Did The US Government Pressure Pope Benedict XIV To Resign?

Source: GizaDeathStar.com
Dr. Joseph P. Farrell Ph.D.
March 20, 2017

Watching the pontificate of Francis I (Jorge Cardinal Bergolio) is a little like watching an updated version of the Borgias; “Borgia 2.0” or “Borgias for the 21st century” or a television sit-com: “The Holy Father Knows Best” or a replay of “Ozzie and Harriet” only in this case, “Bennie and Frannie,” sans the occasional tune from Rickie Nelson. One has to wonder if, indeed, this Pope is even remotely Roman Catholic, and it’s not just me wondering, apparently a few cardinals and archbishops are as well.

And, if the following article which appeared on Breitbart is any indicator, they’ve taken steps to have the Trump Administration look into it (our thanks to Ms. K.B. and Mr. V.T. for sharing this story):

An Italian archbishop close to Pope Benedict XVI has claimed that the Obama administration may have been complicit in the “tremendous pressures” that led the former pope to resign in 2013.

As one might imagine, this has my high octane speculation gears working in overdrive, and there are two factors I think lurking in the background here that are essential to what may be going on. The first is the ongoing pedophilia scandal that appears to be representative of a world-wide phenomenon and network of human trafficking, pedophilia, and perhaps even human sacrifice. Allegations of such – pedophilia and sacrifice – certainly surrounded the Franklin scandal of the late 1980s and early 1990s, and were the central feature to the late Fr. Malachi Martin’s last novel, Windswept House, in which, like his earlier novel Vatican, presented some uncomfortable details in the form of fiction. Martin made no attempts to circumvent or soft-peddle the central issue that preoccupied all of his books – both fiction and non-fiction – namely, that there was a “rogue group” loose within the Roman Catholic Church involved in such activities. During the Pontificate of Benedict XVI, these rumors swirled in the air at the time of his resignation and many believed they formed a component of the pressure forcing him to resign. This article from Breitbart appears to corroborate at least some aspect of those speculations which were being discussed back then:

It is “no coincidence” that some Catholic groups “have asked President Trump to open a commission of inquiry to investigate whether the administration of Barack Obama exerted pressure on Benedict,” said Archbishop Luigi Negri in an interview Monday, citing other revelations by Wikileaks regarding efforts by the Democratic Party to sway the direction of the Catholic Church in the United States.

“It remains shrouded in mystery for now,” he said to news outlet Rimini 2.0, “but I am sure that those responsible will be found out.”

The archbishop was making reference to a letter written by a group of American Catholics to President Trump last January requesting that the administration conduct an investigation into a possible Soros-Obama-Clinton conspiracy behind the resignation of Pope Benedict.

The letter stated specifically that “we have reason to believe that a Vatican ‘regime change’ was engineered by the Obama administration.”
(Emphasis added)

Of course, “regime change” is not a new phenomenon for the Vatican, for it has both orchestrated, and been the victim of, such events in its long history. The question here is why, and the article provides a disturbing potential connection:

Approximately a year after an e-mail conversation released by Wikileaks, the authors contended, “we find that Pope Benedict XVI abdicated under highly unusual circumstances and was replaced by a pope whose apparent mission is to provide a spiritual component to the radical ideological agenda of the international left.”

In startling revelations last October, Clinton campaign chief John Podesta was found to have created phony “Catholic” organizations in order to use Church leaders to push a liberal agenda in congress and to promote the agenda of the Democratic Party.

In the midst of the hundreds of John Podesta’s emails released by Wikileaks, one contained a report by Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good, a faux Catholic association founded by Podesta to provoke a revolution in the Catholic Church.

All this raises a high octane speculation and question: Was it necessary to get rid of Benedict XVI (Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger) because that Pope was known as the “conservatives’ conservative”, particularly in matters such as the Roman Church’s steadfast opposition to abortion, a “right” with which the Democratic Party and the left in general has become identified? Or was it because, in dealing with the Church’s own internal problems with the pedophilia problem, that Pope Benedict was gaining a clear picture of the way the networks – both within and without the Church – operated? Or was it some combination of both?

