Wikipedia exposed as junk science propaganda platform for Big Pharma

Sarah Landers
August 6, 2016

According to Bolen Report, Wikipedia is not a website we should be trusting when it comes to unbiased, accurate information. Wikipedia is an example of “skeptic” leadership – with the “skeptics” actually being an organized hate group that claim to be the sole protectors of intellectual truth.

“Skeptics” are in favor of vaccines, mammograms, pharmaceuticals and over-the-counter medication – and opponents of nutritional supplements, herbal medicine, massage therapy, energy medicine and homeopathy, as reported by Natural News.

According to research by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, “skeptics” believe that all vaccines are safe and effective – even those that have never been tested – and that all people should be vaccinated – even against their will. “Skeptics” also believe that that people of all ages can be safely given an unlimited number of drugs, including antidepressants, blood pressure drugs, diabetes drugs, sleeping drugs and pretty much everything else – all at the same time, as we have previously reported.


Wikipedia is available in almost every language, and is presented as a seemingly friendly and reliable source of information. However, on closer inspection, the popular information site is full of errors, biased information and omissions – particularly around the subjects of health, environmental safety and agricultural sustainability. Wikipedia is pretty much run by the “skeptics.”

One of the main reasons that people are fooled into believing that Wikipedia is posting the truth, is the fact that it has a very high authority level in the Google search engine. This is surprising, since Google equates its ranking system with credibility, with more credible sources ranking more highly. Should Wikipedia really be appearing high on Google searches when the site can be altered by critics, liars and computer hacks?

Wikipedia claims to be run by volunteers, but it is actually edited by corporate-paid trolls – particularly on topics such as GMOs, vaccines, chemotherapy and pharmaceuticals. Many of the “volunteers” are actually paid by drug companies, food giants and the biotech industry to censor information that they would rather the public did not know, as reported by Celebrity Reputation.

Founder and ex-porn film giant Jimmy Wales is a key operator of the “Hillary Clinton Protection Network,” according to Celebrity Reputation, meaning that he goes to great lengths to alter or remove any negative information posted about Hilary Clinton. It is noteworthy that, “despite the steady wave of scandals that have begun to erode even the New York Times’ portrayal of Hillary Clinton, her image remains unblemished on Wikipedia. Since he first started editing her page in June 2005, Hillary’s ‘Wikipedia watchdog’ has been guarding against slanders, accusations, unfair assumptions, and distortions on the high-traffic, heavily footnoted, highly policed Hillary Rodham Clinton Wikipedia page.”

Combating this dishonest and unreliable information source

Wikipedia ranks highly on Google and that is a problem – because it means that it is one of the first links people will see when they are searching for information. However, Bolen Report suggests that there is in fact a way to take this dishonest website down. Wales will not reveal who contributes the real money behind Wikipedia – this is “hidden behind his U.S. Non-Profit (501) tax filing (form 990) Schedule B.” If a lawsuit was filed against Wikipedia that forced open that Schedule B file, it “would make it very clear that Wikipedia is NOT what it says it is,” according to Bolen Report. By U.S. law, a non-profit organization is not supposed to benefit any one individual; it is required to be “a corporation or an association that conducts business for the benefit of the general public without shareholders and without a profit motive.”

As noted by Bolen Report, “Wikimedia argues overall, though, that it is protected from liability by the Communications Decency Act (CDA), whose section 230 protects a publisher from liability for things said by other people on its electronic services until it is made aware of the comments. At that point it must take action or risk becoming liable.” Bolen Report plans to take action against the media giant and bring the truth out into the public eye.

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Nobel Science Prize Ain’t No Proof Ya Got A Brai

F. William Engdahl
July 5, 2016

According to a report in the Washington Post, precisely 107 of the living Nobel Science Prize awardees have done just that. They foolishly signed a letter urging Greenpeace to stop opposing genetically modified organisms (GMOs). The letter specifically asks Greenpeace to cease its efforts to block introduction of so-called “Golden Rice,” a genetically manipulated rice variety that allegedly “could reduce” vitamin A deficiencies in infants in the developing world. This demonstrates either that those 107 Nobel laureates are not truly intelligent or that they are yet another group of scientist prostitutes willing to whore their reputation for a few shekels from Monsanto & Co. Or both…

The not-so-noble Nobel scientists’ letter states, “We urge Greenpeace and its supporters to re-examine the experience of farmers and consumers worldwide with crops and foods improved through biotechnology, recognize the findings of authoritative scientific bodies and regulatory agencies, and abandon their campaign against ‘GMOs’ in general and Golden Rice in particular.” The letter is addressed, “To the Leaders of Greenpeace, the United Nations and Governments around the world.” Their letter closes with a gut-wrenching appeal, “How many poor people in the world must die before we consider this a ‘crime against humanity‘? ” That’s heavy. It’s also bullshit.

