DuPont’s Dumping of GenX Toxin in North Carolina Water Could Be the Next Flint

Source: RTAmerica
June 24, 2017

Description: Mike Papantonio discusses Dupont’s chemical called GenX that has been found in the drinking water of North Carolina residents and speaks with attorney, Chris Paulos about the case.

Breaking: Bayer buys Monsanto: the Empire strikes back

Jon Rappoport
September 16, 2016

This is the largest corporate cash buyout in history.

Mega-giant Bayer put $66 billion on the table, and mega-giant Monsanto said yes.

Think GMOs, crop seeds, pesticides, medical drugs.

Keep in mind that one of the consultants on the European side of this deal is the Rothschild Group.

But that’s not all. Dow and DuPont are planning to merge. Recently, another biotech giant, Syngenta, was swallowed up by the state-owned ChemChina. And this just in: two major Canadian fertilizer manufacturers, Potash Corp of Saskatchewan Inc. and Agrium Inc. are merging.

Consolidation, monopoly. The Empire strikes back.

The global rebellion against GMOs and pesticides, particularly Monsanto’s Roundup, is one of the reasons for these deals. But lurking in the background is another factor, exemplified by the pending Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) treaty.

If the TPP passes, corporate tribunals will take over the adjudication of disputes in which a nation rejects importing toxic pesticides, medical drugs, or GMOs. These tribunals will decide whether that nation is permitted to refuse importation.

Of course, the tribunals will favor mega-corporate interests. But now, with the mergers involving Bayer, Monsanto, Dow, DuPont, Syngenta, and ChemChina, the devastating clout of the tribunals will be that much more powerful.

The ability to shove toxic products down the throats of populations will elevate.

This is the corporate face of Globalism.

This is a giant step in the direction of controlling the world’s food supply.

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Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

Bayer raises bid to purchase Monsanto to over $65 BILLION


Vicki Batts
September 13, 2016

German pharmaceutical giant Bayer AG seems to know no limits in its quest to acquire the world’s most notorious agricultural company. The drug manufacturer has recently pushed its offer for procuring Monsanto up to a whopping $65 billion.

Bayer has confirmed that the two corporations are currently engaged in “advanced negotiations,” though it seems less like negotiating and more like Monsanto trying to take Bayer for everything they have. The original offer from Bayer averaged out to $122 per share, or $62 billion. Their new $65 billion offer averages out to about $127.50 per share. Bayer would also assume Monsanto’s $9 billion in debt, which pushes their offer up by an additional 2 percent. However, Monsanto is apparently seeking a jaw-dropping $130 per share, at least according to Bloomberg.

The attempted wooing of Monsanto is just one of many consolidations that have occurred lately in the agricultural industry. Bloomberg reports, “China National Chemical Corp. agreed in February to acquire Syngenta AG, while DuPont Co. and Dow Chemical Co. plan to merge and then carve out a new crop-science unit.” These kinds of deals in the crop and seed industry threaten to leave just a few oversized global giants in the Big Ag industrial complex.

If Bayer and Monsanto were to merge, they would create what would be one of the world’s largest agricultural suppliers. Monsanto is presently the world’s largest seed manufacturer, and Bayer currently offers their own “crop-protection” products (if you can really call them that). Between the two, they will make for a nearly-untouchable conglomerate. Monsanto has announced that it is considering Bayer’s offer, but the company is not the GMO giant’s only suitor; several other companies are seeking to acquire Monsanto as well.

In spite of their tremendous offer, Monsanto reportedly feels that their company is somehow being undervalued, but is still “open” to negotiation. Clearly, Monsanto is blind to the growing aversion to its name and products.

While the apparent ego of the company is worrisome, there are many more things to be concerned about, especially if this deal were to come to fruition. If two massive companies tied to the agricultural industry join forces, it could spell disaster for farmers and food prices. Their consolidation would lead to fewer choices for farmers, and you know what happens when there is a monopoly: prices skyrocket. With farmer bargaining power limited, it’s natural to expect seed prices to increase. And that means that the price of produce in supermarkets will increase along with them.

Robert Lawrence, a professor from Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and the founding director of the Center for a Liveable Future, told Market Watch, “The consolidation and driving out of smaller competitors, and controlling the marketplace and raising prices of seeds and pesticides for farmers worldwide is going to be a real shock to the food system.”

The merger could also mean fewer options for consumers, and may even effect the availability of organic crops and crops grown with fewer pesticides. Given the size of the two companies, the potential for them to further reduce farmers’ options is very real.

