Credibility of Cyber Firm that Claimed Russia Hacked the DNC Comes Under Serious Question

Michael Krieger
March 23, 2017

Before I get to the meat of this post, we need to revisit a little history. The cyber security firm hired to inspect the DNC hack and determine who was responsible is a firm called Crowdstrike. Its conclusion that Russia was responsible was released last year, but several people began to call its analysis into question upon further inspection.

Jeffrey Carr was one of the most prominent cynics, and as he noted in his December post, FBI/DHS Joint Analysis Report: A Fatally Flawed Effort:

The FBI/DHS Joint Analysis Report (JAR) “Grizzly Steppe” was released yesterday as part of the White House’s response to alleged Russian government interference in the 2016 election process. It adds nothing to the call for evidence that the Russian government was responsible for hacking the DNC, the DCCC, the email accounts of Democratic party officials, or for delivering the content of those hacks to Wikileaks.

It merely listed every threat group ever reported on by a commercial cybersecurity company that is suspected of being Russian-made and lumped them under the heading of Russian Intelligence Services (RIS) without providing any supporting evidence that such a connection exists.

Unlike Crowdstrike, ESET doesn’t assign APT28/Fancy Bear/Sednit to a Russian Intelligence Service or anyone else for a very simple reason. Once malware is deployed, it is no longer under the control of the hacker who deployed it or the developer who created it. It can be reverse-engineered, copied, modified, shared and redeployed again and again by anyone. In other words — malware deployed is malware enjoyed!

If ESET could do it, so can others. It is both foolish and baseless to claim, as Crowdstrike does, that X-Agent is used solely by the Russian government when the source code is there for anyone to find and use at will.

If the White House had unclassified evidence that tied officials in the Russian government to the DNC attack, they would have presented it by now. The fact that they didn’t means either that the evidence doesn’t exist or that it is classified.

If it’s classified, an independent commission should review it because this entire assignment of blame against the Russian government is looking more and more like a domestic political operation run by the White House that relied heavily on questionable intelligence generated by a for-profit cybersecurity firm with a vested interest in selling “attribution-as-a-service”.

Nevertheless, countless people, including the entirety of the corporate media, put total faith in the analysis of Crowdstrike despite the fact that the FBI was denied access to perform its own analysis. Which makes me wonder, did the U.S. government do any real analysis of its own on the DNC hack, or did it just copy/paste Crowdstrike?

As The Hill reported in January:

The FBI requested direct access to the Democratic National Committee’s (DNC) hacked computer servers but was denied, Director James Comey told lawmakers on Tuesday.

The bureau made “multiple requests at different levels,” according to Comey, but ultimately struck an agreement with the DNC that a “highly respected private company” would get access and share what it found with investigators.

“We’d always prefer to have access hands-on ourselves if that’s possible,” Comey said, noting that he didn’t know why the DNC rebuffed the FBI’s request.

This is nuts. Are all U.S. government agencies simply listening to what Crowdstike said in coming to their “independent” conclusions that Russia hacked the DNC? If so, that’s a huge problem. Particularly considering what Voice of America published yesterday in a piece titled, Cyber Firm at Center of Russian Hacking Charges Misread Data:

An influential British think tank and Ukraine’s military are disputing a report that the U.S. cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike has used to buttress its claims of Russian hacking in the presidential election.

The CrowdStrike report, released in December, asserted that Russians hacked into a Ukrainian artillery app, resulting in heavy losses of howitzers in Ukraine’s war with Russian-backed separatists.

But the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) told VOA that CrowdStrike erroneously used IISS data as proof of the intrusion. IISS disavowed any connection to the CrowdStrike report. Ukraine’s Ministry of Defense also has claimed combat losses and hacking never happened.

The challenges to CrowdStrike’s credibility are significant because the firm was the first to link last year’s hacks of Democratic Party computers to Russian actors, and because CrowdStrike co-founder Dimiti Alperovitch has trumpeted its Ukraine report as more evidence of Russian election tampering.

How is this not the biggest story in America right now?

Yaroslav Sherstyuk, maker of the Ukrainian military app in question, called the company’s report “delusional” in a Facebook post. CrowdStrike never contacted him before or after its report was published, he told VOA.

VOA first contacted IISS in February to verify the alleged artillery losses. Officials there initially were unaware of the CrowdStrike assertions. After investigating, they determined that CrowdStrike misinterpreted their data and hadn’t reached out beforehand for comment or clarification.

In a statement to VOA, the institute flatly rejected the assertion of artillery combat losses.

“The CrowdStrike report uses our data, but the inferences and analysis drawn from that data belong solely to the report’s authors,” the IISS said. “The inference they make that reductions in Ukrainian D-30 artillery holdings between 2013 and 2016 were primarily the result of combat losses is not a conclusion that we have ever suggested ourselves, nor one we believe to be accurate.”

In early January, the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense issued a statement saying artillery losses from the ongoing fighting with separatists are “several times smaller than the number reported by [CrowdStrike] and are not associated with the specified cause” of Russian hacking.

But Ukraine’s denial did not get the same attention as CrowdStrike’s report. Its release was widely covered by news media reports as further evidence of Russian hacking in the U.S. election.

In interviews, Alperovitch helped foster that impression by connecting the Ukraine and Democratic campaign hacks, which CrowdStrike said involved the same Russian-linked hacking group—Fancy Bear—and versions of X-Agent malware the group was known to use.

“The fact that they would be tracking and helping the Russian military kill Ukrainian army personnel in eastern Ukraine and also intervening in the U.S. election is quite chilling,” Alperovitch said in a December 22 story by The Washington Post.

The same day, Alperovitch told the PBS NewsHour: “And when you think about, well, who would be interested in targeting Ukraine artillerymen in eastern Ukraine? Who has interest in hacking the Democratic Party? [The] Russia government comes to mind, but specifically, [it’s the] Russian military that would have operational [control] over forces in the Ukraine and would target these artillerymen.”

Alperovitch, a Russian expatriate and senior fellow at the Atlantic Council policy research center in Washington, co-founded CrowdStrike in 2011. The firm has employed two former FBI heavyweights: Shawn Henry, who oversaw global cyber investigations at the agency, and Steven Chabinsky, who was the agency’s top cyber lawyer and served on a White House cybersecurity commission. Chabinsky left CrowdStrike last year.

CrowdStrike declined to answer VOA’s written questions about the Ukraine report, and Alperovitch canceled a March 15 interview on the topic. In a December statement to VOA’s Ukrainian Service, spokeswoman Ilina Dimitrova defended the company’s conclusions.

In its report last June attributing the Democratic hacks, CrowdStrike said it was long familiar with the methods used by Fancy Bear and another group with ties to Russian intelligence nicknamed Cozy Bear. Soon after, U.S. cybersecurity firms Fidelis and Mandiant endorsed CrowdStrike’s conclusions. The FBI and Homeland Security report reached the same conclusion about the two groups.