There’s one flaw in the appeal of the 107 Nobel Science laureates. Their letter is scientific nonsense from beginning to end. Everything they write about GMO has scientifically and repeatedly been proved false. Let’s focus on their main argument about GMO beta-carotene “Golden Rice.”

Golden Rice failed

Some brief history is needed to grasp how idiotic are their claims about Golden Rice that it will mitigate Vitamin A Deficiency in poor countries of Asia and Africa, and save millions of childrens’ lives thereby.

The world of GMO is a creation of the Rockefeller Foundation. In 1985, the Rockefeller Foundation initiated the first large-scale research into the possibility of genetically engineering plants for commercial use. At the time they termed it a “major, long-term commitment to plant genetic engineering.” Rockefeller Foundation funds provided the essential catalyst for the worldwide scientific research and development which would lead to the creation of genetically modified plants, the “Gene Revolution.”

Over the following two decades, the Rockefellers’ tax-exempt foundation would spend well over $100 million directly, and several hundred million indirectly, to catalyze and propagate research on the development of genetic engineering and its application to transform world food production. Clearly, it was a very big issue in their strategic plans. Notably, the same Rockefeller Foundation funded Hitler’s eugenics research during much of the Third Reich until outbreak of the war in 1939 when it became embarrassing. After Nuremburg trials at the end of the war, an intimate Rockefeller associate and then-president of the American Eugenics Society, Frederick Osborn, announced, “Henceforth the new name of eugenics is genetics.”

Simply said, this eugenics–culling of the human breed as Prince Philip once so elegantly and chillingly put it–not feeding the world, is the true agenda of genetic manipulation. I refer skeptics or the curious to my book, Seeds of Destruction: The Hidden Agenda of Genetic Manipulation, (Saat der Zerstörung) for detailed sourced discussion of this entire grotesque “scientific” operation of the Rockefeller Foundation.

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F. William Engdahl is strategic risk consultant and lecturer, he holds a degree in politics from Princeton University and is a best-selling author on oil and geopolitics, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”

Federally Funded Environmental Lab Fabricated Data For 18 Years; Forced To Close After Fraud Became Too Large To Cover Up

Climate science
J.D. Heyes
June 29, 2016

I am continually amazed – and disappointed – by the fact that far too many Americans continue to rely upon and trust government institutions after repeatedly seeing agency after agency, institution after institution, and bureau after bureau, cheat, lie to them, misrepresent data and rob them of their liberties.

Count a government laboratory that was once operated by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) as yet another of example of this ongoing deceit.

As reported by The Daily Caller News Foundation, the Energy Geochemistry Laboratory in Lakewood, Colo., was closed recently, after investigators and a lawmaker revealed that, over a period of nearly 20 years and at a cost of $108 million, the laboratory had engaged in “disturbing” data manipulation with “serious and far ranging” effects.

The inorganic section of the USGS lab manipulated data on a range of topics, including many related to the environment, from 1996 to 2014. Worse, the manipulation was discovered in 2008 – the year President Obama was elected – but nevertheless continued for another six years.

Has anyone been held responsible?

“It’s astounding that we spend $108 million on manipulated research and then the far-reaching effects that that would have,” said Rep. Bruce Westerman, R-Ark., said at a House Committee on Natural Resources hearing. “We know how research multiples and affects different parts of our society and our economy and … if you’re working off of flawed data it definitely could be in a bad way.

“The problems were so severe, in fact, that the USGS has already closed the inorganic lab in question permanently,” he added.