You would think that with the growing demand for organic, pesticide-free produce, Bayer would not be so interested in Monsanto; after all, that name has become something of a dirty word.

However, Bayer reportedly took Monsanto’s poor image into account, but made their offer to acquire the company anyway. This isn’t surprising though; anytime two large companies such as these merge together, the net result will always be more power. Even if people don’t like them, the increase in market share will still inevitably yield more economic power. And with economic power comes political power. As if Monsanto doesn’t already have their claws deep enough into our political system, merging with Bayer would surely grant them invincibility.

The most frightening thing about this acquisition is its potential to make Monsanto a stronger force in the agricultural industry, and consequently, further reduce the availability of non-GMO foods.

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Monsanto’s Dark Act Ready For Obama’s Signature

Source: |
Jon Rappoport
July 20, 2016

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Power Outside The Matrix, click here.)

“Let folks know when their food is genetically modified, because Americans have a right to know what they’re buying.” (Barack Obama, 2007)


In the last eight years, the global outcry against Monsanto and the other biotech giants has accelerated—but not a significant peep has emerged from the Obama White House.

And now, the bill dubbed The Dark Act is ready for Obama’s signature. It will make GMO labels on food an exclusively federal matter—and those labels will be confusing, weak, and therefore meaningless for the majority of Americans. The Dark Act is basically a free pass for Monsanto and the other biotech giants.

After his victory in the 2008 election, Obama filled key posts with Monsanto people, in federal agencies that wield tremendous force in GMO food issues—the USDA and the FDA:

At the USDA, as the director of the National Institute of Food and Agriculture, Roger Beachy, former director of the Monsanto Danforth Center.

As deputy commissioner of the FDA, the new food-safety-issues czar, the infamous Michael Taylor, former vice-president for public policy for Monsanto. Taylor had been instrumental in getting approval for Monsanto’s genetically engineered bovine growth hormone.

As commissioner of the USDA, Iowa governor, Tom Vilsack. Vilsack had set up a national group, the Governors’ Biotechnology Partnership, and had been given a Governor of the Year Award by the Biotechnology Industry Organization, whose members include Monsanto.

As the Agriculture Trade Representative, who would push GMOs for export, Islam Siddiqui, a former Monsanto lobbyist.

As the counsel for the USDA, Ramona Romero, who had been corporate counsel for another biotech giant, DuPont.

As the head of the USAID, Rajiv Shah, who had previously worked in key positions for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, a major funder of GMO agriculture research.

We should also remember that Obama’s Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, once worked for the Rose law firm. That firm was counsel to Monsanto.

Obama nominated Elena Kagan to the US Supreme Court. Kagan, as federal solicitor general, had previously argued for Monsanto in the Monsanto v. Geertson seed case before the Supreme Court.

The deck was stacked. Obama hadn’t simply made honest mistakes. Obama hadn’t just failed to exercise proper oversight in selecting appointees. He was staking out territory on behalf of Monsanto and other GMO corporate giants.

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Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

Breakaway Links Of The Week – June 11, 2016 – June 17, 2016

Zy Marquiez
July 18, 2016

There are many links these week regarding many topics.  Make sure to sift through and see what might be of interest.

Hope everyone had a great weekend.

Take care and be safe.

Glyphosate Disrupts Uterus Study Finds
[ | F. William Engdahl

Seventh Grade Boys, Girls Could Be Forcibly Injected With HPV Vaccine If They Wish To Remain In School
A great book that discusses this very topic is:
Thimerosal – Let The Science Speak – The Evidence Supporting The Immediate Removal Of Mercury – A Known Neurotoxin [And More!] – From Vaccines by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
[ | Wes Maxwell]

Consciousness Researcher & Physicist Tom Campbell: Fireside Chat May 2016 [Pt 1]
[Tom Campbell]

FBI-Hillary Interview Lost; And The Silence Of The Lambs
[ | Jon Rappoport]

Globalists Are Pitting Blacks Against Whites In America To Incite A Race War – Here’s How We Can Win Together By Refusing To Be Manipulated Into Hatred & Rage
[ | Mike Adams]

Tour #5 – My Entire Garden Shown As Requested
[TheRustedGarden | Gary Pilarchik]

Europeans Outraged Over Glyphosate Renewal, Triggering Protests, While Calling For An End To Industry & Government Collusion
[ | L.J. Devon]

Senate Approves Mock GMO-Labeling Bill, Threatening Genuine Attempts To Label Food At The State Level
[ | Daniel Barker]