If the company’s analysis was “delusional” when it came to Ukraine, why should we have any confidence that its analysis on Russia and the DNC is more sound?

Answer: We shouldn’t.

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That Russian Hacking Thing: A “Third Force” Trying To Stir…

Dr. Joseph P. Farrell
January 25, 2017

Now that the election in the USA is over, it’s worth looking back on that hacking meme. And it is “safe” to do so now, aside from the hysteria that was taking place. As I watched all of it, it struck me as extremely odd that the whole hacking meme seemed disturbingly contrived. We were supposed to believe that “Russia did it,” an idea I found ridiculous then and still do. Then, there was the murder of Democratic national committee staffer Seth Rich. Many theorized that he was behind some of the damning leaks to Wikileaks, and there was the usual amount of conspiracy theory that the unfortunate Mr. Rich was yet another victim in the long list of dead bodies that seem to follow the Clintons around; it was another “Arkancide.” Well, I have my doubts about that too (though I certainly don’t have any doubts about the criminality and corruption of the Clintons). Why? For the simple reason that “offing people” when in the middle of a presidential campaign would be too risky. Best to wait until after the election, and dump the body in a park in Washington DC and claim it was suicide.

To put it as bluntly as possible, there was an element of theater to all this I found very disturbing; it was all… well, too convenient. The real goal, it seemed to me, was not to favor Darth Hillary or “The Donald,” but rather, to work up USA-Russia tensions into a fine frothy lather of hysteria. It looked, if I may put it even more bluntly, very much like the pattern of the alleged postwar Nazi document, The Madrid Circular, that I reviewed in my book The Third Way: create maximum maneuvering room for your merry band of postwar Fascist buddies by maximizing tensions between Russia and the USA. The Clinton-Trump-Putin theater looked and felt too contrived to me.

In that regard, consider the following article shared by G.L.R.:

Security Threats to Russia: The Analysis of the 2016 FSB Press Releases (Part 3 – Hacking & Other Challenges)

Mr. G.L.R. drew my attention to these passages, and I pass this focus along to you:

The FSB press release published on July 30 dealt more specifically with the issue of cyberattacks and cyber-espionage.[4] In fact, it reported that the FSB specialists were able to uncover an especially damaging virus program infiltrated into the network of more than 20 organizations on the territory of Russia. These organizations included the Russian government, military, and academic institutions and even the sectors of the Russian military-industrial complex.

The FSB did not comment as to where this malicious software could have come from. It just stated that it resembled the software found in other cyberattacks around the world. In my opinion, the description of the way that the virus infected the victims’ computers and the damage it caused resembled very much the hacks perpetrated in the U.S., both on the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and on Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager John Podesta. Considering the timing of the release (the end of July), just after the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia was over and the full extent of the U.S. hacks became publicly known, it definitely raises several very significant questions.

First, was this massive hacking of the Russian “critical infrastructure” a retaliation by the U.S. intelligence agencies for the DNC and Podesta hacks allegedly perpetrated by the Russian military intelligence agency (GRU)? And if so, will the hacked emails and information be made publicly available? Will be we soon be reading the embarrassing details of the Russian government and military officials’ undercover dealings?

Or, alternatively, was this perhaps done by a third party which also hacked the DNC and Podesta? Following in the footsteps of the James Bond classic “From Russia, with Love,” is there perhaps a secret (criminal) network which uses the rogue elements of different intelligence communities to amplify the confrontation between the U.S. and Russia? To get the U.S. to blame Russia and, likewise, Russia to blame the U.S. for criminal deeds actually perpetrated by this hidden network. This of course is a mere speculation. But the coincidence of the almost simultaneous cyber-attacks cannot be denied. (Emphasis added)

In other words, while the corporate controlled media in the USSA was howling about Russian hacking of the Clinton campaign and wringing its hands over Russian influence on the election(overlooking, conveniently, Frau Merkel’s contributions to Darth Hillary’s campaign), Russia itself was being hacked at exactly the same time.

Notably, the FSB (Federalnaya Sluzhba Bezhopaznosmu) is admitting not only the hacks, but their extensive nature, but not indicating any point of origin. We may take this as…

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About Joseph P. Farrell

Joseph P. Farrell has a doctorate in patristics from the University of Oxford, and pursues research in physics, alternative history and science, and “strange stuff”. His book The Giza DeathStar, for which the Giza Community is named, was published in the spring of 2002, and was his first venture into “alternative history and science”.

Amid The Hacking Spree In The USSA, China Launches A Quantum…

Green Hacking Wallpaper 2000x1332 Green, Hacking, Code
Dr. Joseph P. Farrell
August 22, 2016

Many readers here sent versions of the story that China launched the world’s first quantum communications satellite, and the timing could not have been more interesting. Indeed, in my opinion, China’s launch of this satellite must be viewed within the context of the hacking spree occurring in the USSA, with the recent hacks of the Democratic National Committee, the various groups connected to Darth Soros, and most recently, the NSA. In a (very greatly) oversimplified nutshell, quantum computing would rely on quantum states, rather than binary logic gates(with only two modes of handling information). In other words, at a minimum, rather than two states per node of information handling, there would be seven. Expand this idea to encryption, where entanglement of quantum information is used to transmit information, without the parameters of that entanglement to decrypt messages and communications, communications become virtually impossible to decode.

In a world that has seen how vulnerable the most “secure” servers are, from the DNC to Darth Soros being hacked, and now, even the NSA, such a satellite has huge implications:

China Launches First Quantum Satellite

Hack-proof? China launches world’s 1st quantum communications satellite

China Launches Quantum Satellite for Hack-Proof COmmunications

Now why am I putting this in the context of the hacking stories about which I speculated yesterday?

Well, for one thing, the nature of using quantum entanglement and other quantum information-processing technologies, as (poorly) outlined above, means that such communications are “hack proof”. But let’s put this in terms of intelligence and espionage, for as noted above, the problem posed by such technologies is that the old fashioned “signals intercept and decryption” techniques of number crunching and so on to crack the codes and communications of the enemy ala Britains’ Bletchley park “Ultra” operations in World War Two might fast be approaching its own kind of obsolescence. Without the encryption and decryption keys, cracking such communications becomes a super-computing nightmare. One might, just possibly invent some such technology and technique, but even then, the computing power would be extraordinary, and by the time an unauthorized “decrypt” was achieved, the information may no longer be timely or even possible to act upon.