This brings us to the second factor that might be operative: the Vatican bank, the problems with which first surfaced in a major way under Benedict’s (Ratzinger’s) mentor, Pope John-Paul II. It will be recalled that John-Paul II (Karol Cardinal Wojtyla) took over from the short-lived Pope John-Paul I(Albino Cardinal Luciani, former Patriarch Archbishop of Venice). Luciani, in his turn, had been strongly rumored to be investigating the corruption at the Vatican Bank, and the inroads of Masonry into the Roman Curia by elements of the notorious Loge Propaganda Due, led by Italian Freemason and political wheeler-dealer and definitely Fascist-leaning Licio Gelli. Notably, when the Italian government shut down P-2, Gelli fled to (you guessed it) Argentina. John-Paul II became Pope, and his personal security chief, American Archbishop Paul Marcinkus took over the Vatican bank, and for all intentions and purposes, the bank returned to its “normal operations” which, as Vatican bank-watchers have often alleged, included money laundering and acting as a clearing house for all manner of transactions many wished to keep quiet. Francis enters the picture here because as I noted some time ago, he determined to clean out the bank and make it “compliant” with international banking standards (and we all know how high those are!) by appointing an accounting firm as auditor which is the same auditor of record for the Bank of International Settlements and Lloyd’s of London, among others.

Throw in the Obama-Soros-Clinton ne’er-do-wells, and one has a very murky list indeed, one which, somehow, touches upon or includes:

1) pedophilia and human trafficking rings;

2) an attempt at a radicalization of the Roman Church via Marxist economic “thinking” in its “Catholic” manifestation (liberation theology, a hallmark of many in the Jesuit order, incidentally);

3) A Jesuit Pope from Argentina (which is the country Licio Gelli fled to), who replaced

4) A German Pope who was the “brain trust” of the previous Pope, and who was embroiled in the pedophilia scandal;

5) The Vatican Bank, over which an auditor has been appointed which was also auditor for the Bank of International Settlements with its own dirty past of dealings with – you guessed it – Nazis;

6) allegations of “regime change” being leveled at the Obama-Clinton-Soros networks; and last but not least,

7) suspicions about the current Pope’s actual commitments to Roman Catholic orthodoxy.

So where’s the high octane speculation in all this? I cannot help but think that the late Fr. Martin may have been correct about the existence of a rogue group within the Vatican, for the “factional infighting” between this group and those more committed to Roman Catholic orthodoxy appears to have been  going on at least since John-Paul I, who was apparently trying to do something about the mess when he was found dead in his bedchamber under circumstances…

Read More At: GizaDeathStar.com

About Joseph P. Farrell

Joseph P. Farrell has a doctorate in patristics from the University of Oxford, and pursues research in physics, alternative history and science, and “strange stuff”. His book The Giza DeathStar, for which the Giza Community is named, was published in the spring of 2002, and was his first venture into “alternative history and science”.

Harvard & Yale Open Sharia Law Studies

Source: GizaDeathStar.com
Dr. Joseph P. Farrell
January 12, 2017

Just when you think the assault on Western civilization by the crazed universities of America cannot possibly get any stupider or more insane, they step boldly on to the stage once again to demonstrate their sheer irrelevance and cultural treason:

Harvard University Launches Fellowships in Islamic Law to Influence U.S. Policy

Yale Establishes Islamic Law Center Thanks to $10M from Saudi Sharia-Banker, Alleged Bin Laden Financier

What I found intriguing here is that while the progressivist controlled corporate media of the left is still hollering to the heights about Russian attempts to influence the last election, I haven’t heard a peep about the foreign influence to manipulate the culture that the funding of a Sharia center at Yale by a Saudi banker might portend. Note in the second article the following:

Saleh Abdullah Kamel, a Saudi banker who is now worth billions of dollars thanks to his success with Sharia-compliant financing, has donated $10 million to Yale University as part of a successful effort to build an Islamic Law Center at the Ivy League school.

Noticeably left out of the press release is the fact that Mr. Kamel’s Dallah Al Baraka Group, for which he is the Chief Executive, has been investigated by U.S. officials for bankrolling al-Qaeda’s operations worldwide.

Moreover, the bank was founded by former al-Qaeda chief Osama Bin Laden along with a group of Sudanese jihadists, the State Department has alleged, according to the Wall Street Journal.

And in the 1998 New York City trials of al-Qaeda members, witnesses testified that Mr. Kamel’s bank had previously transferred hundreds-of-thousands of dollars to al-Qaeda to help them buy an airplane, the report stated.