Media’s Fevered Rhetoric Aimed At Gun Confiscation

Cucumbers, Squash, Zucchini: Time For A Mid-Season Water Soluble Feeding – My 2016 Routine
[TheRustedGarden | Gary Pilarchik]

Media Mind Control & Forbidden Knowledge TV – Dark Journalist & Alexandra Bruce
A very salient interview that delves into the reason media trust is dwindling, and how much propaganda has been taken place. Also touched upon is the alternative media and issues coming up with it.
[DarkJournalist | Daniel Liszt]

Big Ag Wants To sell You GMO Marijuana
[CorbettReport | James Corbett]

Dallas Ambush Follows Pattern Of Provocateured False Flags
[CobettReport | James Corbett]

Study: Psychiatrists Now Prescribing Dangerous Antidepressants For Unhappy Marriages
[ | Amy Goodrich]

Graham Hancock Breaths The Set On TED Censorship, Lost Civilizations & War On Consciousness
[BreakingTheSet | Abby Martin]

Governments Are Authoritarian Monopolies That Cannot Encourage Social Creativity

How Monsanto Invaded, Occupied & Now CONTROLS Government Regulators
[ | Ethan A. Huff]

#GoodNewsNextWeek: DuPont Guilty Verdicts Keep Piling Up
[Media Monarchy | James Evan Pilatto]

VLOG 12 – Urban Farming Hustle
[UrbanFarmer | Curtis Stone]

Psycho-Physics? Consciousness, The Double-Slit Experiment And…
[ | Dr. Joseph P. Farrell]

Disabled Female Cancer Patient Left Bruised & Bloodied By The TSA
[ | J.D. Heyes]

How We Got It Wrong About Fat!
[ | Dr. Mary Newport]

U.S. Defense Physicist Speaks About Alien Structures On The Moon
“As somebody in the space defense community, I look on any structure on the moon with great concern because it isn’t ours, there’s no way we could have built such a thing. It means someone else is up there…”

France Vows To Outlaw Monsanto’s Cancerous Glyphosate By 2018 Amid Fears Herbicide Is Destroying Biodiversity, Causing Mass Honeybee Die-Offs
[ | Wes Maxwell]

Berries Vs. Pesticides In Parkinson’s Disease
[ | Dr. Greger]

UN Move Toward World Government With First Ever Globally Televised Leadership Debate

Monsanto, DuPont Unleash Highly Toxic, Drift-Prone Dicamba Herbicide Endangering Public Health & North America’s Food Supply
[ | L.J. Devon]

Why Helicopter Money Won’t Push Stocks Higher
[ | Charles Hugh Smith]

Corrupt Politicians & Corrupted Money Go Hand In Hand
[ | Clint Siegner]

Researchers Discover Evidence Of 7,000-Year-Old Head Surgery
Researchers in North Africa have made another remarkable discovery during excavations in a Neolithic Settlement in Omdurman in Sudan. Experts dug up a skeleton with signs of trepanation – a drilling hole in the skull – dating back 7,000 years.

Medical Insanity? – Big Pharma Developing Baby Vaccines For Pregnant Women
[ | David Gutierrez]

Toddler Injected With 37 Vaccines Before The Age Of Two Left Paralyzed & Wheelchair-Bound For Life
[ | Isabelle Z.]

Dr. Mercola & Dr. Chandra Discuss Autism
[ | Dr. Mercola]

Did You Really Think Bernie Sanders Was Playing It Straight?
[ | | Jon Rappoport]

Five Cancer-Fighting Recipes That Also Helps You Beat The Summer Heat
[ | Isabelle Z.]

Thousands Of American Doctors Caught Sexually Abusing Their Patients…& More Than HALF Are Still Practicing
[ | J.D. Heyes]

What Everybody’s Missing About Brexit
[Corbett Report Extras | James Corbett]

The Antediluvian Wall Of Texas: A Lost Civilization Under Texas?
The Town of Rockwell got its name from a mysterious wall hidden beneath the surface.

[Urban Farming] VLOG – 13 – The #1 Crop For The Zombie Apocalypse
]UrbanFarmer | Curtis Stone]

CDC Executive Resigns After Being Caught Colluding With Coca-Cola To Salvage Soda Market
[ | Dr. Mercola]

Are Toxins Causing Your Condition?

