Affordable Care Act Not So Affordable: Texas’ Largest Insurance Provider To Hike Rates 60% In 2017

Health care costs
Daniel Barker
June 14, 2016

Contrary to all the promises, the increasingly exorbitant cost of health insurance under Obamacare is beginning to be revealed as Blue Cross Blue Shield prepares to implement a 60 percent rate hike for individual policies in its Texas market.

The increases will affect more than half a million Texans who are now enrolled in Blue Cross Blue Shield – if approved, the new rates will go into effect in 2017.

From The Dallas Morning News:

“Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas has about 603,000 individual policyholders and, unlike other insurers in the state, offers coverage in every county. In a recent filing with federal regulators, the company said it is seeking increases averaging from 57.3 percent to 59.4 percent across its individual market plans.

“In a statement, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas said its request is based on strong financial principles, science and data. ‘It’s also important to understand the magnitude of the losses … experienced in the individual retail market over the past two years,’ the statement said. The company says it lost $592 million last year and $416 million in 2014.”

Among the worst affected in Texas will be those who live in rural areas where Blue Cross Blue Shield is the only coverage available.

Texas is not alone

Texas, the third-biggest market under the Affordable Care Act after Florida and California, is not the only state that will see significant rate hike increases in 2017, suggesting that the ACA is not so affordable, after all:

“With data available for about half the states, premium increases appear to be sharper, but there are also huge differences between states and among insurers. Health insurance is priced locally.

“A recent analysis of nine states by the consulting firm Avalere Health found that average premium increases for the most popular kind of plan ranged from 5 percent in Washington state to 44 percent in Vermont.”

The rate increases throughout the country are in response to huge financial losses for insurers that have been caused by low enrollment, higher-than-expected cost of medical care for many patients and “problems with the government’s financial backstop for insurance markets.”

Some policyholders are eligible for government subsidies that typically cover more than 70 percent of premiums, but many people are ineligible of such protection, including “small business owners, self-employed people and early retirees.”

For many, dropping coverage will be the only option

There is a real concern that many people will simply be forced to drop their coverage, even at the risk of paying fines.


“In a country where the cost of living is going up on virtually all fronts but wages and jobs are not increasing, exactly who is going to be able to afford this insane rate hike? And that’s just to pay for the insurance in case you get sick…”

“Affordable health care for all” was a lie – Obamacare has accomplished precisely the opposite and the evidence of this continues to mount as Texas and other states witness skyrocketing premium costs.

Mike Adams, founder/editor of Natural News and author of the new book “Food Forensics” said:

“As this is happening, your employer will either go out of business trying to cover your skyrocketing health care costs, or — more likely — slash your hours to make you a part-time employee with no health insurance coverage. You’ll then need a second job to make up the lost income from the first job, and you still won’t have health coverage because you’re part time at the second job, too. So you’ll need a third job just to raise enough money to pay for a crappy health care plan with a $20,000 deductible. But you don’t have $20,000, so if something serious happens to you, you’re basically bankrupt, jobless and ultimately homeless.”

Thanks, Obama…

Read More At:

The Left|Right Paradigm & How It Serves To Fracture The Populace


By: Zy Marquiez
January 25, 2016

Readers of this blog will be familiar with the constant allusion of the left/right paradigm. However, there are quite many folks out there whose eyes glaze over when in conversation about this topic. Let’s shed some light into this abstruse topic shall we?

To simplify, the left-right paradigm is a concept from political sciences and anthropology which proposes that societies have a tendency to divide themselves into ideological opposites.

That’s certainly one way to look at it. Another way would be proposing the establishment carries out this division on purpose to make it seem like there is only two sides to every debate. Rarely are things ever that simple.

First things first, let’s take a cursory glance at some of the permutations that the left/right paradigm is often bandied about in. Being cognizant of these will make it easier to harpoon onto particular agendas that are taking place within the establishment/media.

