Antibiotics: Side Effects and Alternatives

Kelly Brogan MD
July 15, 2017

We use a lot of antibiotics. For coughs, cuts, urinary tract infections, and many times “just in case.” You could be considered reckless or ignorant if you opted to not use them. “But you could die of a deadly infection that could kill you!” chants the choir of voices entrained by a system that sees dangerous enemies lurking behind every life experience.

What may surprise you is that the real danger could lie in assaulting your body with an “anti-life” (the actual meaning of the word!) chemical that could very well be a Russian Roulette of unintended harms. Some of these harms are so significant that they could change the course of your entire life as you know it. Given that, I bet that if you knew that there were effective, safe “alternatives,” you’d seriously consider them.

To make your own decisions about health, you must inform yourself. Informed consent around medical interventions involves exploration of the risks, benefits, and alternatives. In our reactivity, however, we are accustomed to focusing only on the promise – knock that infection out and feel better quick! – without any meaningful information around the full breadth of scientifically-evidenced risks and treatment options.

The Benefits

Antibiotics obviously work, right? Well, we are learning that our dogmatic assumptions about the sacred cows of conventional medicine may be leaning on a house of cards. Or a house of placebos to be more exact. The reality is that infections have a natural course with an inbuilt capacity for robust recovery, so we may be giving undue credit to antibiotics. This appears to be possible based on the published literature. For instance, this study[1] on rhinosinusitis concluded:  “…the risks of potential side effects need to be weighed against the potential benefit that antibiotics give to the patient. This is especially pertinent as usage of the placebo has shown to be almost as efficacious as using the antibiotic therapy, and also much safer.”

WIth rising rates of antibiotic-resistant infections (which have resulted from rampant antibiotic use), and fewer novel medications in the pipeline, it seems we are coming to a point of reckoning around our belief that the rampant extinguishing of life is a health-promoting practice.

The Risks

“Catherine, you have an upper respiratory infection. We aren’t sure whether it is necessarily bacterial, but you should go ahead and take that Z pack just in case…oh, and it’s unlikely, but it’s possible that you could be left bed-bound from neurological damage, develop a serious opportunistic infection, and possibly even a brand new psychiatric diagnosis like Bipolar Disorder. Hope you feel better soon!”

Microbiome-dependent risks

With the discovery of the microbiome, conventional medicine as we know it should have gone back to the drawing board. With the understanding that an inner ecosystem drives our epigenetic expression, ranging from nutrient production to metabolic health to hormonal balance to immunity and inflammatory response, the ‘body as machine’ model became obsolete. We need to better understand what makes a microbiome healthy and what hurts it.

So far, we have been left with many questions and few answers[2]. We have looked at super healthy modern hunter gatherers to try to quantify their gut health, we have studied the beneficial effects of probiotics, and we have learned that chemicals like Monsanto’s Roundup wreak havoc on our bugs. We have learned that the transfer of bacteria occurs well before birth, and continues throughout breastfeeding, setting the stage for adult health by age 2. And it has almost become common knowledge that the indiscriminate killing of bacteria through the use of antibiotics may come with a cost. But will the cost really be anything more than a yeast infection or a bout of diarrhea?

Perhaps. We have ample evidence that antibiotics take out the “good” with the “bad” bacteria and leave a trail of imbalance that leaves the patient more vulnerable[3]. A 2017 review[4] references the increased risk of foodborne infection, including antibiotic-resistant strains, in those who took antibiotics during travel, with unpredictable recovery rates that seem to get dismally worse with repeated antibiotic exposure:

Even short antibiotic exposures disrupt the gut microbiome up to a year or more, and repeated exposures appear to attenuate recovery from ever occurring.”

Similarly, up to a one-third reduction in biome diversity can persist longer than 6 months, even after one short course of the popularly-dispensed antibiotic, Cipro.[5] This decrease in diversity can, itself, be a precursor to new illness. For instance, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is one of several chronic illnesses associated with low levels of beneficial bacteria[6]. Dysbiosis (imbalanced gut bacteria) is also a precursor to autoimmunity,[7] obesity, and weight gain[8].

Yeah, we all should be using less antibiotics – but what if we have to take an antibiotic? Then can’t we just take a probiotic afterward?

There is, unfortunately, scant evidence to support this seemingly logical integrative medicine practice. While hamster studies suggest recovery of damage is possible[9], the broad spectrum of antibiotic effects and probiotic options makes personalization of this support method challenging. Most probiotics contain only a few bacterial species, and our gut contains thousands.

Microbiome-independent risks

As if that weren’t enough to slow your pace to the CVS pharmacy counter, there is a growing body of literature focused on the non-microbiome-based risks of antibiotics. From slowed fracture healing[10] to acute liver injury[11], antibiotics have effects at the cellular level beyond simply inducing dysbiosis. These include changes in up to 87% of gut metabolites[12] functional in the gut, injury and destruction of mitochondria (the energy centers of the cell), and damage to gut tissue.