Activists Launch Anti-Genetically Modified Food Billboards Promoting Organic Food, While Warning Of The Dangers Of Genetically Engineered Crops
[ | J.D. Heyes]

NJ Demands Woman Pay Student Loans Of Murdered Son
[RT America]

The CIA’s ‘Pokemon Go’ App Is Doing What The Patriot Act Can’t
[ | James Corbett]

Cancer Study Haled After 3 People Die
[| Julie Fidler]

The Reasons Why The Globalists Are Destined To Lose
[ | Brandon Smith]

Toxic Chemicals Found In Bodies Of Residents Near Fracking Site
[RT America]

Totally Hijacked By Big Food: Organic Trading Association Turns Against Genetically Modified Food Labeling
[ | Ethan A. Huff]

News & Views From The Nefarium – July 14, 2016
[ | Dr. Joseph P. Farrell]

Killer Cop Robot Kills Cop Killer #NewWorldNextWeek
[CorbettReport |James Corbett]

Antidepressants Linked To Neurological Damage In Newborns, Study Finds
[ | Amy Goodrich]

No Liberal: Hillary Is Pro Multinational & Pro Military-Industrial Complex

Legislation In Alaska Requiring Labeling Of GMO Salmon Will Now Be Reversed By The Senate’s Fake Labeling Bill
[ |Wes Maxwell]

Annual Healthcare Spending Rises To $10,000 Per Person
[RT America]

Study: Diet Low In Calories & Sugar During Chemotherapy Treatment Reduces Cancer Tumors By 50 Percent
[ | J.D. Heyes]

39 Fantastic Prepping Tips
[ | Gaye Levy]

Extensive Vegetation & Lakes Cover Surface Of Mars

Betrayed! Whole Foods & The Organic Trade Association Just Plowed Right Through American Consumers [Op Ed]
[ | Mike Adams]

The Gift That Keeps On Giving: Inner Cities, Violence, Poverty, Drugs
[ | Jon Rappoport]

10 Foods That Lower Blood Pressure Naturally
[HealingPowerHour | Dr. Akilah Schäfer]

Monsanto’s Glyphosate Poisoning Lake Erie, Causing Toxic Algae Blooms Responsible For Killing Fish & Contaminating Drinking Water
[ | Jonathan Benson]

Killer Cop Robot Kills Cop Killer #NewWorldNextWeek

Source: CorbettReport
James Corbett
July 15, 2016

Welcome to New World Next Week — the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news. In this week’s episode:

Story #1: U.S. Approves UN Use Of Force To Protect Civilians In Conflict
U.N. Peacekeepers Accused Of Raping Civilians In Central African Republic (Apr. 6, 2016)
On This Anniversary of Rwandan Genocide, Bill Clinton’s Words Ring Hollow (Apr. 13, 2016)
Video: CIA, UN Worked Together To Overthrow Democratic Republic Of The Congo In 1960
Kigali Principles on the Protection of Civilians
R2P or: How the Left Learned to Stop Worrying and Embrace Wars of Imperial Aggression
Keith Harmon Snow Reveals the Truth About the Rwandan Genocide
Christopher Black Destroys the Myth of the Rwandan “Genocide”
Who Is Samantha Power?
Wikipedia: Samantha Power
NWNW Flashback: Sunstein Publishes Conspiracy Book (Mar. 21, 2014)
5 Reasons This Will Be The Summer of Rage

Story #2: Military Robotics Makers See Future For Armed Police Robots
UN Says Terrorists ‘Actively Seeking’ To Build Deadly Army Of Killer Robots

Story #3: Efforts To Expand Financial Surveillance Portion Of The Patriot Act Fail, For Now
The CIA’s ‘Pokémon Go’ App is Doing What the Patriot Act Can’t

#GoodNewsNextWeek: DuPont Guilty Verdicts Keep Piling Up + Pot Not Pills & Pee Power

#NewWorldNextWeek Headlines: Obama Breaks His Promises Again, Sends More Troops to Iraq
Fool’s Errand: NATO Pledges Four More Years Of War In Afghanistan
US, NATO to Add Forces in Poland
Inside The FBI, Agents Outraged At Hillary Email Decision
Obama, Bush Join Dallas Memorial In Singing “Battle Hymn Of The Republic”
“Reminder: Sanders was never running for president. He’s running to keep more-lefties in the Democrat Party until Endorse Hillary Day.”
Novella By Saddam Hussein Gets English Translation
Osama’s Son Vows Revenge Against US For Killing His Father In Online Audio Message
Portland Christmas Tree Bomber’s Appeal Puts FBI Entrapment In Spotlight
Former European Commission Chief Barroso Lands Goldman Sachs Role
The Original Apollo 11 Guidance Computer Source Code Is Now Available Online
Sony To Create Emotional Robot That Bonds With Humans
Poor Security Puts The U.S. Electric System At Risk
How The U.S. Could Go Dark
Power Outage Disrupts New York Subway On Blackout Anniversary

Previous Episode: Americans Prefer Death by Meteor to Clinton or Trump

Breakaway Links Of The Day – July 13, 2016

Zy Marquiez
July 14, 2016

Here are yesterday’s links.