The Left/Right paradigm includes, but is not limited to:

– Back people vs. White people
– Muslim vs. Christians
– Republicans vs. Democrats
– East vs. West
– US vs. Russia/China
– US vs. Middle East
– Poor vs. Rich
– Liberals vs. Conservatives [could dovetail into politics, but it need not]
– Religions vs. Atheism
– Gay vs. Straight
– Women vs. Men
– Young vs. Old

There are many more derivatives, but those examples are some of the ones used the most.

In any case, take a good minute or two to ponder at that list again. What don’t you notice anywhere?

The individual.

That is quite notable, because not only is the individual the foundation of society, but at the most essential/practical levels, the individual is the engine of society.

This fact is not overlooked by the comptrollers. They realize the individual is the one who truly holds all the power.

In our reverse reality world, there are many reasons why the individual is often thrown under the bus. One oft-parroted one is “for the greater good” which in true translation just means is anything that serves the establishment.

Let’s take a gander at what some of the most incisive minds had to say about the individual:

“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.”
―Ralph Waldo Emerson

“Insist on yourself; never imitate. Your own gift you can offer with the cumulative force of a whole life’s cultivation, but of the adopted talent of another, you have only an extemporaneous, half possession.”
― Ralph Waldo Emerson

“Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to reform (or pause and reflect).”
―Mark Twain

“The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself.”
―Friedrich Nietzsche

Individuality is a beautiful aspect of life. It truly makes me wonder, what makes people want to mirror others, when they are so unique themselves? Mirroring others in it of itself would limit someone because they’re already putting themselves within a box/system without realizing it.

Its quite fascinating in many ways to see what people will do in the many aspects life takes.

The self-cognizant individual will never be part of the group. They will always be a person within a group, there’s a difference.

In many ways, groups assimilate people and stamp out individuality at every turn. It’s rare to have a collection of individuals.  Instead, the collective group functions as one hive mind, and limits itself because it operates as just one mind, rather than as many different/unique intellectual engines.

How does this all dovetail with the left/right paradigm?

It is of utmost importance to realize when the media/establishment/people is using labels on you, or handpicking your placement within a particular paradigm [whether they know it or not].  This is highly deleterious because not only are you being put into a collective box, which could be highly detrimental given certain people’s limited point of view, but the establishment conveniently also surreptitiously ends up serving you up to whatever derivative of the left/right paradigm is most beneficial for them, rather than you.

If it was all about you, you would be seen as a person – an individual.

An individual’s power is limitless. Your dreams and imagination can build something greater.

However, the lot of society has been brainwashed into believing we are all just cogs in the machine, rather than independent minds operating by themselves.

The collective/label is not your identity.

Your identity is your consciousness, your own subjective power over your domain, which is your reality.

Those that give that power away shackle themselves daily. Subsequently, entire countries/cultures/regions become mere pawns in the global game of control.

Heaven forbid anyone actually think outside the box and attempts to come up with some grassroots solutions – true grassroots solutions and not what is known as astroturfing, which is a duplicitous way of corporations make it seem like true change is taking place from the bottom up, whey they are not. When astroturfing takes place, it only supports the institutions/corporations behind them.

Why does astroturfing take place? Because the establishment/comptrollers knows the power of the individual. If there were no power from the grassroots individual level, it wouldn’t be co-opted, downplayed, eviscerated, and ameliorated at every turn.

And again, those institutions/corporations engaging in such activities are attempting to orchestrate a reality by controlling the left/right paradigm themselves. In this case, that manipulation is very subtle.

One can play the part within the grand chessboard, or one can opt-out of the game and breakaway as an individual.

The choice is y/ours.



The Individual – The Foundation Of Society

In America Everything Is Backwards

What Is Dream-Building?

Sharyl Attkisson – Astroturf & Manipulation Of Media Messages

What Does It Mean To ‘Breakaway’?

What Is Part Of The [Establishment] Plan?