Now, if one has been in the intelligence or espionage business, or for that matter, in the counter-intelligence business, the implications of this will be immediately evident, for it will mean that, contrary to the prognostications of yesteryear, HUMINT – human intelligence, i.e., actual human spies infiltrating an enemy’s intelligence and military to steal secrets, like quantum encryption and decryption keys – will become not less important, but hugely important. In the quantum communications world, they will become the sine qua non of intercept and decryption activity. This means, similarly, that the “intelligence advantage” will accrue to that nation or bloc that has (1) invested in such encryption and communications technologies while (2) not curtailing its HUMINT intelligence and counter-intelligence operatives, but rather, expanding them and targeting key agencies and corporations to access their software and encrypt-decrypt keys. For a nation behind the curve in the development of quantum communications…

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Profile photo of Joseph P. Farrell
Joseph P. Farrell has a doctorate in patristics from the University of Oxford, and pursues research in physics, alternative history and science, and “strange stuff”. His book The Giza DeathStar, for which the Giza Community is named, was published in the spring of 2002, and was his first venture into “alternative history and science”.

First The DNC, Then Darth Soros, Now It’s The…

Dr. Joseph P. Farrell
August 21, 2016

OK… I admit it: all the recent hacks are just downright bizarre. First the Democrookery National Committee was hacked and its emails released, revealing a clear case of the DNC bending its own always-malleable “rules” to make sure Senator Sanders came nowhere near the nomination. Of  course, if he did come too close to the needed delegates (and it appears he did), then the will of the people in the so-called party of  the people can always be overturned by the Presidium’s “super-delegates”. The problem here is that the hack claims to have been done by a private group of cyber-vigilantes upset with the way things were being handled in the DNC in D.C. (that stands for District of Corruption, for all our foreign readership. And I know all the letters are probably confusing. The recitation of random letters and anagrams as if they are meaningful and decent English is an American thing, so bear with me). Then, of course, we had the hack of Darth Soros, revealing a what roiling pustules of activities the Sith Lord has been up to recently, from the Ukraine, to European refugees, and support for his young apprentice, Darthillary. (Seriously, one can almost imagine him waving his fingers and shooting bolts of blue lightning, or at the minimum, saying “These are not the emails you’re looking for.”)

Well, now you can add the Reichsicherheithauptamt… I mean, the National Security Agency(NSA), to the list of hacked groups, in these articles shared by Mr. S.D., T.M., V.T., and others:

The NSA cyber-weapon auction is a total smokescreen — here’s what’s really going on

Here’s why the supposed NSA ‘hack’ is unlike anything we’ve ever seen before

And lest we forget the bit about Darth Soros, here’s that story:

Thousands of Soros docs released by alleged Russian-backed hackers

Now, before we get to today’s HOS (high octane speculation), let’s pause and consider WWH (What We Have):

  1. Who has been hacked? The DNC, Darth Soros, and now, the NSA.
  2. Who hacked them? Well, a strange assortment of “private groups”, with the latest hack of the NSA claimed to have been done by a group calling itself “the Brokers’ Group”, after technicians for the Russian cyber-security firm Kaspersky supposedly uncovered the NSA’s front group, which was called the “Equation Group.”  (See this Zero Hedge article: MYSTERIOUS GROUP HACKS NSA)
  3. WDTW? Well, it appears TW either to influence the American election, or in the last instance, just plain ole money, in the form of Bitcoin, for their efforts.

Now, all of this brings us to our HOS of the day. Suppose, for a moment, the Russians are behind all of this, which is indeed the CO(considered opinion) of the first two linked articles:

But experts say that this is all a smokescreen for a not-so-subtle message from Moscow to Washington: Don’t mess with us.

“It’s a smokescreen, there’s nothing real about this,” John Schindler, a former NSA analyst and counterintelligence officer, told Business Insider. “This is Moscow’s way of upping the ante in the spy war, and sending a message no one can miss [which is] ‘we have you penetrated, we’ve got you by the balls, don’t push us.'”

He added: “The Russians are making a power play because they think they can right now.”

The previously-unknown Shadow Brokers created a number of social-media accounts earlier this month on Reddit, Github, Twitter, and Imgur, before announcing on August 13 its “cyber weapon auction,” which promised bidders a “full state sponsor tool set” from a hacking unit believed to be within the NSA known only as “The Equation Group.”

It released a 234-megabyte archive on various file-sharing sites with one-half being free to view and use — which numerous experts say is legitimate — while the other half was encrypted. The winner of the auction, the group said, would get the decryption key.

But an auction for hacking tools and exploits is not something that ever happens, experts say. Instead, exploits are bought and sold on the black market for hundreds of thousands and sometimes millions of dollars, in private.

There’s something else going on here, and it seems like it has nothing to do with a hacking group looking for cash.

And even Edward Snowden has joined the “Russians are Behind it” chorus:

Former NSA contractor Edward Snowden offered his opinion on the underlying message behind the “auction” in a series of tweets on Tuesday, notably pointing the finger at Russia as being behind it.

Now at one level, all this makes a great deal of sense, for after the DNC hack, party commissars were quick to point the finger of blame at Russia. That too makes sense, since the Russians know a Darthillary presidency might be more of the same neocon unipolarism we’ve seen since 9/11, on steroids. But, weighing in against this view is the fact that Darthillary expedited the shipment of refined uranium… to Russia. (And that raises questions of its own, for Russia is perfectly capable of refining uranium on its own. So was Russia acting as a middleman for someone else? Or just in a hurry to build more bombs for the inevitable showdown with the very person and her backers who expedited the sale?)  My point here, is that the “Russians did it” chorus on the DNC hack is standing on shaky bleachers.

A Russian hack of Darth Soros makes eminent sense, and even more sense, than on the DNC. Soros’ role, especially since his emails were released, in the Ukrainian mess, is well-known, as is Russia’s outlawing of NGO groups (such as Soros’). From the Russian point of view, such groups are nothing but gangs, racketeering operations, and front groups for “revolutionary” activities enjoying the protection of western law, governments, and powerful patronage. In this context, a Russian hack of the NSA to send messages also makes sense.

But what if(here’s our HOS) the meme of private groups being behind this is true after all?  What would this mean? What would the implications be? It would first mean nothing less than that someone is spending time and money to…

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Profile photo of Joseph P. Farrell
Joseph P. Farrell has a doctorate in patristics from the University of Oxford, and pursues research in physics, alternative history and science, and “strange stuff”. His book The Giza DeathStar, for which the Giza Community is named, was published in the spring of 2002, and was his first venture into “alternative history and science”.

Not a Conspiracy: FBI’s Comey Has Been Covering the Clintons’ A**es for Decades

James Holbrooks
August 15, 2016

On Thursday, the Daily Caller broke the story that the FBI, who previously refused to recommend charges be brought against Hillary Clinton amid her email scandal, is now investigating the Clinton Foundation with the support of U.S. attorneys in New York.