Of significant interest to me are the known and well-documented psychiatric risks of antibiotics. I imagine there are few patients consented for acute onset psychosis or suicidality before being prescribed an antibiotic. An excellent 2017 review by Zareifopoulos and Panayiotakopoulos[13] suggests that patients should be told of these risks including irritability, confusion, encephalopathy, suicidality, psychosis, and mania. These researchers conclude:

“The neuropsychiatric effects of antimicrobial drugs are extensively documented in the literature. A number of antimicrobial drugs have the potential to exert CNS effects and many are associated with stimulant, psychotomimetic and epileptogenic properties, mediated by GABA antagonism (beta-lactams, quinolones and clarithromycin), NMDA agonism (D-cycloserine, aminoglycosides, and perhaps quinolones), MAO inhibition (linezolid, metronidazole and isoniazid weakly) as well as more exotic mechanisms, as in the case of trimethoprim, isoniazid, ethambutol, rifampicin and the tetracyclines.”

In fact, the term ‘antibiomania’ has been coined around the potential for antibiotics to induce manic symptoms. In a recent review, two-thirds of the mania-inductions were in male subjects[14]. The resolution of acute-onset mania with charcoal suggests that these psychiatric risks may be both microbiome-dependent and independent. Relatedly, data suggests that there is a dose-dependent risk of new-onset depression; the higher the antibiotic exposure, the higher the risk of depression[15].

If you don’t know to connect these dots, then you could end up believing that your “mental illness” is an entirely new diagnosis requiring lifelong treatment.

The Alternatives

Fortunately, many alternative strategies exist that resolve bacterial imbalances without the side effects of pharmaceutical antibiotics. Even better – many of the plant-derived therapies can be easily incorporated in your everyday meals as a tasty preventative approach to resiliancey.

Colloidal Silver

Also called silver nanoparticles, colloidal silver has been used for over 2,000 years to resolve bacterial infections[16]. As such, silver is commonly used in intravenous catheters, dental fillings, wound dressings, and bone implants[17]. Though the exact antimicrobial mechanisms are still debated, colloidal silver generally works by damaging the cell membranes of pathogenic bacteria. Depending on the surface charge of the silver nanoparticles and the type of bacteria, bacteria can be killed by the formation of free radicals, accumulation of nanoparticles in bacterial cell walls, or depletion of cell membrane components[18]. Colloidal silver is effective both as a topical treatment for skin infections, like MRSA (methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus)[19], as well as an oral antibiotic[20].

Botanical Herbs

For centuries, botanical herbs have been used as antibiotics. Since there are countless herbal remedies for various types of infections[21],[22],[23], I’ll just list a few common herbs that have been validated by modern research. For example, the herb Inula helenium, also called elecampane, was shown to be 100% effective against 200 isolates of Staphylococcus aureus (commonly known as “staph infection”).[24] Similarly, a study that evaluated Alpinia galanga, a plant in the ginger family that has been traditionally used in Asian countries, found that this herb was effective against Salmonella typhi and E. coli, as well as against other drug-resistant bacterial strains.[25] Extract from Nigella sativa, a flowering plant native to south Asia, kills MRSA,[26] while cinnamon and oregano are potent selective antibiotics against many drug-resistant species[27]. Similarly, easy-to-find spices like cumin[28] and rosemary[29] are powerful antimicrobials, as are child-friendly options like elderberry[30],[31]. Many high-quality herbal products combine evidence-based herbs such as oregano[32],[33], echinacea[34],[35],[36], and goldenseal[37],[38],[39] into an effective immune support formula.


A great way to prevent imbalances from making you sick is by strengthening your beneficial bacteria, also called probiotics. Incorporating probiotics improve your metabolic and immune functioning while also crowding out pathogenic bacteria. Probiotics can resolve bacterial infections ranging from oral gingivitis[40] to H. pylori-mediated gastric infections[41] to bacterial vaginosis[42]. As one of the earliest and richest sources of probiotics is breastmilk, it isn’t surprising that breastmilk probiotics have been shown superior to antibiotics to treat mastitis, a common infection during lactation[43] (just another reason to breastfeed!). I recommend that people get probiotics through fermented foods like kimchi and sauerkraut[44], as these contain many more complementary bacterial strains than supplements for daily prevention.


‘Let food be thy medicine,’ decreed Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine – and he would have ranked garlic as one of the most medicinal foods. Numerous studies have shown the antimicrobial effects of garlic, including a report in which researchers tested garlic-water against 133 multidrug-resistant species, showing remarkable antimicrobial properties[45]. A randomized controlled clinical trial showed that garlic was more effective than a standard antibiotic, metronidazole, for bacterial vaginosis. Authors remarked that garlic provided both increased therapeutic efficacy as well as decreased side effects[46]. Garlic is an effective treatment for stomach infections caused by H. pylori[47] and C. difficile,[48] as well as for pneumonia[49] and other lung infections[50]. Amazingly, consuming garlic not only protects against bacterial infections, but also lowers blood pressure[51],[52], stabilizes blood sugar[53], and decreases cancer risk.[54]

Manuka Honey

Raw Manuka honey is one of the tastiest ways to stay healthy. This honey comes from bees in New Zealand who pollinate the Manuka bush, and it has been used for thousands of years by various cultures to promote wellness. This high-antioxidant golden honey is a popular ingredient in high-end skin care products, as it is broadly anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial[55]. Inside the body, manuka honey can cure antibiotic-resistant C. difficile infection[56],[57], Strep throat[58],[59], urinary tract infections[60], and MRSA[61]. A bonus of eating honey is that it can include propolis, a mixture of bee saliva and wax known as “bee glue,” which contains over 300 therapeutic compounds that fight cancer[62],[63] as well as harmful bacteria[64],[65].