The lab was shuttered, finally, in January. No word on whether anyone has been held responsible (financially or otherwise) for the manipulation, or what particular environmental data – no doubt fabricated to support certain environmental objectives and policies that came down from the White House – was changed.

The lawmaker cited a recently released Department of the Interior Inspector General (IG) report that said impacts from the changed data “are not yet known but, nevertheless, they will be serious and far ranging. The affected projects represented about $108 million in taxpayer funding from fiscal year 2008 through 2014.”

In addition, Westerman highlighted an interview that the IG did not include in its report.

“Tell me what you want and I will get it for you. What we do is like magic,” a former USGS official told auditors a former employee linked to the manipulation would say, according to the congressman, who also said that the IG’s interview notes make the context of that quote unclear.

“Given the lab’s history and that problems had already been identified when this interview was being conducted, such a statement seems potentially significant,” Westerman told Deputy IG Mary Kendall, a witness for the hearing.

“Your office explained that you do not know the context or veracity of this statement and that this issue was not part of the audit,” Westerman told Kendall.

Nevertheless, other scientists became aware that data manipulation was taking place and began using other labs.

This is exactly why we need MORE independent labs and scientists

Westerman – who has an engineering background – noted that flawed data can very often lead to flawed legislation and policy making, which have direct impacts on the American people.

“I’m not even sure what the scientific result[s] were used in,” he said. “A lot of the work that people do that’s based on scientific research is so important and if the base research is flawed, then that affects the work that goes out from there.”

This is exactly why citizen scientists and independently-owned and operated research facilities like CWC Labs are so important: They produce agenda-free scientific results.

“Consumer Wellness Center Labs specializes in the analytical testing of foods and dietary supplements with an emphasis on organic products,” notes the lab’s website. Built from the ground up by its director, Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, and author of the new book, Food Forensics, the lab recently received crucial credentialing and is now accepting commercial customers.

As more government institutions fail us (remember when the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention actually had a decent reputation?), Adams and other independent scientists will increasingly be needed to fill the void and provide the world with scientific results that are not tainted by political agendas, financial ties or other ulterior motives.


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Science, Technocracy & Social Control – Jerry Day On The Corbett Report

Source: TheCorbettReport
James Corbett
June 14, 2016


Science is a method to help us answer questions about the physical world…but in this age of military/university partnerships, government grants and industry-funded research, who’s asking the questions? Jerry Day of joins us today to discuss the new technocratic overlords and how the tool of science can be wielded as a weapon of social control.

Physics, Free Will & ‘The Spiritual CIA’

Jon Rappoport
May 26, 2016

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Exit From The Matrix, click here.)

Conventional physicists will tell you that none of the micro-components of the universe (atoms, electrons, photons, quarks, wavicles) exhibits freedom.

The particles don’t reveal anything that could be called freedom.

Physicists will also tell you that everything in the universe, including human bodies and brains, is made up of these very same particles and nothing else.

They will tell you that mind is simply and only the brain.

Therefore, nowhere in body, brain, or mind is there any quality that makes freedom possible.

Freedom=the power of an individual to choose A rather B; to decide to do something or not do it; to invent a possibility and then follow it with action.

According to conventional physics, there is no freedom. It’s not possible. It’s a fantasy.

Contrary to every impulse, awareness, or thought you might have about your freedom, you’re wrong. You’re absolutely deluded. That’s the consensus of the conventional physicists.

Aside from the majestic absurdity of their position, you should also know that, in the partnership between government and science, there is no limit on what programming will be tried on citizens—because, since key persons in that elite partnership hold that freedom is an illusion, it doesn’t matter what they do to us.

It’s just replacing one deterministic program with another.

That’s their view, and I hope you understand it.

If you pushed them into a corner, they would assert that the entire history of the struggle to attain freedom for the individual, against top-down tyrannies, was a meaningless enterprise—because, according to their “findings,” freedom never existed at any time, anywhere. It could never exist. Life is only unconscious particles moving through space and time.

But we, who know how ridiculous that story is, need to admit something: since is freedom is quite real, it exists outside the fabric of the universe. Freedom is not energy, it is not space, it is not time. It is non-material.