The Clinton Foundation’s main offices are in New York, and the move to work with local prosecutors there is a departure from the FBI’s previous, centralized investigations, which coordinated with the Department of Justice.

A senior law enforcement official, who has intimate knowledge of FBI activity, told the Daily Caller that the involvement of the U.S. Attorney’s Office in the Southern District of New York “would be seen by agents as a positive development as prosecutors there are generally thought to be more aggressive than the career lawyers within the DOJ.”

New York’s Southern District counts Wall Street within its jurisdiction, and the man who heads that office, Preet Bharara, has built a reputation on targeting big money players awash in fraud and corruption.

Bharara has in the past gone after big banks — such as Citibank and Bank of America — and politicians, like State Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver. Such efforts have garnered him much praise, as highlighted by the Daily Mail:

“Bharara’s pursuit of insider trading cases beginning in 2009 earned him a Time magazine cover and the title of ‘top cop’ to Wall Street.”

The varied and continued data dumps associated with the Clinton email scandal, which have revealed, among other things, deception, coercion, and a pay-to-play scheme involving donors — not to mention an organized attempt by the DNC to sabotage the presidential campaign of Bernie Sanders — have severely hampered Hillary Clinton’s bid for the White House.

After FBI Director James Comey’s press conference on July 5, in which he recommended no charges be filed against Clinton despite her “extremely careless” use of a private email server, many were left wondering if the FBI was, in fact, actively protecting Clinton from prosecution.

This theory would seem to be in question, however, now that the agency is going around the Justice Department and working with a federal attorney with a reputation for taking down corrupt heavyweights. Indeed, it is curious that the FBI would suddenly sidestep the DOJ a month after it effectively let Hillary Clinton off the hook.

Were the FBI’s hands tied by the Justice Department the first time around?

Is the evidence of corruption within the Clinton shadow now simply too great to ignore?

Are questions surrounding Hillary’s health giving the establishment an opportunity to take out a divisive figurehead for good?

Or is James Comey going rogue?

This last question, if ever affirmed, would perhaps be most profound of all. Because Comey’s ties to the Clintons go back decades, and — as we’ll see — it’s a relationship that has had the now-director of the FBI acting as protector of the dynastic family time and time again.                  


“Comey came to some damning conclusions: Hillary Clinton was personally involved in mishandling documents and had ordered others to block investigators as they pursued their case. Worse, her behavior fit into a pattern of concealment.”

It could easily be assumed these words were written in the days following FBI Director James Comey’s decision in July not to recommend charges against Hillary Clinton. While claiming the FBI found no intent of wrongdoing, the director nonetheless delivered a scathing assessment of Clinton and her staff’s use of a private email server to transmit classified information.

But the words are, in actuality, from a TIME article published back in March of this year. And they aren’t in reference to the email controversy. They’re addressing a scandal from the 1990s many will likely be familiar with — Whitewater.

Much of the hard truth in the case would become obscured once the Monica Lewinsky distraction was thrown into the mix, but at its heart the Whitewater investigation centered on failed real estate investments by Bill and Hillary Clinton and their associates.

And because the subject is now so heavily associated with Bill, a blue dress and a cigar, most would be shocked to discover just how close Hillary came to having charges brought against her during the Whitewater inquiry — to the point where a draft for her indictment had been written.

From a July 9 article in the Washington Post:

“As in the email controversy of today, Clinton’s honesty was a central question facing investigators in 1998 as they weighed whether what they saw as shifting stories from Clinton amounted to an attempt to cover up misconduct.”

And a young James Comey was one of those investigators. Writes TIME:

“Looking to get back into government after a stint in private practice, Comey signed on as deputy special counsel to the Senate Whitewater Committee.”

Following law school, Comey had served as clerk for a federal judge before joining the U.S. Attorney’s Office of the Southern District of New York — yes, the same office Preet Bharara is, at the urging of Comey’s FBI, now using to go after Clinton — as a prosecutor in 1987. As we’ll see, Comey’s association with the Southern District will prove highly beneficial to the Clintons.

In the end, and not at all surprisingly, no charges were brought against then-President Bill Clinton and his wife for their involvement in the Whitewater affair. Several of their associates were convicted, however, of crimes including fraud, tax evasion, and embezzlement. Fortunately — at least for a handful — Slick Willy managed to slide them a pardon in the last hours of his presidency.

And the issue of pardons brings us to the next chapter in the Clinton-Comey relationship.


Marc Rich was a pioneering oil mogul in the 70s and 80s who, as a boy, escaped the wrath of the Nazis by fleeing Belgium with his family and relocating to the United States. After years in Missouri, the family ended up living in New York, where Rich would learn the ropes of the international commodities game.

He would go on to become the most successful — and notorious — businessman and trader of his time. He was so dominant in his field, in fact, that peers came to call him the “King of Oil.”

Rich was also, according to the federal government of the United States, a criminal who had no qualms about dealing with America’s enemies. Wrote Reuters in 2013 upon Rich’s death at 78:

“To his critics he was a white-collar criminal, a serial sanctions breaker, whom they accused of building a fortune trading with revolutionary Iran, Muammar Gaddafi’s Libya, apartheid-era South Africa, Nicolae Ceausescu’s Romania, Fidel Castro’s Cuba and Augusto Pinochet’s Chile.”

In 1983, Rich was indicted on 65 counts of, among other things, tax evasion and racketeering. Facing a potential life sentence in prison, Rich fled to Switzerland. He would remain on the FBI’s Ten Most Wanted Fugitives list for years.

Miraculously, however, Rich was pardoned by President Bill Clinton in 2001, on his last day in office — yes, the same day he pardoned his old Whitewater associates.

Described by a New York Times editorial as a “shocking abuse of presidential power,” the pardon is far less miraculous, though, when considering the multifaceted campaign that went into securing it.

Among the more glaringly questionable details surrounding the pardon are the fact that Rich’s ex-wife had donated $450,000 to the Clinton Presidential Library — as well as thousands more to Bill’s defense fund during the Whitewater hearings — and the allegations that then-Deputy Attorney General Eric Holder facilitated the pardon using underhanded methods in exchange for promises of becoming Attorney General in an Al Gore administration.

The Justice Department immediately set up an inquiry to look into the Clinton pardons, which numbered 176 in total. Originally, U.S. Attorney for — you guessed it — the Southern District of New York, Mary Jo White, had been appointed to lead the investigation. White stepped down before the conclusion of the inquiry, however, and was replaced — rather conveniently — by then-U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia James Comey.

As it happens, Comey was one the prosecutors who’d helped successfully convict Marc Rich fifteen years before. So it was with intimate knowledge of Rich’s criminality that Comey would later tell Congress how “stunned” he was by the pardon of the oil magnate.

Despite this — not to mention the overwhelming evidence of bribery and shady dealings regarding the Clinton pardons — Comey nonetheless determined in 2002 that no criminal wrongdoing by the Clintons had occurred.


