”, giving them the same status in law as corporations, and (2) this is being done to “free them from their human masters”, and then, on the other hand (3) “their owners could be liable to pay social security for the machines to cover any damage caused.”

Of course, we’ve come to expect such behavior from the EU: enact and regulate first, close off discussion and debate, and then allow a “debate” of sorts to take place after the fact.

However, you’ll have noted the contradiction: these robots are to be freed of their human masters, who nonetheless remain liable for their “social security”. So indulge my high octane speculation for a moment… what might be lurking in between the lines here? What I suspect is going on is this: (1) the corporation that makes the robots will force their owners to sign “licensing” agreements, (2) under these agreements, the robots make works and earn money, and the corporations receive a “cut of the action,” while (3) the robots’ owners are held liable for any damages robots might cause.

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Profile photo of Joseph P. Farrell
Joseph P. Farrell has a doctorate in patristics from the University of Oxford, and pursues research in physics, alternative history and science, and “strange stuff”. His book The Giza DeathStar, for which the Giza Community is named, was published in the spring of 2002, and was his first venture into “alternative history and science”.


Catherine Austin Fitts: Transhumanist Depopulation: Elite Endgame – Financial Expert Catherine Austin Fitts Speaks About The Economy, The S/election, The Global Elite, Transhumanism, Space & More

Source: Dark Journalist
Daniel Liszt
June 24, 2016

Deep State Transhumanist Agenda in 2016 Political Race

In this special part 1 of 2 episodes, Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt welcomes back Former US Assistant Housing Secretary, Financial Expert and Publisher of the Solari Report Catherine Austin Fitts.

Catherine’s deep analysis of the socio-political forces working under the radar in 2016 shows that unnerving trends like the engineered rise of autism, GMO proliferation, the expansion of Entrainment Technology, the rise of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics and the dumbing down of American students with Common Core are all in place to drive a massive Transhumanist Depopulation Agenda!

She sees a clash of political forces in the 2016 presidential election being pawns in a game run by Deep State forces which are committed to putting a friendly face on totalitarian policies by electing corrupt establishment democrat Clinton to grab a number of initiatives under the facade of social equality and female empowerment with he soft revolution.

On the other side of the coin she sees the Trump phenomena and his role as outsider as a strange contrast to his lifelong insider deal-making and status as a top member of the one percent elite. Together they consider the possibility that he developed his own rogue agenda of exposing issues like Common Core and the Transnational Corporate agenda and to expose the secets of the American establishment in the public domain he is upsetting the insiders that helped his rise in the polls.

For More Information, Please Visit Catherine Austin Fitts’ Website:

The Pentagon Wants Reusable Space Plane At Top Of Budget

Dr. Joseph P. Farrell
March 10, 2016

This story is important in the context of the story about the successful testing of high energy laser sublimation of basalt a couple of days ago, a proof of concept experiment necessary if the plans to build an asteroid-zapping weapons platform ever is to see the light of day.

You’ll recall, though, that in the blog the principal problem to be overcome was not the concept but the scale. To zap asteroids with lasers (or for that matter masers or grasers) is to have a sufficient scale in order to zap small to medium sized asteroids, and that requires a large energy source to pump the weapon itself.

Then, assuming these hurdles can be overcome, then it would have to be built, and all those new-fangled propulsion systems would have to be added to it to move it around to be able to target different asteroids (or whatever else).

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Catherine Austin Fitts: UFO Economy 3.0 – The Black Budget Rockets Into Space

Source: Dark Journalist
Daniel Liszt
March 7, 2016

Join Dark Journalist as he welcomes back Former Assistant Housing Secretary Catherine Austin Fitts for Part 1 of their mind blowing examination of the intense secrecy surrounding the futuristic UFO Economy and Black Budget totalitarian domination over all activities in Space.

Drawing on her rich career in top positions in Washington and on Wall Street, Catherine carefully unravels the layers of deceit and misdirection inherent in the covert Deep State system of using public resources for developing new economic opportunities in space for the benefit of private elite corporate interests. She sees the real danger on planet Earth today of super advanced technology being in the hands of a small, unaccountable group of privileged insiders that consider themselves so above the law that they can kill with impunity whenever their greedy interests are threatened.

Secret Space Program

She traces the Secret Space Program from a historical perspective to the National Security Act of 1947 where enormous resources were handed over to covert operators to develop a Secret System of Finance. This eventually created the CIA and a select group that were in charge of advanced UFO technology, completely hidden from the public. By the time JFK came into office ready to challenge this shadow government and make the space program the centerpiece of his administration, the civil war between the Deep State and the public state was in full force.

After JFK was assassinated, the space program was eventually split into two aspects. One was a faltering, de-funded, accident prone parody of the original NASA that had put a man on the moon, and the other was a super-advanced, black budget funded, covert space marvel that helped develop a Breakaway Civilization for dominance in space using diverted public funds. This space program developed the SDI Star Wars Technology that weaponized space in violation of global treaties. The true mystery of this covert program is that it was likely developed not only to control life and resources on Earth, but also to confront an off-world UFO civilization that had been observed dominating our skies since 1947. Recently Former Soviet Leader Mikhail Gorbachev confirmed that President Reagan had asked him for assistance in dealing with a UFO space threat.The split of the space program into two parts, one overt and the other covert, created a schizophrenic situation between the official reality and the hidden truth that is becoming more and more difficult to conceal as public awareness grows and the choke-hold of corporate interests and the National Security State are exposed.

Brave New Worlds

It now appears the entire dysfunctional economy of the globe is being organized to cope with the presence of off-world visitors and for a tiny group of elites to monopolize space resources and colonize selected planets while dominating the population with AI, Robotics, Invasive Satellites, Drones and GPS Tracking Advanced Technology. Can this small group of insiders that control the corporate media be stopped by rising awareness of their pernicious activities before they develop the final phase of the UFO Economy and plunge the world into a soulless, totalitarian artificial intelligence nightmare ?

The Transhumanism Scrapbook – Researchers Working On Uploading Personal…

Dr. Joseph P. Farrell
December 22, 2015

When my co-author Scott D deHart and I wrote Transhumanism: A Grimoire of Alchemical Agendas, one of the things we focused on was Percy Shelley’s Frankenstein, and yes, I said Percy Shelley’s, not Mary Shelley’s, Frankenstein, for its our thesis (which Dr. deHart ably argued in his book on the authorship of the celebrated novel, Shelley Unbound) that Percy was indeed the secret author of the work. The work was as most know a novel of science run amok, promising great things, and creating more problems than it pretended to solve. We also argued in our book that the transhumanists were seeking the technologies that would allow humanity to “outflank mortality” as it were, one of them being the idea of storing all of a person’s memories into a database, to be uploaded elsewhere.

The dream – or nightmare – is fast becoming a reality as this article shared by Ms. S.H. indicates:

Researchers Working on Technology to Bring Dead Back to Life

As we also pointed out in our book, the transhumanist agenda relies upon four basic technologies called the GRIN technologies – genetics, robotics, information technology, and nanotechnology – in various combinations, and that indeed is what is being done here:

Humai, a technology company based in Los Angeles, says that it is working on a project known as “Atom & Eve” that would let human consciousness be transferred to an artificial body after their death.

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