By: Zy Marquiez
January 4, 2016

Pondering quite a bit upon a recent conversation with a friend of mine, we delved into things that are obviously a plan of the comptrollers, and some events that are not.

Things that are ‘part of the plan’ as the Joker [Heath Ledger] famously joked in the second modern Batman reboot, are things/issues that society as a whole has gotten used to, for various reasons.

Things that aren’t part of the plan, are things that throw a wrench into the ‘official’ reality, so to speak.

Here’s that starkly grim and yet illuminating quote:

“You know what I noticed? Nobody panics when things go “according to plan.” Even if the plan is horrifying! If, tomorrow, I tell the press that, like a gang banger will get shot, or a truck load of soldiers will be blown up, nobody panics, because it’s all “part of the plan”. But when I say that one little old mayor will die, well then everyone loses their minds!”
– Joker

The clip below elucidates this best.

With that said, am not by any means advocating that people should do anything to any mayors, people in power, or anything of the like.  Was just using the notion behind that particular scene to show how reality ultimately operates.

The plan is what society expects based on what the duplicitous media/establishment/corporations expounds. If society expects a certain thing to happen, be it organic, or engineered, then its ‘part of the plan.’ But if society doesn’t expect a certain event to take place, then that’s not part of the plan, but also usually ends up in people’s ‘moral compass’ coming off the hinges in a myriad of ways because their carefully orchestrated reality [illusion] just got shattered.

The careful management of illusion is why so many vital topics of utmost importance are not talked about within the duplicitous mainstream media circles.

Rummaging further, we can gather that although the above line was said in a fictionary world, we must remember that in America everything is backwards.

“In America fact is fiction and fiction is fact”, as former Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, Catherine Austin Fitts says regularly. This is because Hollywood elucidates quite clearly how our reality operates much more than most realize or care to ponder.

How do we know what is part of the plan by the comptrollers?   By sifting for evidence that show us the unfortunate circumstances.

Here are some notable examples:

Not allowing people to have organic, real salmon is part of the plan.

– Not having mainstream media presstitutes talking about fake grassroots movements funded by Corporations, also known as astroturfing is part of the plan.

– Not discussing countless studies of vaccinations [80+ studies outlining some of the dangers of vaccinations] that blow a hole into the mainstream media & establishment narrative the size of cape cod is part of the plan.

– Not discussing Geoengineering information that is pertinent to our every day health, and to our knowledge of our current environment is part of the plan.

Not having actual Presidential debates of substance like they used to have in times past is part of the plan.

– Not discussing cannabis’ benefits with certain diseases. There are countless diseases cannabis benefits for what its worth.  Look it up.

– Not discussing the work of Dr. Burzynski, which happens to have come up with an effective way in dealing with some cancers, and yet this isn’t discussed in the mainstream at all.

– Not discussing the dangers that fluoride poses in when its added to water. Not only water fluoridation failed modern civilization [as if it could really succeed], but its been rejected by place after place after place.

Not addressing findings that throw a wrench into the official history of The Great Pyramid is part of the plan.

– And finally, not discussing how the mainstream media manipulation machine is spearheaded by six media conglomerates, how their viewer numbers are declining & how they’ve been caught lying about stories is part of the plan.

Keep in mind that, you returning to your regularly scheduled programming, is also part of the plan.

Now the open-minded, skeptic, incisive, BS-detecting, relentlessly researching, [un]common sense individual though? That’s not part of their plan.

You going to follow their plan?   Or you going to create your own?

The choice is yours.



The Breakaway Guide To Mainstream Media Manipulation & Propaganda

In America Everything Is Backwards

Shocking News — FDA Approves Genetically Engineered Salmon

Shocking News — FDA Approves Genetically Engineered Salmon

Sharyl Attkisson – Astroturf & Manipulation Of Media Messages

80+ Studies Outlining Some Of The Dangers Of Vaccinations

Geoengineering Disinformation, Battling Climate Engineering Deniers On National Radio

Republican Presidential Debate An Exercise In Mind Control

Cannabis Superior To Drugs For Inflammatory Bowel Condition [Crohn’s Disease]

Burzynski – Cancer Is Big Business [Documentary]

Scientists: Geological Evidence Shows The Great Sphinx Is 800,000 Years Old


In America Everything Is Backwards

By: Zy Marquiez
December 19, 2015

“There is no confusion like the confusion of a simple mind.”
– F. Scott Fitzgerald

By: Zy Marquiez
December 19, 2015

What brings people to have blind faith/trust in the establishment?