Here is where I recommend purchasing high quality supplements.

Make a Truce

It requires a mindset shift to stop fighting. Stop fighting each other, stop fighting nature, and stop fighting our own bodies. We need to break out of our patterned programs of control and domination and understand that this only strengthens our perceived enemies. We need to reconnect to the sacred complexity of pregnancy, birth, and breastfeeding as the origin of our health resiliency rather than a time to throw pharmaceuticals into the black box of undisclosed risks. The microbiome itself has taught us – through the poetry of biology – that we are inextricably connected to and dependent upon the web of the natural world. And that it is not possible to simply pull one thread of that web while leaving the rest of it intact. Remember that symptoms give us an opportunity, and perhaps the next time you have an antibiotic prescription dancing in your sights, you might see what it feels like to bring your body love and support rather than the detonation of grenades.

Visit the research dashboard on to do your own exploration of risks, benefits, and alternatives to conventional pharmaceuticals. 



“© Kelly Brogan MD. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of Kelly Brogan MD. For more articles, sign up for the newsletter at”

Kelly Brogan, MD

Kelly Brogan, M.D. is a Manhattan-based holistic women’s health psychiatrist, author of the New York Times bestselling book, A Mind of Your Own, and co-editor of the landmark textbook, Integrative Therapies for Depression. She completed her psychiatric training and fellowship at NYU Medical Center after graduating from Cornell University Medical College, and has a B.S. from MIT in Systems Neuroscience. View full bio. Want to share this article on your own blog? View our reposting guidelines.

Walmart, Costco, Kroger, Publix and Albertson’s all receive failing grades for selling meats loaded with antibiotics

Image: Walmart, Costco, Kroger, Publix and Albertson’s all receive failing grades for selling meats loaded with antibiotics
Frances Bloomfield
May 29, 2017

If you’re regular at Costco or Kroger, avoid buying the chicken next time. Alongside Albertson’s/Safeway, Publix, and Walmart, these massive grocers failed when it came to selling antibiotic-free chicken to the public. All five retailers fell short in a survey conducted by the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), reported Each one received a grade of “D” when it came to their lack of progress on the promotion of antibiotic practices, and their inability to provide antibiotic-free chicken offerings.

For their survey, the NRDC looked at the retailers’ branches in Charlotte, Chicago, Houston, Jacksonville, Los Angeles, and Philadelphia. The NRDC selected these cities to represent the country’s four census regions. These locations were then graded according to the following categories: policy (20 points), consumer education at point of purchase (five points), brand score antibiotic use (20 points), and brand score certification (10 points). The raw total of these categories was 55 points, and each grocer scored as such: Walmart received 20.9 points (38 percent), Albertson’s/Safeway received 21.5 points (39 percent), Publix received 21 points (38 percent), Kroger received 18.4 points (33 percent), and Costco received 22 points (40 percent).

Sans Costco, all other retailers scored poorly in policy, which was defined as “Commitment to phase out routine use of antibiotics described on major retailer website” and “Timeline to phase out routine use of antibiotics described on major retailer website.” This was especially notable, as large chicken producers like Tyson and Perdue have moved away from or pledged to move away from the use of antibiotics. Walmart was noted as the biggest offender in this regard. Not only does the company have the most number of suppliers with antibiotic-free chicken products, but Walmart has called for greater transparency from producers. Moreover, the NRDC discovered that the retailers’ own private-label chicken brands were sourced from producers with questionable antibiotic-free practices. (Related: Perdue announces that its chicken products are now 95 percent antibiotic-free)

As for helping consumers in making informed choices, only Publix had the necessary signage in all of their stores. All of their branches had displays that informed consumers of producers with responsible antibiotic policies. However, this did not include producers who were still in the process of phasing out antibiotics from their products. Though all the retailers offered United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)-certified  chicken or Raised Without Antibiotics (RWA) chicken, there were no indications that these poultry products had been certified by third parties.

Whole Foods may not have included in the survey, but the NRDC lauded it as the sole grocer to “have earned top score in all categories.” Their policy to sell antibiotic-free livestock products goes beyond chicken and covers beef, pork, and turkey. Whole Foods also made it easier for consumers to understand their purchases better, something that all the other retailers failed to do.

The NRDC concluded their survey by asking for retailers to commit themselves to the elimination of antibiotic-laden products from their chains, and for consumers to “vote with their wallets” by purchasing RWA and USDA-certified chicken.

Carmen Cordova, a staff scientist under the Food and Agriculture Program of the NRDC, said this about the results of the survey: “The top five grocery store chains in the country feed millions of Americans, so their actions have a big impact on public health — for better or worse. Supermarkets can either continue to ignore the spread of drug-resistant infections, or they can answer their customers’ call to be a part of the solution.”

Rather than curing diseases among chickens, antibiotics are more often used to promote quicker growth in the animals and to prevent them from getting sick. According to, this practice allows antibiotic-resistant bacteria to thrive, which in turn is extremely harmful to humans and animals alike.

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Popular Kitchen Remedy Puts Antibiotic To Shame, Research Reveals

Popular Kitchen Remedy Puts Antibiotic To Shame, Research Reveals

Sayer Ji
November 10, 2016

Fighting infection with conventional antibiotics is becoming a hopeless affair. The CDC recently warned these drugs are useless in combatting deadly “super germs.” So what can one do? Your kitchen holds the key.