In February of 2002, former United States diplomat Joseph C. Wilson was sent on a CIA-funded trip to Niger to investigate claims that Saddam Hussein had attempted to purchase yellowcake uranium. Upon returning to Washington, D.C., Wilson reported to the CIA that there was little evidence that such a transaction took place.

Not surprisingly, Wilson was taken aback upon hearing President Bush say in the 2003 State of the Union Address that “the British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa.”

In response, Wilson wrote an op-ed for the New York Times in July of 2003, titled “What I Didn’t Find in Africa.” From that article:

“Based on my experience with the administration in the months leading up to the war, I have little choice but to conclude that some of the intelligence related to Iraq’s nuclear weapons program was twisted to exaggerate the Iraqi threat.”

A week after Wilson’s article was published, conservative columnist Robert Novak ran a piece outing Wilson’s wife, Valerie Plame, as a CIA operative and the person who recommended Wilson for the Niger assignment. Novak cited two senior Bush administration staffers as sources of the leak. It would later be revealed that those sources were State Department official Richard Armitage, acting as the primary, and Deputy Chief of Staff Karl Rove, who confirmed.

There was much speculation at the time that the Bush officials went rogue as revenge for Wilson’s op-ed in which he contradicted the president’s claims. Within months of Novak’s article, the Justice Department had opened an investigation as to who had blown Valerie Plame’s cover.

To avoid the appearance of partiality, Attorney General John Ashcroft recused himself from the case — which paved the way for the number two man, James Comey, to step into the top spot.

As a Bush appointee, Comey also desired — seemingly — to avoid the appearance of bias. So, amid calls for an independent investigation, Comey appointed a federal attorney out of Chicago, Patrick Fitzgerald, to handle the affair.

Fitzgerald, by the way, was a good friend of Comey’s — and godfather to one of his children.

Some viewed the appointment as troubling, but the case proceeded. In the end, no one was charged for the leak, itself. Vice President Dick Cheney’s former Chief of Staff, I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby, however, who testified during the trial, was convicted of perjury and obstruction.

Libby, who’d been made privy to Plame’s role as a CIA operative by the vice president prior to Novak’s article being published, is thought by another witness in the case, reporter Judith Miller, to have fallen on his sword to protect Cheney.

The whole affair came to be known as “Plamegate.” From a 2007 NBC report, following Libby’s conviction:

“The trial revealed that top members of the administration were eager to discredit Plame’s husband, former Ambassador Joseph Wilson, who accused the administration of doctoring prewar intelligence on Iraq.”

Plame and her husband — who, incidentally, was a Special Assistant to President Bill Clinton in the 90s — have been Clinton supporters for nearly two decades. In an April 2015 op-ed the couple co-authored for USA Today, Plame and Wilson wrote:

“We have known Hillary Clinton both professionally and personally for nearly 20 years, dating back to before President Bill Clinton’s first trip to Africa in 1998 — a trip they both acknowledge changed their lives, and gave considerable meaning to their post-White House years and to the activities of the Clinton Foundation.”

They go on to state that, in the midst of the scandal, “Hillary reached out to us. Her counsel during that tumultuous period was as timely as it was wise.”

A Daily Caller article published in January of this year further highlighted the close ties between the Clintons and Wilson, who, since leaving political life, has worked as an advisor to development groups in Africa. Citing ongoing email dumps, the article states:

“One of Hillary Clinton’s most frequent favor-seekers when she was secretary of state was former Ambassador Joseph Wilson, a longtime Clinton friend, an endorser of Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign, and an Africa expert with deep business ties to the continent.”

The article goes on to explain that, in most of the cases, Wilson’s requests were met — which amounted to considerable paydays for the former Bill Clinton assistant.

Given these facts, one could be forgiven for finding it odd that James Comey — who’d by then proven himself thoroughly dependable in Clinton-related matters — ended up being the man in charge of the Plamegate investigation. Odder still, one might think, that the godfather of one of Comey’s children was appointed — by Comey himself — to conduct the trial.

Remember, the theory at the time was that the Republican establishment was going after Joseph Wilson because he dared to challenge the word of President Bush. It was retaliation. So it’s not outside the realm of possibility that the staunchly Democratic Clintons — in an equally retaliatory measure — would protect their friend Wilson, and activate the trusted James Comey to do it.

And it worked. Plamegate saw Vice President Dick Cheney lose his chief of staff and longtime ally, “Scooter” Libby.


In July of 2004, the news broke that the Justice Department was investigating former Clinton aide Sandy Berger over allegations he removed and even destroyed classified material from the National Archives while acting as the Clinton administration’s hand-selected official in charge of reviewing documents for the independent commission on 9/11.

Berger, who served as national security advisor to Bill Clinton for all of the president’s second term, was reportedly observed acting in a secretive and highly suspicious manner while in the archives. Wrote CNN in 2004:

“Law enforcement sources said archive staff members told FBI agents they saw Berger placing items in his jacket and pants, and one archive staffer told agents that Berger also placed something in his socks.”

The investigation had actually been going on since October of the previous year, but that fact wasn’t made public until days before the commission was set to release its final report — prompting many to speculate the move was political in nature, a way for the Bush administration to avert attention away from the commission’s inevitably damning conclusions.

“The timing of this leak suggests that the White House is more concerned about protecting its political hide than hearing what the commission has to say about strengthening our security,” the campaign of then-presidential hopeful John Kerry said in a statement.

But others had more serious concerns. Some were asking if Berger, the longtime Clinton loyalist, had been sent into the archives not to prevent damaging information about 9/11 from reaching the commission, but rather, to destroy material that could potentially be harmful to the Clinton dynasty down the road.

Such as, say, Hillary Clinton’s attempts at the Oval Office.

In any case, Berger was floated a sweetheart deal by the Justice Department in 2005. For charges that could’ve seen him behind bars, Berger was fined $50,000 and forced to give up his security clearance for three years.

The Deputy Attorney General in charge of that case? James Comey.

“As a general matter, we take issues of classified information very seriously,” Comey told reporters in 2004.

Just not so seriously — as his findings in the current email scandal prove — when they involve a Clinton.

Interestingly, Berger was named an advisor to Hillary in her failed 2008 bid for the White House — a move that, quite understandably, raised a considerable number of eyebrows at the time. Additionally, a State Department email dump in 2015 revealed that Berger was advising then-Secretary of State Clinton — albeit far more secretly — as recently as 2009.


With data dumps coming fast and furious, and with a new investigation underway, there’s no telling what will be revealed about Hillary Clinton, her network of associates, or the Clinton Foundation in the days ahead. But if the past is any indicator, none of it will be good.