Hope all is well.

Psycho-Physics? Consciousness, The Double-Slit Experiment And…
[ | Dr. Joseph P. Farrell]

Disabled Female Cancer Patient Left Bruised & Bloodied By The TSA
[ | J.D. Heyes]

How We Got It Wrong About Fat!
[ | Dr. Mary Newport]

U.S. Defense Physicist Speaks About Alien Structures On The Moon
“As somebody in the space defense community, I look on any structure on the moon with great concern because it isn’t ours, there’s no way we could have built such a thing. It means someone else is up there…”

France Vows To Outlaw Monsanto’s Cancerous Glyphosate By 2018 Amid Fears Herbicide Is Destroying Biodiversity, Causing Mass Honeybee Die-Offs
[ | Wes Maxwell]

Berries Vs. Pesticides In Parkinson’s Disease
[ | Dr. Greger]

UN Move Toward World Government With First Ever Globally Televised Leadership Debate

Monsanto, DuPont Unleash Highly Toxic, Drift-Prone Dicamba Herbicide Endangering Public Health & North America’s Food Supply
[ | L.J. Devon]

Why Helicopter Money Won’t Push Stocks Higher
[ | Charles Hugh Smith]

Corrupt Politicians & Corrupted Money Go Hand In Hand
[ | Clint Siegner]

Researchers Discover Evidence Of 7,000-Year-Old Head Surgery
Researchers in North Africa have made another remarkable discovery during excavations in a Neolithic Settlement in Omdurman in Sudan. Experts dug up a skeleton with signs of trepanation – a drilling hole in the skull – dating back 7,000 years.

Medical Insanity? – Big Pharma Developing Baby Vaccines For Pregnant Women
[ | David Gutierrez]

Monsanto, DuPont Unleash Highly Toxic, Drift-Prone Dicamba Herbicide Endangering Public Health & North America’s Food Supply

Dicamba herbicide
L.J. Devon
July 13, 2016

Certain kinds of plant growth are becoming more invasive in farmers’ fields. These super weeds are resisting the increased use of glyphosate and other herbicides. It has been going on for awhile now. Nature is fighting back. Weeds are finding new ways to adapt and survive.

Take for instance, the garlic mustard plant (Alliaria petiolata), which has become increasingly invasive in the Midwest in recent years. It is now recommended that farmers fight back this plant with cold weather application of glyphosate. This strategy also kills many great herbs, such as shepherd’s-purse and common chickweed, to name a few.

As ecological diversity of plant life disappears and as super weeds take hold in the fields, biotech corporations have only one solution…

Abusive cycle continues with wide scale release of toxic dicamba herbicide

Corporations, like Monsanto and DuPont, believe the solution to the problems they create is to continue the abusive cycle of creating stronger herbicides – which only endanger public health, strip the soil of its minerals and nutrients, and kill off beneficial, native plant life.

How else would these biotech corporations continue to protect their monopoly on genetically modified seeds? How else would they continue to control farmers, agriculture, and the food supply?

Even though these corporations continue to destroy the environment and public health, regulators at the USDA continue to give Big Biotech the green light for unleashing new waves of highly toxic herbicides.

Like partners in crime, Monsanto, DuPont, and the USDA are coming together to unleash the highly toxic, drift prone dicamba herbicide for Monsanto’s new line of GM dicamba-tolerant soybean and cotton seeds.

Monsanto always has another “answer” for the problems they create. The USDA even admits that these new dicamba-tolerant seeds are “not likely to provide for agronomic sustainability” but they approved their commercial release anyway.

The USDA predicts that there will be an 88-fold increase in dicamaba spraying in the next year. To prepare for wide scale dicamaba sales, Monsanto has already asked the Environment Protection Agency to increase tolerance levels for dicamaba by 150-fold for use on cotton seed.

Dicamba is very drift prone, threatening organic farming and all broad leaf plants

Virtually all broadleaf plants, including fruits, nuts, vegetables, and non-GM commodity crops face certain eradication in the presence of dicamba. Not only does this herbicide drift after it is sprayed, but it also evaporates in the days and weeks after application, drifting for miles before destroying another person’s crops and plants. Dicamba is designed to disrupt the normal growth processes of plants through hormonal pathways.