Every day in this country, all day long, patients and doctors reach for conventional antibiotics when opportunistic infections present themselves. The fact that most infections are self-limiting (the body has an immune system, we often forget), and that antibacterial antibiotics are often administered for viral infections, against which they are useless and even infection-promoting, is rarely if ever acknowledged. There is also the problem that antibiotics themselves drive the growth of antibiotic resistant subpopulations of bacteria, effectively creating “super germs” in the process. This effect can adversely alter the microbial substrate for our health for months, years, and perhaps for our entire lifetime (and our progeny’s lifetimes).

The good news is that doctors and their patients are starting to wake up. The concept of taking a probiotic to promote health, for instance, is practically mainstream knowledge now. There is even compelling research that viruses in our body are essential to fight bacterial infections and cancer, and that viruses are so important that we should consider taking proviriotics (substances that feed their growth) to support our virally-base immunity. Watch Dr. Virgin’s amazing NIH lecture below to learn about the health-promoting role of viruses as members of the virome (the viral component of the microbiome) in the video below:

You can also read my article on how the discovery of the microbiome has demolished a key tenet of Germ Theory, namely, that viruses and bacteria are primarily pathogenic in nature: How The Microbiome Destroyed the Ego, Vaccine Policy, and Patriarchy.

The Rise of Natural Medicine for Treating Infections

And so, in the past few years, interest in evidence-based, natural alternatives, which provide safer and more effective relief, have increasingly expanded.   Together, we are re-learning and remembering the wisdom of the ancients: let food be your medicine.

At, we have indexed a broad range of natural substances that have potent anti-microbial activity, including commonly available and inexpensive ‘kitchen remedies’ like honeygarliclemon, to name but a few. In actuality, thousands of natural substances have antimicrobial activity, which unlike conventional drugs, are far more capable of restoring balance within the microbiome. We have indexed hundreds of studies on this topic, all of which can be found on our Research Dashboard dedicated to Antibiotic Resistant Infection.

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Garlic Versus First-Line Antibiotic for Vaginal Infection

A relatively recent study adds to the already impressive body of research in this field. Titled “Comparing the Therapeutic Effects of Garlic Tablet and Oral Metronidazole on Bacterial Vaginosis: A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial,” medical researchers demonstrated the power of garlic in treating bacterial vaginosis, one of the most common gynecological infections afflicting women of reproductive age today.

Bacterial vaginosis (BV) affects 29.2% of women aged 14-49, and 25% of pregnant women in the US, according to CDC statistics.  According to the study,

“This infection is asymptomatic in 50% to 75% of cases and symptomatic cases present with homogeneous gray-white vaginal discharge with fishy odor, especially after intercourse or during menstruation”

It is believed that BV results from reduced quantities of hydrogen peroxide producing lactobacillus and increased anaerobic organisms such as Gardnerella vaginalis, Mycoplasma hominis, and Prevotella species. Antibiotics are notorious for lacking specificity in inhibiting only those opportunistic strains that can cause harm, which is why it is no wonder that the standard of care treatment of BV with metronidazole has a notoriously poor success rate.[1]

Moreover, antibiotics like metronidazole come with a wide range of side effects, including nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, headache, dizziness weight loss, and abdominal pain.

Even more concerning is the fact that the drug has been identified as a potential carcinogen both by the US National Toxicology Program (NTP)[2] and the WHO International Agency for Research on Cancer.[3]

The new study tested whether garlic could compete with metronidazole in treating BV. Garlic was a logical choice, since it has been used as an anti-infective agent for millennia, and has seen a tremendous amount of clinical validation in the past ten years, as evidenced by the literature on our Garlic Research Dashboard. You can also read previous reporting we have done on the topic of garlic’s immense value in addressing infections, such as Judy Cohain’s article on “How to Treat a Vaginal Infection with a Clove of Garlic.” Much of this research also demonstrates the potent anti-cancer properties of this powerfully medicinal food.

The design of the new study involved giving two groups of 60 married women  (aged 18 to 44 years) either 500 mg garlic tablets comprised of 85.42% garlic powder, or metradizole. Each dose of garlic powder contained the equivalent of 8.9-mg allein, a potent antimicrobial compound.  Both drugs were taken with meals at the dose of two tablets each 12 hours for seven days.

The two different treatments were evaluated using a diagnostic criteria showing active infection known as Amsel’s criteria. Not surprisingly, garlic was found superior to metronidazole at reducing infection at 70% and 48.3%, respectively. Additionally, garlic was found to have far lower side effects.

The researchers concluded:

“This study reveals that garlic could be a suitable alternative for metronidazole in treatment of BV in those interested in herbal medicines or those affected by side effects of metronidazole.”

Isn’t that amazing?

Before the advent of modern, conventional medicine, the world over used natural substances – spices, foods, herbs – to prevent and reverse disease.  In fact, so important and valued were these that they were sometimes traded for their weight in gold. Now we know that the ancients were not as “primitive, superstitious, or pre-scientific,” as widely believed, we can appreciate science that honors their wisdom.  In fact, it was their use of these substances that enabled them to survive thousands of years without modern medicine, and it is the use of these substances that will now allow us to survive modern medicine itself, which has become a primary cause of death.