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Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

What The Biotech & Vaccine Giants Have In Common: Extreme Secrecy COmbined WIth SCientifice Fraud, Censorship, Intimidation & Media Collusion

Big Pharma

J.D. Heyes
May 5, 2016

The world’s biggest biotech and Big Pharma companies have a nearly unlimited supply of cash, so they can essentially purchase whatever they desire – and more than anything, they desire the ability to continue to sell their products to the world.

And nothing perpetuates that endless cycle of sales like manipulation of the media and so-called “official” sources of information, as well as government agencies and academia.

For instance, as noted by the Center for Research on Globalization, the biotech sector loves to scream “peer-review” when anti-GMO factions refer to scientific analyses and research-based findings in order to state their case. But even when such research is published in peer-reviewed journals, the industry unleashes its attack shills (like Jon Entine) to discredit and ruin the individual researchers, the methodology of the research, and anything else related to the study.

Other ‘concerns’ outweigh those of public safety

As the center notes further:

“Peer review or no peer review, it seems to matter little to the biotech sector when research findings have the potential to damage its interests. In any case, peer review is only for the sector’s critics. It doesn’t seem to apply much to it. For instance, in the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) scientists had continually warned regulators that GM crops could create unpredictable and hard to detect side effects, including allergies, toxin production, nutritional problems, and new diseases. They recommended that long-term studies were needed to fully assess the effect of GM foods on other crops, the ecosystem, and animal and human health, but these warnings were ignored.”

And why? Because in nearly every instance, financial concerns outweigh any related to public safety. For this industry – and, really, for Big Pharma as well – “Commercial interest, political strategy and lobbying, not science, is what really counts,” the center observed.

Monsanto, Syngenta and other biotech giants collude with government agencies and officials to “educate” the public about GMO products (meaning manipulate the public), while Big Pharma does the same when it comes to getting vaccines and other drugs that have not been properly vetted or tested to the market.

These companies use the media as well as key reporters – Entine being a case in point – to propagandize and misinform about their products. These kinds of tactics are the same ones that are currently being used against the explosive new documentary, VAXXED: From Cover-up to Catastrophe, which exposes the legitimate link between autism and vaccines, and even features Centers for Disease Control and Prevention whistleblower Dr. William Thompson, who admitted that his agency covered up that link. Powerful pro-vaccine forces have so far managed to censor the film by having it removed from the list of films to be screened at various festivals, including the recent Tribeca Film Festival. The showing at the annual event, which was co-founded by Hollywood mega-star Robert De Niro (that story is here), was cancelled, even though De Niro has an autistic child and was initially very interested, in the interest of fairness and science, in the film’s content.


“A much-awaited and explosive documentary film … was suddenly pulled from Robert De Niro’s Tribeca Film Festival following an intense censorship effort waged by the vaccine-pushing mainstream media and pharma-funded media science trolls,” Mike Adams, author of Food Forensics, science lab director of, editor of and creator of, initially reported.

“The vaccine totalitarians and media science trolls who demand absolute obedience to the fraudulent narrative that vaccines are ‘safe and effective’ have zero tolerance for any intelligent conversations about vaccines,” Adams wrote, noting that after De Niro scheduled the film, he was forced to change his mind and pull the film.

Media people who are honest with readers and the American people in general know all about the tactics used by biotech giants and Big Pharma, and that includes former top CBS News investigative reporter Sharyl Attkisson, author of the book, Stonewalled. In a recent TED talk, she discussed one of the propaganda techniques, “astroturfing,” an artificial, bought-and-paid for “reality” that supplants the truth.

“Astroturf seeks to manipulate you into changing your opinion by making it seem as if you’re an outlier–when you’re not,” she says in her talk.

“Hallmarks of astroturf and propaganda include use of inflammatory language such as quack, crank, nutty, pseudo, paranoid and conspiracy. Beware when an interest addresses an issue by controversializing or attacking the people, personalities and organizations surrounding the issue rather than the facts. That could be astroturf.”

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Individuals , Not Government s, Drive Scientific Progress

May 3, 2016

Was it a blip, or a breakthrough?  Scientists around the globe are revved up with excitement as the world’s biggest atom smasher — best known for revealing the Higgs boson four years ago — starts whirring again to churn out data that may confirm cautious hints of an entirely new particle. Such a discovery would all but upend the most basic understanding of physics, experts say. –Washington Post

Here we go again. We are supposed to be excited by the return of the Hadron Collider, a particularly obnoxious form of Big Science.