Additionally, Kamel’s father’s name appears on the “Golden Chain,” a list of alleged al-Qaeda funders that was confiscated by Bosnian authorities after raiding an al-Qaeda front group in 2002.

The new Yale Islamic Center becomes the latest of many Saudi-funded influence operations on American university campuses throughout the continental United States.

Is it any wonder that our universities no longer reflect American legal and cultural virtues, let alone western ones, or have anything good to say about the influence of Christianity or Renaissance humanism, or anything else that makes the West the “West”, when money from one of the most backward, corrupt, and inhuman and inhumane barbaric regimes on the planet are funding such nonsense?

Of course, the Yale article has the usual banal and cotton-mouthed pronouncements from scions of American quackademia justifying this “glorious generosity”:

“Mr. Kamel’s extraordinary generosity will open up exciting new opportunities for Yale Law School and for the entire university, said Yale President Peter Salovey. “The Abdullah S. Kamel Center for the Study of Islamic Law and Civilization will enhance research opportunities for our students and other scholars and enable us to disseminate knowledge and insights for the benefit of scholars and leaders all over the world.”

Professor Anthony Kronman, a new co-director of the Islamic Law Center, said of the school’s new addition:

“The contemporary challenges of Islamic law are broadly relevant to political events throughout the entire Islamic world and those are developments that are watched by a much larger audience of people who in many cases have not much knowledge at all of the history and traditions of Islamic law.”

“It’s the responsibility of universities to teach and instruct and that obligation applies with particular force where an issue or a subject tends to be viewed in an incomplete or inadequate or even caricatured way. There the responsibility to teach and enlighten is even stronger,” he added.

Let there be no mistake: with Saudi funding behind this latest nonsense, there will be no academic freedom to question the “glories” of Sharia, there will be no attempt to invite former Muslims, and scholars, such as Christian Luxemburg, or Muslims who recognize and advocate a non-political Islam, or scholars whose critical scholarship questions the whole narrative of Islamic orthodoxy, such as Christian Luxemburg, who has to write under a pseudonym to avoid the fatwahs of death sentences because of the radical and sweeping conclusions he (or she) came to. That genuine academic freedom and critique will have to continue to be done where it is being done now, in the free and independent media; the corporate controlled propaganda organs – with but a few exceptions – will not do it. And the big name institutions of American quackademia will continue to slide further into the morass of irrelevance.

In short, this move is a discredit to moderate voices within the Muslim world itself, to disenfranchise them from having any voice or forum whatsoever, and its a disgrace to…

Continue Reading At: GizaDeathStar.com

About Joseph P. Farrell

Joseph P. Farrell has a doctorate in patristics from the University of Oxford, and pursues research in physics, alternative history and science, and “strange stuff”. His book The Giza DeathStar, for which the Giza Community is named, was published in the spring of 2002, and was his first venture into “alternative history and science”.

It’s Beginning to Smell a Lot Like Totalitarianism, and I Don’t Mean Russia

It’s Beginning to Smell a Lot Like Totalitarianism, and I Don’t Mean Russia
Source: WilliamEngdahl.com
F. William Engdahl
December 13, 2016

If we smell precisely the stench of the totality of steps taken in NATO countries in recent months, especially in the United States and the European Union, we can smell the stench of totalitarian rule or some would call it, fascism, being quietly imposed on our basic human freedoms. Some recent examples give pause for reflection as to where we are allowing our world to drift.

Let’s begin with a most ominous, bizarre, Jesuitical interview that the Roman Catholic Pope Francis gave to a Belgian paper December 7, comparing what he calls defamatory news to what he called the “sickness of coprophagia.” He stated:

QUESTION – A final question, Holy Father, regarding the media: a consideration regarding the means of communication…

POPE – The communications media have a very great responsibility…It is obvious that, given that we are all sinners, also the media can…become harmful… They can be tempted by calumny, and therefore used to slander, to sully people, especially in the world of politics. They can be used as a means of defamation: every person has the right to a good reputation, but perhaps in their previous life, or ten years ago, they had a problem with justice, or a problem in their family life, and bringing this to light is serious and harmful… This is a sin and it is harmful. A thing that can do great damage to the information media is disinformation: that is, faced with any situation, saying only a part of the truth, and not the rest. This is disinformation…Disinformation is probably the greatest damage that the media can do, as opinion is guided in one direction, neglecting the other part of the truth. I believe that the media should…not fall prey – without offence, please – to the sickness of coprophilia, which is always wanting to communicate scandal…And since people have a tendency towards the sickness of coprophagia, it can do great harm.