For more information on natural healing alternatives to common drugs view our database sections titled, “The Superiority of Natural Substances versus Drugs,” and “Natural Substances Equipotent To Drugs,” to see research comparing natural versus synthetic approaches to prevent and treat disease.

And of course, please use our Research Dashboard, which contains research on over 3,000 ailments that can prevented or treated naturally, as evidenced by published, peer-reviewed research culled from the National Library of Medicine’s database MEDLINE (accessible via

Also, learn more about natural interventions for Bacterial Vaginosis here.

Looking for more in-depth information on how to combat antibiotic resistant infections naturally? Check out the powerful e-course series by the Grow Network dedicated to the cause:


[1] Review Bacterial vaginosis: a review on clinical trials with probiotics. Mastromarino P, Vitali B, Mosca L New Microbiol. 2013 Jul; 36(3):229-38.

[2] “Metronidazole CAS No. 443-48-1” (PDF). Report on Carcinogens, Twelfth Edition (2011). U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, National Toxicology Program. Retrieved 2011-10-28.

[3] International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) (May 2010). “Agents Classified by the IARC Monographs, Volumes 1–100” (PHP). World Health Organization. Retrieved 2010-06-06.

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Fight antibiotic-resistant superbugs with these six powerful and natural alternatives to antibiotics


Amy Goodrich
November 2, 2016

For many Americans, antibiotics have become a standard routine when they get sick. Since the 1940s, these drugs have significantly reduced illness and death from bacterial infections. However, they are not the go-to fix for everything.

Conditions such as a sore throat or bronchitis are usually caused by a virus and cannot be treated with antibiotics. Nonetheless, the medical industry keeps prescribing these drugs to treat non-bacterial infections. As a result, bacteria adapt themselves to these drugs and become resistant. When this happens, a common, easily treatable disease may become an unstable killer. In fact, if we don’t stop the overuse of antibiotics, bacteria may evolve to a point where even the last-resort treatments will fail.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), at least 23,000 American people die each year as a direct result of these unstoppable infections.

Long before Alexander Fleming discovered antibiotics in 1927, our ancestors relied on medicinal plants and natural remedies to strengthen their immune systems and prevent or cure infections. Some of these natural practices are still in use today.

1. Turmeric

Turmeric, the bright yellow-orange colored spice that most of us know from Indian curries, has been well known and documented for its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. It inhibits the growth of certain bacteria, parasites and fungi. It has successfully been used to fight Helicobacter pylori, the bacteria that causes ulcers and gastritis.

It can be taken as a supplement, drunk as tea or mixed with honey to create a skin-, wound- and infection-healing paste.

2. Garlic

Another excellent and versatile antibiotic is garlic, which has been shown to protect the body by killing harmful bacteria. Clinical tests suggest that garlic may be as potent as some of the commonly used antibiotics. Furthermore, garlic has proven to be effective against some of the tougher antibiotic-resistant superbugs. To get the most active compound out of fresh garlic, the Daily Health Post recommends leaving crushed garlic exposed to the air for 15 minutes before consumption.

3. Probiotics

Kefir, sauerkraut, kimchi and cultured yogurt may sound like ancient foods to you. However, more people are going back to these age-old healing foods to strengthen and renew intestinal flora. Probiotics or friendly gut bacteria are essential to good health. In addition to killing the bad guys, probiotic bacteria support proper digestion, boost the immune system and enhance the body’s resistance to infection.

4. Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil is a powerful antimicrobial essential oil derived from the Australian Melaleuca Alterniflora tree. As reported by Green Future, over 400 scientific studies have proven tea tree oil’s value as an antiseptic agent. It can be used to treat fungal, bacterial and viral infections. These include acne, athlete’s foot, nail fungus and bacterial ear infections.

5. Oregano and oil of oregano

Oregano has been long studied and used as a treatment for bacterial infections. In vitro, studies using oil of oregano have shown that it may be as efficient as the most commonly used antibiotics, but without the nasty side-effects.

6. Bee propolis

Propoolis, the natural antibiotic made by bees, is a sticky, glue-like substance bees collect from the bark of certain trees. Bees use it to block off the entrance of their hives to protect their home from infections. As reported by the Natural Healing Centre, bee propolis has been hospital-tested in Europe. It has been shown to be effective against staphylococcus (throat and chest infections), salmonella (food poisoning) and E.coli (gastric infection).

Unlike chemical antibiotics, these natural antibiotics don’t destroy the good intestinal bacteria, and don’t cause bacteria to turn into superbugs.

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Taco Bell aiming to look like ‘healthiest fast food chain,’ while their meat contains antibiotics and GMO fillers

Taco Bell
S.D. Wells
October 20, 2016

If you’ve been thinking “outside the bun” lately, you may also want to be eating “outside the taco shell,” because what’s lurking inside that “crunchwrap supreme” and the “volcano taco” is only about 35 percent actual meat, and the rest is well … grade F “stuff.”

In order to counter rumors that Taco Bell was using grade “E” meat (which doesn’t exist by the way), the fast food monster has launched an advertising campaign to span the mass media saying they are quickly becoming the “healthiest fast food chain,” but the facts all beg to differ, despite the consultation made by a corporate dietician and product developer. No, you’re not at Chipotle, so don’t get excited. You’re still at a junk food, junk science chain with a new “shell” for the structure, and a whitewashed menu, still served up in a Doritos taco shell, hard or soft, that warrants a little further research as far as “healthy” is concerned.

