Top 7 ways a hospital stay can go downhill

[Editor’s Note]

Given the fact that there is irrefutable verifiable evidence that shows that preventable medical mistakes kill 250,000 people like clockwork [conservative estimate] every year in and out is highly disturbing.  It lays a troubling foundation for the post that follows.  For more please read:

Preventable Medical Mistakes Are 3rd Leading Cause Of Death In The US

S.D. Wells
August 31, 2016

Even if you eat 99 percent organic food, take herbal supplements, exercise, consult a nutritionist and live responsibly, at some point you will wind up in a hospital for something – either a broken bone, severe laceration, emergency operation or maybe just to bring in a loved one for some other reason. Believe it or not, the scariest part of your visit to the hospital or emergency room goes beyond the pressing need you have for a doctor to cut you open, sew you up or reset that broken “wing.” Sure, you don’t want to bleed to death from your injury, and you’re probably just praying the pain will subside soon, but there are dangers lurking in that medical center; in fact, your “dire” situation could get far worse, and in a short period of time.

Welcome to America, where people think medical insurance is the best thing since sliced bread, but many find out the hard way that the slippery slope of medical care can rapidly decline, sending them tumbling down, down, down, into the abyss of the chronic sick-care nightmare that’s sadly become commonplace.

Here they come: The top 7 ways a hospital stay can go downhill – and fast!

1. Superbugs: Hospitals across America are well aware that the MRSA (methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus) superbug bacterium causes potentially deadly staph infections and is completely immune to antibiotics. The biggest irony is that MRSA can be killed by natural medicines like colloidal silver, garlic and aloe vera, but hospitals refuse to use any natural medicines since doctors can’t prescribe them, and they can’t be patented by Big Pharma.

MRSA can enter the body through the skin, mouth or nasal passages, then travel to the bloodstream, urinary tract, lungs or other organs, leading to sepsis, severe inflammation, pneumonia and other potentially fatal complications. Watch out for electronic thermometers, the doctor and nurses’ laboratory coats, soiled gowns, endoscopes, food and flies!

Even scarier than MRSA are gram-negative superbugs (carbapenem-resistant enterobacteriaceae – or CRE). Diagnosed mostly in hospital patients, CRE produce an enzyme that’s resistant to “last resort” antibiotics, and are fatal in up to 60 percent of cases. Gram-negative superbugs have been reported in 35 states, and have played a large part in the nearly 2 million hospital-associated infections to date, contributing to about 100,000 deaths every year. That means hospital-acquired infections are among the top ten leading causes of death in the U.S.

2. The pneumonia vaccine: The pneumococcal vaccine is brewed in growth mediums and manufactured with scary carcinogenic processing ingredients that you simply wouldn’t believe. The highly secretive vaccine industry uses genetically modified soy peptone broth, ammonium sulfate (which is 21 percent nitrogen and flame retardant) and polysorbate 80, which when injected into muscle tissue can cause anaphylactic shock. What was it you came into the hospital for again? Polysorbate 80 also suppresses your immune system while causing severe allergic reactions – a combination of events that can kill you. The pneumonia vaccine called Prevnar contains over 20 strains of pneumonia, diphtheria and streptococcus infectious bacteria – a completely unpredictable combination. Some surgeons actually recommend this toxic jab for seniors immediately after major operations, during recovery.

3. GMO food: So you arrive at the hospital injured, stressed, worried, sick and weak. Your body needs nutrients as it drains what it has to save you from this hopefully short-lived nightmare. But guess what? You’ve just entered the danger zone, where not a single morsel of food, beverage or “medicine” has one lick of nutrition, and even worse, most of it contains genetically modified, pesticide-laden and processed ingredients that destroy immunity and make you even weaker. Not one hospital in America serves organic food, and the “protein” drinks they offer are loaded with GM soy and canola oil that strip your body of nutrients and add to the health chaos, sending you straight downhill.

4. Antibiotics: Doctors in America just love slinging those prescriptions! They scribble some secret language on a little piece of paper and give you some warm, fuzzy advice to make you feel safe, all while crippling your immunity, ensuring your stay at the hospital travels in one direction: downhill.

5. Unnecessary surgery: You may not know that doctors have a financial incentive to perform surgery on dying seniors because Medicare is guaranteed to pay for it. Researchers from Harvard School of Public Health reported that over 34 percent of people over age 65 are operated on during their last year, 25 percent in their last month, and 10 percent in their last week of life. How do they die? The stress of surgery and poor conditions in hospitals leads to post surgery pneumonia, superbug infections and heart attacks.

6. The wrong diagnosis: American medical doctors and oncologists are trained to do surgery, read x-rays, run expensive tests and prescribe multiple chemical-based medications. That’s about it. They often make major mistakes that can cost you your life. They’ll tell you your sickness is inherited when it’s not. They’ll prescribe antibiotics for viral infections because the symptoms are similar. They’ll remove organs (ie: gall bladder removed for gall stones) for illnesses that can be healed by simply changing patient diet plans to a plant-based regimen.