Coprophilia is defined in the Merriam-Webster dictionary as “marked interest in excrement, especially the use of feces or filth for sexual excitement.” And coprophagia is eating feces by humans, literally, eating shit.

What people precisely, Holy Father, have a “tendency to towards the sickness of coprophagia”? Is this the dominant sickness of the human race? And if not, why do you make such a disgusting likeness between eating shit and citizens who read about politicians and their misdeeds or media that report on same? And who is to judge if factually true dissemination of facts about political figures from their past is relevant or not to help voters judge their character? I would say the comments are a perfect example of what he pretends to condemn.

Were it only a single, off-the-cuff remark by a religious figure, we could dismiss it along with claims such as the papal infallibility declaration proclaimed by the Vatican I on 18 July 1870. However, precisely because of such dogma and of the influence of the Roman Catholic Church and its Pope, notably in the countries of Western Europe, the United States and Latin America, such vague and dangerous remarks ought to be taken seriously as a signal of what lies ahead for the public freedom of speech.

“Fake News”

The papal comments on coprophagia and journalism come amid an explosion of charges in the USA and EU that Russia is planting “fake news” as it is now being called, about Hillary Clinton in the US media by way of certain alternative media. Robby Mook, Hillary Clinton’s former campaign manager, said “fake news” was “huge problem” the campaign faced in the recent US election: “I still think we have to investigate what happened with Russia here. We cannot have foreign, and I would say foreign aggressors here, intervening in our elections. The Russian were propagating fake news through Facebook and other outlets, but look, we also had…Breitbart News, which was notorious for peddling stories like this.”

Online stories that claimed a Washington D.C. pizza restaurant, Comet Ping Pong, was used by candidate Hillary Clinton and her campaign manager John Podesta for child sex, the so-called “Pizzagate” Scandal, is now being used to drum up popular opinion for censorship of the Internet as well as Facebook and other social media. Senior New York Times reporter David Sanger wrote a vague, anonymous “according to senior Administration sources,” article on December 9 under the headline, “Russia Hacked Republican Committee but Kept Data, US Concludes.” What we are seeing is precisely the kind of fake news that Hillary Clinton and the Pope talk about. But it is mainstream establishment media doing the fakery.

The fakery is being orchestrated by the highest levels of the mainstream media in collusion with NATO circles and intelligence agencies such as the CIA, which has saturated the ranks of mainstream media with their disinformation agents according to former CIA head William Colby, who once allegedly said, ““The CIA owns everyone of any significance in the major media.” The campaign will continue, likely with some horrendous stories about some psychopath taking a gun and bursting into Comet Ping Pong pizza place shooting innocent customers, because it was said he read in alternative media fake news about the pedophile ring. That already took place, but the man fired no shots. The population is being manipulated to accept extreme censorship of internet and other alternative media, something unimaginable just months ago.

Like clockwork, the “fake news” campaign has spread to the European Union. After announcing she will run again in 2017 for Chancellor, Angela Merkel spoke ominous words suggesting government censorship of independent “populist” (sic) media might be necessary: “Today we have fake sites, bots, trolls — things that regenerate themselves, reinforcing opinions with certain algorithms and we have to learn to deal with them.” She declared, “we must confront this phenomenon and if necessary, regulate it…Populism and political extremes are growing in Western democracies..” Her remarks came after Google and Facebook cut off ad revenue to what they declared to be “fake” news sites.

In the EU, especially Germany, populist has an implicit negative or even fascist connotation as in “right-wing populist” parties who oppose Merkel’s open door to war refugees policies, or who these days oppose almost anything her heavy-handed government puts forward.

War on Cash

Now if we begin to see stealth propaganda preparing us to accept severe clampdown on the one remaining free media, the Internet and related social media, we can also see an equally ominous, indeed, totalitarian move to create acceptance for the idea we give up the right to hold paper money, giving private, often corrupt, banks total control over our money, and in turn giving government agencies total control over where we spend for what.