T-bell pulling ‘artificial ingredients’ and lowering sodium, but retaining antibiotic-laden meat, soy lecithin, maltodextrin and modified corn starch

According to a lawsuit filed by an Alabama-based law firm, Taco Bell is using a meat mixture that contains “binders and extenders” that do not meet even the minimum USDA requirements to be labeled as “beef.” Taco Bell’s meat mixture is only one-third meat; the rest is just fillers, and genetically modified fillers at that. What’s the use of bragging about less sodium and less artificial ingredients when the pink slime is spiced up and loaded with corn starch, fluoridated water, glyphosate-ridden wheat oats and superbug-creating antibiotics?

Plus, cage-free eggs aren’t all they’re “cracked up” to be. The term cage-free often means the chickens are still locked up in CAFOs (confined animal feeding operations), with just a few minutes allowed to roam around (usually still inside a barn or warehouse), and the abused animals are still fed genetically modified feed and live in horrific conditions. Why else would they need to be jacked up with antibiotics all day? It’s to stave off infections, E. Coli, salmonella and virus-breeding superbugs.

Illusion of healthy choices through new low-calorie ‘Fresco’ and high-protein ‘Cantina’ menu on website and mobile app

The Taco Bell team is hard at work using fancy words to convince everyone their grade “F” meat and some spiced-up GM corn starch is chock full of vitamins and minerals. The social media reaction? LOL and LMAO.

Want GMO vegetarian? T-bell’s got it! Want GMO vegan-friendly junk food? T-bell’s on it! With a touch of a button, you can customize your Frankenfood to fit your preventable disease needs. Still, Taco Bell knows exactly what they’re doing. They even admit that they’re not making a “huge deal” out of touting their new health offerings, because “it’s not authentic and it’s not real,” according to Taco Bell spokesman Alec Boyle.

You can “customize” junk science all day, but it will never make you healthy; it’s just more of the same with a new name, some stucco and some paint. What good is a salad if the vegetables were watered with fluoridated water and sprayed with chemical pesticides? What good is salad dressing if it’s loaded with canola and soy? Are you tapping into the genetically modified “food beast” and thinking you’re doing your body good? Here’s the news, and it’s not good: Nobody is taking over the fast food industry except diabetics and obese Americans.

Taco Bell meat classified as grade ‘F’ … What happened to grades C and D?

There are four main pros and four main cons to all fast food. On the good side, it’s hot, cheap, fast and prepared for you. On the bad side, it causes obesity, cancer, diabetes and Alzheimer’s disease. Are you falling for the price and convenience ploys? There’s a major price to pay, and you’ll be getting a failing “grade” for choosing the wrong places to dine.

Who’s the fool falling for more fast food tricks? You? While Chick-fil-A and McDonald’s are trying to reduce their use of antibiotic-laden meat to try to impress folks and convince them that less drugged-up chickens and cows are a better choice, Taco Bell hasn’t bothered to even address the problem. Antibiotic superbugs are a huge problem for the medical world in general, and 70 percent of those drugs are used on CAFO farm animals to prevent bacterial infections.

Taco Bell is nothing like Chipotle, although they’re trying hard through deceptive marketing practices to convince you that they might be. Even McDonald’s and Dunkin Donuts (think sausage, egg and cheese biscuit) got a “C” grade for their meat. Who else got an “F” for their meat besides Taco Bell? Wait for it … wait for it … KFC, Olive Garden, Sonic and Papa John’s.

So now, tell us again, what’s for breakfast, lunch and dinner?

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Top 7 ways a hospital stay can go downhill

[Editor’s Note]

Given the fact that there is irrefutable verifiable evidence that shows that preventable medical mistakes kill 250,000 people like clockwork [conservative estimate] every year in and out is highly disturbing.  It lays a troubling foundation for the post that follows.  For more please read:

Preventable Medical Mistakes Are 3rd Leading Cause Of Death In The US

S.D. Wells
August 31, 2016

Even if you eat 99 percent organic food, take herbal supplements, exercise, consult a nutritionist and live responsibly, at some point you will wind up in a hospital for something – either a broken bone, severe laceration, emergency operation or maybe just to bring in a loved one for some other reason. Believe it or not, the scariest part of your visit to the hospital or emergency room goes beyond the pressing need you have for a doctor to cut you open, sew you up or reset that broken “wing.” Sure, you don’t want to bleed to death from your injury, and you’re probably just praying the pain will subside soon, but there are dangers lurking in that medical center; in fact, your “dire” situation could get far worse, and in a short period of time.

Welcome to America, where people think medical insurance is the best thing since sliced bread, but many find out the hard way that the slippery slope of medical care can rapidly decline, sending them tumbling down, down, down, into the abyss of the chronic sick-care nightmare that’s sadly become commonplace.

Here they come: The top 7 ways a hospital stay can go downhill – and fast!

1. Superbugs: Hospitals across America are well aware that the MRSA (methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus) superbug bacterium causes potentially deadly staph infections and is completely immune to antibiotics. The biggest irony is that MRSA can be killed by natural medicines like colloidal silver, garlic and aloe vera, but hospitals refuse to use any natural medicines since doctors can’t prescribe them, and they can’t be patented by Big Pharma.