Unleashing the new herbicide will have irreversible effects on native flora and fauna and will continue the chemical assault on human health. To make matters worse, dicamba has a bad reputation for drifting to neighboring fields and committing genetic damage to organic, non-GM crops. Organic farmers suffer crop losses because of herbicide drift. Herbicides like dicamba inadvertently yet predictably assault the property of organic farmers, hurting their yields and making it harder for them to keep their food free of toxins. Furthermore, organic farmers have no recourse in the courts because herbicide-doused, GM seeds are a protected, patented property. In fact, Monsanto has a sordid history of actually suing organic farmers, claiming that their GM technology is stolen when their GM seeds mate with plants from neighboring organic farms.

On top of all this, organic farms have to go through strict, expensive testing and validation to prove that their crops are indeed clean and free from biotech toxins. Shouldn’t it be the other way around? Shouldn’t toxic GM food be placed under heavy scrutiny, labeled with warning stickers, and strictly sanctioned off so it won’t pollute real whole foods?

If herbicides and GM traits drift to organic fields, organic farmers should be able to sue Monsanto, not the other way around. Thankfully there are ways to grow clean food and protect it right at home, year round. These clean growing methods can and should be implemented on a large scale, but since the North American agricultural system is rigged and owned by the biotech industry, individuals will have to take matters into their own hands. Learning to grow your own food is a great way to make positive change happen, right at home.

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#GoodNewsNextWeek: DuPont Guilty Verdicts Keep Piling Up

Source: MediaMonarchy
James Evan Pilatto
July 12, 2016

This week on #GoodNewsNextWeek: People in pain are putting down pills in favor of pot; another breakthrough take the piss out of the power; and DuPont’s guilty, but their dummy company’s taking the fall in this double-edged story edition of GNNW.

80% Gave Up Prescription Meds For Medical Pot

Big Ag Wants to Sell You GMO Marijuana

Public Urinal Generates Pee Power

GNNW Flashback: Tofu Power and Other “Cool New Alternative Energy Sources” (Jun. 6, 2016)

Glowing Fungi Research Could Lead To Trees Lighting Our Streets

DuPont Liable For Man’s Cancer In Third Case Over Teflon Chemical 😷

PDF: The Outrageous Story of Chemours Creation

Crips, Bloods Come Together in Baton Rouge with Powerful Message — “All Lives Matter”

Top Bullfighter Victor Barrio Gored To Death In The Ring In Spain

Netherlands’ Empty Prisons More Than Black & White

Texas Inmates Break Out Of Jail To Save Life Of Officer Guarding Them

5 Ways That Helping Others Helps You

The GMO Scrapbook – GMO Geopolitics & Russian Agriculture


Dr. Joseph P. Farrell
May 3, 2016

Over the previous years of covering the GMO issue on this website, I’ve been advancing the idea that if the BRICSA bloc were smart, they would make GMOs a geopolitical issue, along the lines of everyone having a basic human right to (1) know what they’re eating and (2) to be able to choose to eat non-GMO foods. This, of course, is a hot-button way of stating the problem of the mercantilist policies successfully pursued by I.G. Farbensanto and other agribusiness giants in the west, who’ve been fighting tooth-and-nail against GMO labeling laws, and organic foods. Their science has been doctored, their claims on the healthiness of their products is in dispute.

I’ve also suggested that Russia, at least, does appear poised to make GMO geopolitics part of its domestic and foreign policy agenda. We saw first the Russian bans on GMOs, then the Russian government’s commitments to inter-generational scientific testing of the health and environmental impacts of GMOs. And along the way, I blogged about studies from the University of Iowa that also document falling yields and rising costs for GMO farmers. Now, there’s this article, shared by Ms. M.W.:

Now Russia Makes an Organic Revolution

The article, by F. William Engdahl, author of the GMO study Seeds of Destruction, makes it clear that Russia’s agricultural plicy is carefully considered, not only for the good of the Russian people, but also that it is positioning itself to become a supplier of non-GMO foods, and seeds, to a western world drowning in glyphosphate:

Continue Reading At:


Joseph P. Farrell has a doctorate in patristics from the University of Oxford, and pursues research in physics, alternative history and science, and “strange stuff”. His book The Giza DeathStar, for which the Giza Community is named, was published in the spring of 2002, and was his first venture into “alternative history and science”.