Its a fascinating and yet concerning situation that seems to be plaguing society as a whole.

Speaking to many folks over the last few weeks/months it’s been easy to see why so many people from different walks of life are confused throughout society about a myriad of issues.

One compelling reason is because things aren’t as they seem in this carefully constructed matrix of ours.  While that might seem obvious to some, in this boundless world of ours many things that are obvious go unnoticed far than most realize.

The insidious process is best described by the following quote:

“In America fact is fiction and fiction is fact.”

The above words have been echoed countless times by former Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, Catherine Austin Fitts.

In her series called “Let’s Go To The Movies” at her website, she has often talked about how in America one great way to learn about everything is by watching movies.

This is because in reality watching movies are a great way to hone in on the things that are taking place in the American landscape. In fact, things that one might think straight forward in America are in fact backwards as is alluded too by Ms. Fitts’ quote.

Michael Ellner explains this notion best in his notable words:

“Just look at us. Everything is backwards, everything is upside down. Doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, psychiatrist destroy minds, scientists destroy truth, mainstream media destroys information, religion destroys spirituality and governments destroy freedoms.”

The previous words aren’t just random, they are very precise and unfortunately have quite a precedent set for them.

The following links have ample evidence of our backward system.

Doctors destroying health:

The Breakaway Guide To Big Medica – Doctors, Data & Disease

Dr. Starfield’s revelations: shock of shocks

The Real Reason Why The AMA Wants To Destroy Homeopathy

Psychiatry Destroys Minds:

Vast Experiments On Humans – A Forgotten Document

Another Huge Nail In The Coffin Of Psychiatry

Toxic Psychiatry – Why Therapy, Empathy & Love Must Replace The Drugs, Electroshock & Biochemical Theories Of The “New Psychiatry”

Scientists Destroy Truth

Nearly 4 In 10 Clinical Trials Based On False Information – FDA Routinely Ignores Blatant Science Fraud

Scientific & Historical Misconceptions, Suppression & Manipulation Of Info

Mainstream Media Destroying Information

The Breakaway Guide To Mainstream Media Manipulation & Propaganda

Sharyl Attkisson – Astroturf Manipulation Of Media Messages

Obviously missing from those are law, government, and religion.  Do we really have to go there?

Sadly, there are countless more links/articles/papers/documentaries that can be had in all of these topics which illustrate many of the issues at hand.  That also doesn’t even begin to touch other vital disciplines as education, finance & logic et al [logic being nigh non-existant from the  education system, and arguably the most vital].

A great question to ask oneself is, why aren’t more people noticing this trend that is obvious to many? As you pierce that veil, you will come to realize how carefully constructed our reality matrix is.

This is why its vital for the individual to realize what is what, in this world of ours.

Now that you have seen why things why we have a reverse-reality, what are you going to do about it?

Ruminate about that a bit.

The choice is yours. Always.


The Breakaway Guide To Big Medica – Doctors, Data & Disease

The Real Reason Why The AMA Wants To Destroy Homeopathy

Vast Experiments On humans – A Forgotten Document

Nearly 4 in 10 Clinical Trials Based On False Information; FDA Routinely Ignores Blatant Science Fraud

Ancient Knowledge [Part 4.5] – Scientific/Historical Misconceptions, Suppression & Manipulation of Info

The Breakaway Guide To Mainstream Media Manipulation & Propaganda

Sharyl Attkisson – Astroturf & Manipulation Of Media Messages