7. Your chart gets misread or mixed up with that of someone else: Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for your left arm, knee or hip to get operated on when it’s really your right one that needed the work. Many hospitals today are so overcrowded that nurses and surgeons often mix up charts or files when more than one person has the same last name.

Bottom line: Eat organic food, research natural medicine and live carefully so you can stay healthy and avoid the hospital. Good luck!

Sources for this article include:

Annual Healthcare Spending Rises To $10,000 Per Person – $3.3 Trillion Dollars A Year

[Editor’s Note]

Don’t forget, that PREVENTABLE MEDICAL ERRORS are the THIRD LEADING CAUSE OF DEATH in the United States.  And those are conservative numbers, for starters.  Secondly, not all deaths via medical mistakes get reported because the data collection method is flawed.  That also doesn’t count the millions injured yearly.  The for-health for-profit medical system will only change when people take charge of their health.  Handing off personal responsibility of your health to others that care about mostly profits is a sure way to stay sick.  Of course, $3.3 trillion spent on healthcare and notice how there are NO cures.  Not within the conventional medical establishment anyways  Do your research, because your health depends on it.


Source: RT America
July 15, 2016

American’s will spend $3.3 trillion on healthcare spending in 2016 – that’s $10k per person. Healthcare expenditures are growing faster than the national economy. Is this a result of Obamacare? To discuss, former health insurance executive Wendell Potter joins “News with Ed” and says that public healthcare options could help bring costs down.

Why Have Drug Shortages Ballooned by 400% in ER’s Since 2001?

Is The Real Culprit Big Pharma Greed?

empty prescription, medication bottles
Julie Fidler
April 2, 2016

A drug shortage is plaguing emergency rooms in the U.S., and considering 45 out of 100 people visit one every year, this could affect millions of Americans.

A new study published in the journal Academic Emergency Medicine shows drug shortages in ERs across the nation increased by more than 400% between 2001 and 2014.

Researchers analyzed data from the University of Utah Drug Information Service, which receives drug shortage reports submitted through a public site administered by the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists. Two ER doctors looked at whether the shortages had to do with drugs used in ERs, then looked at whether the drugs were used for lifesaving or acute conditions.

  • Nearly 34% of 1,800 drugs in short supply reported between 2001 and 2014 were used in ERs.
  • More than half of all reported shortages were lifesaving drugs
  • 10% of the shortages affected drugs with no substitute, including a snake anti-venom and a post-exposure rabies medication needed to prevent deadly infections.
  • Drugs used to treat infectious diseases, relieve pain and treat patients who had been poisoned were the most common drugs on shortage.
  • The number of shortages fell between 2002 and 2007, but rose by 435% between 2008 and 2014, suggesting a new policy at Big Pharma.

Jesse Pines, director of the office for clinical practice innovation at George Washington University School of Medicine & Health Sciences, the study’s senior author, says that constitutes a health crisis.

“Shortages are real, they’re happening, and they’re getting worse,” he said.


Pines, an ER physician himself, said hospitals have been hanging posters with quick alternative drug options, but nothing can fully replace the dwindling medications.

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22,000 Nurses Refuse *Mandatory* Vaccinations


[Editor’s Note]

For those doubting the veracity of issues with vaccinations, below there will be more than 80 studies which outline some of the dangers in vaccines with their sources.

80+ Studies Outlining Some Of The Dangers In Vaccines


Christina Sarich
January 9, 2016

If you are a nurse in the US and refuse the flu vaccine (one the CDC has even admitted doesn’t always work, largely due to fast mutations and too slow of production) then you have to wear a face mask while on duty. Despite the fact that multiple studies have also shown that flu vaccinations are ineffective and do not offer any extra protection for hospital patients, hospitals are forcing the issue on some of their most prized employees.

Some nurses are choosing to lose their jobs instead of being forced into receiving a vaccine. Others are fighting back by suing the hospital, state, and federal governments for $100,000,000 for trying to take away their constitutional rights.

Dr. Karen Sullivan Sibert, herself a pro-vaccine doctor, wrote an opinion piece explaining how requiring nurses to wear masks for refusing the flu vaccination violates HIPAA law for patient privacy. More importantly, it forces our front lines in the healthcare industry to take a concoction with numerous questionable ingredients, including known neurotoxins like aluminum, foreign proteins derived from GM ingredients, and more.

There are in fact, more than 22,000 nurses, part of Nurses against Mandatory Vaccines (NAMV), who are refusing mandatory vaccines. NAMV was founded when mandatory vaccines were introduced in the workplace, and though it is not pro-vaccine OR anti-vaccine, it is certainly pro-CHOICE. NAMV members believe that all people should have the right to choose and refuse medical treatment, including nurses and healthcare workers.

Why the big push for flu vaccines, anyhow? Publicly available information now shows that hospital systems are REQUIRED to have a 90% or higher flu shot reception rate among their staff, or they lose up to 2% of their funding of Medicare/Medicaid. Conflict of interest?

Image from The Event Chronical
Image from The Event Chronicle

While the government itself does not require mandatory vaccination policies, many if not all are taking an “all or nothing” stance against their workers. Healthcare workers are now facing being fired if they refuse a flu vaccine. Not only is this a human rights violation, it is also an EEOC violation.

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