We’ve written on this subject a good deal: In the 21st century, only large government projects are to be seen as advancing technology and creating breakthroughs.

Our point of view is that most significant advances are made by individuals not crowds. It’s an inverse phenomenon. The more scientists there are, the less originality exists.

It’s no coincidence that two “Steves” in a garage refined the defining technology of the past 50 years – the “personal computer.”

This sort of argument is not ordinarily made in the modern media. Instead, we are exposed to endless adulatory profiles of corporate breakthroughs and the creative genius clustered around government funded projects.

This Washington Post article, excerpted above, is a good example of the latter. The Hadron Collider is doing the good, patient work of advancing the Theory of Relativity.

But then there is this statement from idiosyncratic electrical engineer, Eric Dollard, who has written a tract entitled The Theory of Anti-Relativity:

Einstein is a false prophet. The Theory of Relativity as the “Holy Scripture” is like a televangelistic sales pitch. Nikola Tesla regarded Relativity as the greatest historical aberration of scientific thought. Relativity is no more than a philosophical standpoint, a virus to infect a “New Age”.

Einstein is a kind of Big Science icon. After all, he was instrumental in suggesting what would ultimately become the Manhattan Project that employed thousands to develop the nuclear bomb.

And yet perhaps the Manhattan Project was hyped too. There are significant questions as to whether atomic bombs were even dropped on Japan. We reported on that HERE.

We have plenty of reasons to be skeptical these days. The US government developed the atomic bomb and went to the moon in the span of 30 years with laughably primitive technology. We have trouble recognizing that government.

We’re only familiar with the one that couldn’t even produce a health care website with much more advanced tools.

Big Science is a kind of trap, producing groupthink. That’s one of the reasons we’ve ended up with the Hadron Collider and its endless attempts to buttress the seemingly misguided ideas of modern, gravitational physics.

Look at the night sky through a telescope and study galactic spirals. Does gravity create spirals? tells us that:

Laboratory experiments, together with advanced simulation capabilities, have shown that electric forces can efficiently organize spiral galaxies, without resorting to the wild card of gravity-only cosmology–the Black Hole.

And what about plasma? One of the most brilliant men of the 20th century, Nikola Tesla, believed the universe was composed considerably of light and plasmatic energy – aether.

Tesla was responsible for popularizing alternating current, suggesting the fundamentals of radar and refining wireless energy among other achievements.

It was Albert Einstein who came along and basically debunked the concept of plasma/aether. Today of course in the place of plasma we have “dark matter.”

In simplest terms, Einstein’s theories proposed (at least partially) that gravity is a fundamental organizing force of the universe. And yet there are those who question not just Einstein’s theory but his claim to discovering the concepts that made him famous.

Here is an excerpt from a 1999 UK Guardian article:

E=mc2 ‘was Italian’s idea’ … The mathematical equation that ushered in the atomic age was discovered by an unknown Italian dilettante two years before Albert Einstein used it in developing the theory of relativity …

After failing to gain entrance to higher education, Einstein took a job at a patent office that dealt with the subjects on which he soon published.  In fact, he was still working at the patent office when he issued groundbreaking papers in the field of theoretical physics and quantum mechanics.

Some have questioned Einstein’s “miracle year.” Einstein finally explained that his best ideas came to him in his sleep.

Tesla was no fan. From The New York Times (July 11, 1935):

[Tesla] described relativity as “a beggar, wrapped in purple, whom ignorant people took for a king.” In support of his statement he cited a number of experiments he had conducted, he said, as far back as 1896 on the cosmic ray. He has measured cosmic ray velocities from Antarus, he said, which he found to be fifty times greater than the speed of light, thus demolishing, he contended, one of the basic pillars of the structure of relativity, according to which there can be no speed greater than that of light.

We are told Tesla in his later years had become unbalanced and prone to hearing the voices of Martians. Still, when he died, the FBI came to his hotel room in Manhattan and confiscated his notes and other private items.

Tesla was an example of what individuals can do to advance technology in ways that large organizations usually do not. Unfortunately, the hallmark of Western science and technology in the 21st is Big Science.

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