MRSA can enter the body through the skin, mouth or nasal passages, then travel to the bloodstream, urinary tract, lungs or other organs, leading to sepsis, severe inflammation, pneumonia and other potentially fatal complications. Watch out for electronic thermometers, the doctor and nurses’ laboratory coats, soiled gowns, endoscopes, food and flies!

Even scarier than MRSA are gram-negative superbugs (carbapenem-resistant enterobacteriaceae – or CRE). Diagnosed mostly in hospital patients, CRE produce an enzyme that’s resistant to “last resort” antibiotics, and are fatal in up to 60 percent of cases. Gram-negative superbugs have been reported in 35 states, and have played a large part in the nearly 2 million hospital-associated infections to date, contributing to about 100,000 deaths every year. That means hospital-acquired infections are among the top ten leading causes of death in the U.S.

2. The pneumonia vaccine: The pneumococcal vaccine is brewed in growth mediums and manufactured with scary carcinogenic processing ingredients that you simply wouldn’t believe. The highly secretive vaccine industry uses genetically modified soy peptone broth, ammonium sulfate (which is 21 percent nitrogen and flame retardant) and polysorbate 80, which when injected into muscle tissue can cause anaphylactic shock. What was it you came into the hospital for again? Polysorbate 80 also suppresses your immune system while causing severe allergic reactions – a combination of events that can kill you. The pneumonia vaccine called Prevnar contains over 20 strains of pneumonia, diphtheria and streptococcus infectious bacteria – a completely unpredictable combination. Some surgeons actually recommend this toxic jab for seniors immediately after major operations, during recovery.

3. GMO food: So you arrive at the hospital injured, stressed, worried, sick and weak. Your body needs nutrients as it drains what it has to save you from this hopefully short-lived nightmare. But guess what? You’ve just entered the danger zone, where not a single morsel of food, beverage or “medicine” has one lick of nutrition, and even worse, most of it contains genetically modified, pesticide-laden and processed ingredients that destroy immunity and make you even weaker. Not one hospital in America serves organic food, and the “protein” drinks they offer are loaded with GM soy and canola oil that strip your body of nutrients and add to the health chaos, sending you straight downhill.

4. Antibiotics: Doctors in America just love slinging those prescriptions! They scribble some secret language on a little piece of paper and give you some warm, fuzzy advice to make you feel safe, all while crippling your immunity, ensuring your stay at the hospital travels in one direction: downhill.

5. Unnecessary surgery: You may not know that doctors have a financial incentive to perform surgery on dying seniors because Medicare is guaranteed to pay for it. Researchers from Harvard School of Public Health reported that over 34 percent of people over age 65 are operated on during their last year, 25 percent in their last month, and 10 percent in their last week of life. How do they die? The stress of surgery and poor conditions in hospitals leads to post surgery pneumonia, superbug infections and heart attacks.

6. The wrong diagnosis: American medical doctors and oncologists are trained to do surgery, read x-rays, run expensive tests and prescribe multiple chemical-based medications. That’s about it. They often make major mistakes that can cost you your life. They’ll tell you your sickness is inherited when it’s not. They’ll prescribe antibiotics for viral infections because the symptoms are similar. They’ll remove organs (ie: gall bladder removed for gall stones) for illnesses that can be healed by simply changing patient diet plans to a plant-based regimen.

7. Your chart gets misread or mixed up with that of someone else: Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for your left arm, knee or hip to get operated on when it’s really your right one that needed the work. Many hospitals today are so overcrowded that nurses and surgeons often mix up charts or files when more than one person has the same last name.

Bottom line: Eat organic food, research natural medicine and live carefully so you can stay healthy and avoid the hospital. Good luck!

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The 8 Most Dangerous Medicines on Earth… Are You Taking Any Of These?

Dangerous medicine
S.D. Wells
August 30, 2016

“It’s time to take your medicine, honey.” “But Mom, it’s making me feel weird and horrible, and I’m not getting any better.” “Well, it’s what the doctor prescribed, so it’s what we have to do.” Have you ever been told to listen to your gut? There’s a reason for that. Actually, several reasons.

Many “Western” medicines are made in laboratories using chemicals and are highly experimental, and worse yet, they’re never tested on humans, except when they’re actually prescribed, applied, or injected into them. Humans are the ultimate guinea pigs in America, while Big Pharma pockets trillions in profit. How did this all come to be? Simple answer: After WWII, Nazi scientists were hired fresh out of prison to work on pharmaceuticals, vaccines, chemotherapy, and chemical food additives, in order to fuel the most insidious business on earth–allopathic medicine. It’s no conspiracy theory either. The horror that took place at the Holocaust in Germany was continued, on a lesser scale, in the United States, for money.

Think about it. There is NO OTHER REASON our U.S. based pharmaceutical companies hired convicted mass murderers to fill the highest positions at Bayer, BASF, and Hoechst. Fritz ter Meer, convicted of mass murder, served just 5 prison years, then conveniently became the chairman of Bayer’s supervisory board (yes, THAT Bayer–that makes children’s medications and the most popular aspirin). Carl Wurster of BASF helped manufacture Zyklon-B gas, the powerful pesticide used to execute millions of Jews–this freak went to work on chemotherapy, the biggest medical scam of the century. Kurt Blome, who admitted to killing Jews with “gruesome experiments,” was hired in 1951 by the U.S. Army Chemical Corps to work on chemical warfare. Get it?