And there’s so much more than emails to consider. The information presented here highlights a pattern of protection given to a political behemoth by a strategically-placed operative. But this is merely one facet of a much larger, and much older, system at play.

Within the last two weeks alone, Underground Reporter has written on both the recent spike in the so-called “Clinton body count” and the revelation that murdered DNC staffer Seth Rich may very well be the source behind Wikileaks’ DNC leak — a suggestion made by Wikileaks founder Julian Assange that had one Clinton strategist immediately calling for his death.

Consider, for instance, that Cheryl Mills, who was Hillary Clinton’s Chief of Staff at the State Department — and who is now under scrutiny for working for the Clinton Foundation, which she’s currently on the board of, while on State Department time — attempted to destroy Clinton-related emails back in 2015. A judge had to issue an order to prevent her from doing so.

Consider that Mills at one time worked for the law firm of Hogan & Hartson, a New York partner of which prepared tax returns for the Clintons. The firm also did patent work for the software company that created email encryption for the very server at the heart of the Clinton email scandal.

Interestingly, Sandy Berger — the Clinton bag man who destroyed classified documents in the National Archives —worked for years at Hogan & Hartson as well.

Consider also that United States Attorney General Loretta Lynch — who, as it was recently revealed, refused to sanction an investigation into the Clinton Foundation even after three separate FBI field offices made requests —also worked at Hogan & Hartson.

Consider further that the law firm of Hogan & Hartson, which appears to be connected to the Clintons at every turn, was also one of Hillary’s biggest donors in the legal industry during her first bid for the White House.

Consider that it was Lynch, then the U.S. Attorney in the Eastern District of the New York, who signed off a sweetheart deal for banking giant HSBC, which allowed it to skate with a paltry fine in a massive money-laundering case. And while you’re at it, consider that the Clinton Foundation has received over $81 million in “donations” from HSBC clients.

And consider that months after the HSBC deal was struck by Loretta Lynch, James Comey joined the controversial bank’s board of directors. He would remain there until his appointment as Director of the FBI in 2013 — just in time to prepare for the hurricane that would be the Clinton email scandal.

Consider all these connections — and consider those we can’t yet see.

The FBI’s decision to initiate an investigation into the Clinton Foundation raises many questions, to be sure. But at this point, all the public can really do is speculate. There is, however, one conclusion that can be definitively made.

With the FBI led by a man who has continuously protected the Clintons for nearly two decades going around the DOJ and opening a criminal probe — spearheaded by a man with a reputation for being tough on corrupt elites — into the Clinton Foundation, something, however ambiguous it might be at the moment, has unquestionably changed.

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This article (Not a Conspiracy: FBI’s Comey Has Been Covering the Clintons’ A**es for Decades) is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to James Holbrooks and If you spot a typo, please email the error and the name of the article to Image credit: Flickr/DonkeyHotey

Alcohol industry deploys fear tactics to ensure politicians keep cannabis illegal, secret DNC emails reveal

J.D. Heyes
August 12, 2016

Buried in a trove of emails from the campaign of Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton and the Democratic National Committee, and mysteriously obtained by WikiLeaks, was an email newsletter sent to political insiders that contained something interesting: a paid advertisement from the alcohol industry.

Ordinarily that would not be odd, and it certainly isn’t the biggest news to come out of the trove of dumped DNC/Clinton emails. But it could have significant social and healthcare implications.

In the May 24, 2016, edition of Huddle, a daily newsletter from Politico, there was an ad from the Wine & Spirits Wholesalers of America that is little more than fear-mongering aimed at political leaders who may be leaning towards marijuana legalization.

“A message from Wine & Spirits Wholesalers of America: While neutral on the issue of legalization, WSWA believes states that legalize marijuana need to ensure appropriate and effective regulations are enacted to protect the public from the dangers associated with the abuse and misuse of marijuana,” the ad begins.

Continuing, the ad notes that 23 states as well as the District of Columbia currently have legislation on the books legalizing marijuana use for medicinal purposes. The ad also acknowledges that Alaska, Colorado, Oregon and Washington, D.C., have legalized the drug for recreational use as well.

But the WSWA goes on to state that, in the years since Colorado passed its legislation, law enforcement officials in the state have allegedly recorded higher-than-average traffic fatalities involving drivers who tested positive for marijuana use.

Because of that lone state statistic, the WSWA is encouraging Congress to fully fund Section 4008 of the FAST Act in the upcoming fiscal year’s budget, “to document the prevalence of marijuana impaired driving,” while also determining standards and ways to detect impairment due to pot consumption.

And even that statistic is skewed. As reported by The Daily Sheeple, a May report from AAA’s safety foundation concerning alcohol and cannabis driving impairment found that blood-testing drivers for THC – a primary ingredient in pot – has no scientific significance or validity, meaning that such testing is ineffective at measuring pot-induced impairment.

Though the number of people who were involved in fatal car crashes and who tested positive for cannabis did actually rise – a doubling, The Daily Sheeple noted – there are a number of caveats to the stat that were ignored by the rest of the media and the WSWA, likely for political reasons.

For one, cannabis is not close to being one of the leading causes of automobile fatalities, according to a recent analysis by the Auto Insurance Center, a news and information site.

In addition, when deadly accidents involving cannabis were recorded, “most” drivers had also consumed other drugs or alcohol. The Washington Traffic Safety Commission noted recently that of 592 drivers involved in fatal motor vehicle crashes in 2013, just 38 tested positive for cannabis. The following year, drivers in 75 out of 619 deadly crashes tested positive. But, as Staci Hoff, the commission’s research director noted, most of the 75 drivers “also had alcohol or other drugs” in their systems.

Political manipulation

As reported by, Wine & Spirits Wholesalers of America, on its website, called marijuana legalization a “key issue,” and stated that – while claiming not to have taken a position one way or another – the organization is concerned that legalization will lead to widespread “illicit and unregulated activity akin to that which occurred” when the constitutional prohibition on alcohol was repealed in the 1930s.

Critics of the WSWA’s effort to convince lawmakers to take a wary approach to full cannabis legalization say that the organization should not only be more concerned with combating drunk driving, but that it may be acting in its members’ own interests in preventing pot legalization, because it could mean a loss of revenue.

And finally, others point out that driving under the influence of marijuana is already illegal in the states. What’s needed, they say, is an effective test for impairment, as with alcohol – not one where data can be manipulated for political purposes.

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Sources for this story include:

Julian Assange Floats Theory That Murdered DNC Employee Was Informant In Dutch Interview

Andrew Kaczynski
August 9, 2016

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange floated the possibility on Tuesday that a murdered Democratic National Committee staffer was an informant for the organization.

“Whistleblowers often take very significant efforts to bring us material and often at very significant risks,” Assange said in an interview to be aired Tuesday on the Dutch television program Nieuwsuur. “There’s a 27-year-old who works for the DNC and who was shot in the back, murdered, just a few weeks ago, for unknown reasons as he was walking down the streets in Washington.”

Seth Rich, a DNC employee who did voter outreach, was shot to death last month early in the morning in Washington, D.C. The case is unsolved and police have speculated it was an attempted robbery.

On Reddit, Rich’s death has become the source of theories about whether he was involved in the leaks of emails and files from the Democratic National Committee last month. US intelligence officials have linked the leak to a Russian hack, though there has been no official conclusion on the matter.

“I am suggesting that our sources take risks and they become concerned to see things occurring like that,” Assange added, when asked what he was alleging. “We don’t comment on who our sources are.”

Asked by interviewer Eelco Bosch van Rosenthal why he would speculate about someone being shot, Assange said it showed “our sources face serious risks.”

“We have to understand how high the stakes are in the US, and that our sources face serious risks. That’s why they come to us, so we can protect their anonymity,” he said.

The WikiLeaks founder then stated he was merely investigating what happened.

“We are investigating what happened with Seth Rich. We think it is a concerning situation,” Assange said. “There is not a conclusion yet; we are not willing to state a conclusion, but we are concerned about it. And more importantly, a variety of WikiLeaks sources are concerned when that kind of thing happens.”

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Princeton Professor Shows How Easy It Is To Hack An Election In Just 7 Minutes

[Editor’s Note]

As if what the following article suggests isn’t enough, here is additional data that shows what a fallacy voting is:

ELECTION RIGGING 101 – Election Shocker: Is This How The Election Will Be Rigged?  | JonRappoport

Claire Bernish
August 8, 2016

A professor from Princeton University and a graduate student just proved electronic voting machines in the U.S. remain astonishingly vulnerable to hackers — and they did it in under eight minutes.

In fact, Professor Andrew Appel and grad student Alex Halderman took just seven minutes to break into the authentic Sequoia AVC Advantage electronic voting machine Appel purchased for $82 online — one of the oldest models, but still in use Louisiana, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Virginia, Politico reported.

After Halderman picked the hulking, 250-pound machine’s lock in seven seconds flat, Appel wrested its four ROM chips from a circuit board — an easy feat, considering the chips weren’t soldered in place.

Once freed, Appel could facilely replace the ROM chips with his own version “of modified firmware that could throw off the machine’s results, subtly altering the tally of votes, never to betray a hint to the voter,” Politico’s Ben Wofford explained.

Appel and a team of other so-called cyber-academics have hacked into various models of electronic voting machines in order to prove to the public the equipment is ridiculously bereft of security. Together with Ed Felten, Appel and a group of Princeton students “relentlessly hacked one voting machine after another … reprogramming one popular machine to play Pac-Man; infecting popular models with self-duplicating malware; [and] discovering keys to voting machine locks that could be ordered on eBay.”

Their efforts have gone largely ignored for 15 years.

But now, thanks to the explosion of controversy from revealing documents hacked from the DNC — and as-yet unproven accusations of Russian involvement — Appel and his colleagues’ persistence has finally garnered the attention it deserves.

If primaries were successfully rigged through corporate media collusion and behind-the-scenes coordination between the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton’s campaign, voters will certainly wonder what’s in store when they cast ballots using deeply-vulnerable electronic voting machines.

Perhaps that lack of security prompted the Department of Homeland Security to declare electronic voting machines part of U.S. “critical infrastructure” this week — a designation generally reserved for 16 sectors, including transportation systems, dams, and utilities, among other things — deemed “so vital to the United States that their incapacitation or destruction would have a debilitating effect on security, national economic security, national public health or safety, or any combination thereof.”

Now that attention has been given to the ease with which a number of popular, still-employed voting machines can be compromised, officials and voters alike have expressed grave concerns about the upcoming election.

“This isn’t a crazy hypothetical anymore,” Dan Wallach, a computer science professor at Rice and veteran of the team of Princeton ‘hackers,’ noted. “Once you bring nation states’ cyber activity into the game?” he hinted of potential Russian connections to the DNC hack and possible implications of foreign meddling in the national election. “These machines, they barely work in a friendly environment.”

Thirty-one prominent security experts with the Aspen Institute Homeland Security Group issued a statement in response to the DNC hack at the end of July, imploring precautions be taken because “[o]ur electoral process could be a target for reckless foreign governments and terrorist groups.”

“Look, we could see 15 years ago that this would be perfectly possible,” Appel told Wofford. “It’s well within the capabilities of a country as sophisticated as Russia.”

He added ominously, “Actually, it’s well within the capabilities of much less well-funded and sophisticated attackers.”

Electronic voting machines hit the U.S. electoral process in full force following the ‘hanging chad’ controversy in the Bush-Gore race in 2000, in which ballots had to be hand-counted. Ludicrous pictures inundated the news, showing elections officials assiduously examining paper ballots to determine if partially-punched choices equated actual votes in the tight race — a scene officials hoped electronic voting machines would avoid repeating.

But those machines presented notorious problems of their own.

As Wofford explained:

The Princeton group has a simple message: That the machines that Americans use at the polls are less secure than the iPhones they use to navigate their way there. They’ve see the skeletons of code inside electronic voting’s digital closet, and they’ve mastered the equipment’s vulnerabilities perhaps better than anyone (a contention the voting machine companies contest, of course). They insist the elections could be vulnerable at myriad strike points, among them the software that aggregates the precinct vote totals, and the voter registration rolls that are increasingly digitized. But the threat, the cyber experts say, starts with the machines that tally the votes and crucially keep a record of them — or, in some cases, don’t.

Because this electronic equipment is now horribly outdated — some machines’ manufacturers no longer offer tech support — and considered, in large part, a ‘failed experiment,’ much has been phased out for better options. But not completely — and those better options still can be easily tampered with, according to Appel and his team.

Indeed, the issues with electronic voting methods are too voluminous to recount in a single article, though Wofford does provide a thorough, albeit lengthy, summary here.

As voters prepare to putatively choose the next American president in November, tales of rigged elections — from the primaries to the presidency — continue to top headlines across the country. With the sheer mountain of political funny business already evidenced this year, electronic voting machines don’t offer anywhere near the sound comfort of retribution the voting public craves.

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Claire Bernish writes for, where this article first appeared.

Breakaway Links Of The Week – August 1, 2016 – August 7, 2016


Zy Marquiez
August 7, 2016

Here are some of these weeks links.

Have a great upcoming week. Take care.