In other words, Big Pharma’s evil seeds, which the FDA calls medicine, were first planted in the United States 65 years ago. Many of the “mad scientists” who tortured innocent human beings in the Holocaust were hired and promoted by U.S. Presidents to catapult what we call “Western Medicine,” and its ultimate goal of creating sickness, and then treating its symptoms for profit.

Take heed, my friends, because THESE are the 8 most DANGEROUS MEDICINES on Planet Earth. It’s called the “War Against the Weak.”

War Against the Weak

#1. SSRIs – highly experimental, never proven safe or effective, and can completely block serotonin, leading to thoughts of suicide and even homicidal and suicidal acts of horror.

#2. MMR vaccine (measles, mumps, rubella) – associated with causing autism and other central nervous system disorders and a myriad of health issues. When the LIVE measles virus gets into the body, the immune system is severely compromised, and the other chemical adjuvants and genetically modified ingredients attack the child, causing permanent and sometimes fatal results.

#3. Influenza vaccine (flu shot) – contains up to 50,000 parts per billion of mercury, in addition to formaldehyde, MSG, and aluminum. Can cause pregnant women to abort and have miscarriages

#4. Antibiotics – annihilate good gut bacteria and therefore severely decreases immune system. Doctors inappropriately prescribe antibiotics for viral infections and make matters much worse!

#5. HPV vaccine (human papillomavirus) – known to send teens into anaphylactic shock and comas. Thousands of families have sued the manufacturers for millions of dollars for chronic and permanent health damages.

#6. Chemotherapy – annihilates the immune system and often leads to the body forming new cancers, especially in the blood. Nazi scientists knew in the 1950s that chemotherapy only makes cancer temporarily recede, only to come back with a vengeance in other parts of the body! (Still, Western Medicine calls this successful)

#7. “RotaTeq” rotavirus vaccine – extremely toxic (oral) vaccine contains LIVE rotavirus strains (G1, G2, G3, G4, and P1), plus highly toxic polysorbate 80 and FETAL BOVINE SERUM. Also contains parts of porcine circovirus – a virus that INFECTS PIGS.

#8. Polio vaccine (oral and injected with needle) – It’s a cold, hard, scary fact that millions of Americans were injected with CANCER when they got the polio vaccine. Plus, the oral and nasal versions of the vaccine have been spreading polio in India and leaving many children paralyzed for life.

Sure, people are paranoid of infectious diseases and for good reason. The American medicine industry has exacerbated the WORST cases on record to scare the living hell out of everyone into injected their known carcinogens for “protection.” It’s racketeering and it’s illegal, but the vaccine manufacturers are immune to lawsuits, protected by a massive slush fund and their own secret court of law. If you or your child is severely injured by vaccines, you CANNOT sue the vaccine manufacturer. You will have to take that case to the Office of Special MASTERS of the U.S. Court of Federal Claims, which is commonly called the highly secretive “Vaccine Court.” This corrupt “court” administers a no-fault compensation program (yes, you read that correctly), that serves as an alternative to your Constitutional rights. Established back in 1986, after drug companies lost massive profits in high-profile lawsuits due to vaccines severely damaging a number of children, who suffered seizures and brain damage, linked to the DPT vaccine.

Before you EVER consider swallowing or injecting chemical toxins called “medicine” again, visit at least one Naturopathic Physician and find out if the health problem or problems are nutritional based, because odds are, they are!

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Side effects for this antibiotic are worse than infections it’s prescribed for

Source: RTAmerica
July 21, 2016

The FDA just announced that it will require more warnings on the label for a class of antibiotics known as fluoroquinolones because the side effects they cause are worse than the actual infections they are commonly prescribed for. Side effects include permanent muscle and nerve damage, when the infections they’re prescribed for usually clear up on their own, without the need of any medication.

Increasing Dangers Of Antibiotic Use

Ann Boroch
June 16, 2016

So many people have become used to going to the doctor and walking out with a prescription any time they have an ailment. That has led to antibiotic overuse, which causes more serious problems. Naturopath Ann Boroch discusses the danger with antibiotic overuse and offers some alternatives when you likely have something other than a bacterial infection. Learn the increasing dangers with antibiotics use.

Breakaway Links Of The Week – June 16, 2016

Zy Marquiez
June 16, 2016

Here are the links of the day.

Hope everyone is safe.  Take care.

Yale Scientists Developing Brain-Reading Technology
[ | Dr. Joseph P. Farrell]

European Union Officials Outraged By Glyphosate Opposition As Germany, Italy & France Refuse To Relicense The Cancerous Herbicide
[ | Julie Wilson]

Brazil Has Now Refused All Imports Of US-Grown Genetically Modified Crops
[ | Christina Sarich]

Top 10 Ways Food Is Being Used RIGHT NOW As A Chemical Delivery System To Poison Brains
[ | S.D. Wells]

Controversy Ensues: Is Growing Your Own Vegetables A Fundamental Right?
[ | Brandon Turbeville]

Orlando Shooting: Still No Evidence
[ | Dr. Paul Craig Roberts]

Environmental Group Establishes Training Centers To Educate Farmers About Organic Growing Techniques
[ | Sarah Landers]

Orlando Shooting – Pieces That Don’t Fit

Increasing Dangers with Antibiotic Use
[ | Naturopath Ann Boroch]

White Collar Robots Are Coming For Your Office Jobs – #NewWorldNextWeek
[TheCorbettReport | James Corbett]