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[ | Ethan A. Huff]

What’s Up Way Down There? And What’s Going Down Way Up…
[ | Dr. Joseph P. Farrell]

2-Month Old Infant Suffered Apnea & Died Following 8 Vaccines

TPP Could Stifle US Economic Growth – Trade Experts

Progressive Cozy Up To Big Pharma Lobbyists At DNC, Betraying Promise Tackle Drug Price Hikes
[ | Jonathan Benson]

[Gardening] [IN FOCUS] – Shade Cloth
[UrbanFarmers | Curtis Stone]

In His Pocket: Crooked Hillary Has Received $25 Million From NOW Puppet Master George Soros
[ | Geoggrey Grider]

Weekly Review + Q&A
[UrbanFarmer | Curtis Stone]

Physicist & Consciousness Researcher Tom Campbell At The Monroe Institute 11/2015 Pt 1/6
[Tom Campbell]

Strawberry Crate Tower Tips For MORE Strawberries
[Garden&HomeDIY | Cali Kim]

Did A Technologically Advanced Civilization Predate The Ancient Inca?

How To Get Your Body Alkaline In 3 Steps

Introducing Italian Chicory [Dolci Talli]: A 3 Season Flawless Garden Green – TRG 2016
[TheRustedGaren | Gary Pilarchik]

Hillary: ‘I’m Not Here To Take Away Your Guns’ – But She Will

[Gardening] How To – Hand Weed Effectively
[UrbanFarmer | Curtis Stone]

Veteran CDC Employer Resigns After She Was Caught Helping Coca-Cola Gain Political Influence Over Health Authorities
[ | Julie Wilson]

Biological Clock Disruption In Humans May Lead To Cancer, Study Finds
[ | Amy Goodrich]

Hillary May Act Like A Dictator If Elected, But That Is Not The Worst Problem

President Obama Signs Bill That Forever Exempts Big FoodFrom Placing GMO Labels On Food Packages
[ | Julie Wilson]

Hear What This Nutrition Expert Says About Gluten

[UrbanFarming] IN FOCUS – Overhead Irrigation
[UrbanFarmer | Curtis Stone]

Obama’s Final Push For TPP
[RT America]

China Dumps $30 Million Into Weather Modification Program, Seeding Clouds With Chemicals To Create Rainfall
[ | Daniel Barker]

‘Dark Act’ Won’t Truly Label GMO’s – Food & Agriculture Consultant
[RT America]

Zika, Florida, NSA Hillary Emails, Obama Signs DARK Act
[ | Jon Rappoport]

Psychiatrists Drugging Children For “Social Justice”
[ | Jon Rappoport]

Moon Express Becomes First Private Company TO Get Permission To Go To The Moon
[ | Emily Calandrelli]

New ‘Clinton Cash’ Film Reveals How The Couple Exploited Colombian Rainforest To Generate Millions For Clinton Foundation
[ | J.D. Heyes]

Monsanto’s GMO Wheat Found Growing Illegally AGAIN…This Time In Washington
[ | Isabelle Z.]

5 Facts That Prove Clinton Is A Nightmare For Women’s Rights
[RT America]

University Of Chicago Accidentally Proved That Gun Control Laws Don’t Work

Staged Zika Pandemic Was Engineered By Globalist Governments To Justify The Aerial Bombardment Of Awakening Populations With Toxic Chemicals
[ | Mike Adams]

Here Is Why The US Is Behind When It Comes To Cancer Treatment
[ | Dr. Dr. Mark Rosenberg M.D.]

Organic Garden Summer Harvest – This Is Why We Do It!
[Gaden&Home DIY | Cali Kim]

The Fascinating Power Of Dolmens & Menhirs, Ancient Megalithic Wonders

This Is The Most Damaging Thing To Your Body

U.S. Consumers Organize Massive Boycott Against Food Companies Refusing To Label GMOs
[ | Ethan A. Huff]

Why The Mainstream Media Refuses To Talk About The Trans-Pacific Partnership [TPP]
[ | Claire Bernish]

New US Space Force: Soldiernauts?
[ | Dr. Joseph P. Farrell]

THIRD WORLD:   Flint Mayor Suspends Garbage Pick-Ups, Tells Residents To Keep Trash Inside Pending Further Notice
[ | Jonathan Benson]

Dark Ages Royal Palace Discovered In Cornwall – In Area Closely Linked To The Legend Of King Arthur
[ | David Keys]

Revealed: 4,500-Year-Old Papyrus That Details The Construction Of The Great Pyramid

Pneumonia Vaccines Being Pushed On Seniors With Cancer Despite Manufacture’s Warnings Of Adverse Reactions
[ | Amy Goodrich]

Revolution Impossible?
[Corbett Report Extras | James Corbett]

Florida Preparing To Fight Zika With Controversial Insecticide Linked To Severe Health & Environmental Effects
[ | Julie Wilson]

Dr. Mercola & Dr. Seyfried On Mitochondria & Metabolic Therapy
[ | Dr. Mercola]

News & Views From The Nefarium – August 5, 2016
[ | Dr. Joseph P. Farrell]

National Guard, DEA & State Police Just Raided An 81-Year Old Cancer Patient’s Organic Garden To ‘Protect’ You
[ | Matt Agorist]

The Black Knight Satellite: Remnant Of Ancient Anunnaki Technology?

FINALLY! First Senior Bankers On The Planet Responsible For 2008 Collapse Jailed
[ | Matt Agorist]

Physicist & Consciousness Researcher Tom Campbell At The Monroe Institute [3/6]
[Tom Campbell]

Amazon Echo Is The Ultimate Spy Device That Records Everything You Say

[ | Ethan A. Huff]

How To Space Your Plants When Growing In A Raised Bed Garden
[ | John]

New APP Exposes HIPAA Violations, Allowing Consumers To View Privacy Breaches By Medical Providers
[ | L.J. Devon]

How Not To Die: The Role Of Diet In Preventing, Arresting & Reversing Our Top 15 Killers
[ | Dr. Greger]

For The First Time Ever, A Private Company Is Authorized To Exploit The Moon

The Whole Truth About Whole Foods: Shocking New Min-Documentary Excoriated This Deceptive, Fraudulent Corporation For Becoming The Monsanto Of Food Retailing
[ | Mike Adams]

45 Times Clinton Publically Supported TPP
[RT America]

Archaeologists Believe They Have Found King Arthur’s Castle

Physicist & Consciousness Researcher Tom Campbell At The Monroe Institute [Part 4/6]
[Tom Campbell]

[UrbanFarming] VLOG 22 – Opening Presents & Making Touch Decisions
[UrbanFarmer | Curtis Stone]

Bill Gates & George Soros Fund Monsanto & A World Depopulation Agenda
[ | S.D. Wells]

New Lawsuit: Chemtrails [GeoEngineering] Are Greatest Threat To Life On Earth
[ | Greg Hunter]

How Rhode Island Parents Are Winning Back Their Rights To Vaccine Choice
[ | Missy Fluegge]

Reading Books Reduces The Risk Of An Early Death, Say Researchers
[ | Daniel Barker]