This is the so-called cashless society. Arguments put forward are that elimination of cash will be more convenient to consumers or that it will eliminate or greatly reduce organized crime and shadow economy that evades taxation. In the EU, Sweden has already virtually eliminated cash. Sweden cash purchases today are down to just three per cent of the national economy compared to nine per cent in the Eurozone and seven per cent in the US. Public buses don’t accept cash. Three of Sweden’s four largest banks are phasing out the manual handling of cash in bank branches. Norway is following the same path.

In France today, it’s now illegal to do cash transactions over €1,000 without documenting it properly. France’s finance minister Michel Sapin, in the wake of the Charlie Hebdo attacks, blamed the attacks on the ability of the attackers to “buy dangerous things with cash.” Shortly after the Hebdo attacks he announced capital controls that included the €1,000 cap on cash payments, down from €3,000, to “fight against the use of cash and anonymity in the French economy.” In high-inflation Eurozone €1,000 is not a huge sum.

Even in conservative Germany, a leading member of the Merkel coalition proposed to eliminate the €500 note and capping all cash transactions at €5,000. Some weeks later the European Central Bank, where negative interest rates are the order of the day, announced it would end issue of €500 notes by December 2018 arguing it made it too easy for criminals and terrorists to act.

And in the United States, as the campaign to sell skeptical citizens on cashless digital bank payments increases, JP Morgan Chase, the largest and one of the most criminal banks in the US, has a policy restricting the use of cash in selected markets. The bank bans cash payments for credit cards, mortgages, and auto loans; and it prohibits storage of “any cash or coins” in safe deposit boxes. So if you have a rare cold coin collection, you better stuff it in the mattress…

Negative Rates and Cashless Citizens

As long as cash–bills and coins of a national currency–are the basis of the economy, the central banks of the USA and EU as well as Japan, are unable to impose a severe negative interest rate policy much beyond the flirtation today by the ECB and Bank of Japan. If central bank rates were to go very negative, banks would be charging customers the absurd charge to make them pay to keep their cash on deposit or in savings at those banks. Naturally, people would revolt and withdraw in cash to invest in gold or other hard, tangible valuables.

Harvard economist and member of the Economic Advisory Panel of the Federal Reserve, Kenneth Rogoff, an advocate of the “war on cash,” noted that the existence of cash “creates the artifact of the zero bound on the nominal interest rate.” In his 2016 book, The Curse of Cash, Rogoff urged the Federal Reserve to phase out the 100-dollar bill, then the 50-dollar bill, then the 20-dollar bill, leaving only smaller denominations in circulation, much like what the mad Modi has just done in India.

Any serious observer of the world economy, especially of NATO nations in Europe and North America since the financial crisis of September 2008, would have to realize the current status quo of zero or negative central bank interest rates to prop up banks and financial markets is not sustainable. Unless cash is eliminated that is.

On April 5, 1933 President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed Executive Order 6102, “forbidding the Hoarding of gold coin, gold bullion, and gold certificates within the continental United States.” That was rightly denounced by many as outright theft, confiscation of privately held gold, by the Government.

Radical solutions such as done by President Roosevelt in 1933, yet in a monetary order where gold no longer dominates, is clearly becoming more attractive to the major bankers of Wall Street and the City of London. Rather than confiscate citizens’ gold, today the Gods of Money would have to find a way to steal the cash of citizens. Moving to their “cashless” banking, limiting how much cash can be withdrawn and then eliminating cash entirely as Swedish banks are doing would enable tax authorities to have perfect totalitarian control on every citizen’s use of money. Moreover, governments could decree, as did FDR, that cash above certain levels must be taxed under some or another national declaration of emergency.

As such bold, radical moves advance, they would of course be vociferously attacked not on CNN or The New York Times or Financial Times or other mainstream media tied to those criminal financial institutions, but in alternative media. Keep in mind it was the uncritical New York Times and Washington Post that uncritically retailed the fake news that led to declaration of war on Iraq in 2003, namely that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction aimed at Washington. That war has spread death and destruction of a scale unimaginable. No one complained at the time about that fake news.

The protest over moves to confiscate citizens’ bank holdings would come through alternate, independent media such as Zero Hedge or countless others. Recently, US media uncritically republished a purported list of “fake news” blogs and websites prepared by Assistant Professor of Communications at Merrimack College, Melissa Zimdars. Zero Hedge was on it.

This is not about endorsing or not endorsing any alternative blog or website. It is about the essential freedom of us all to be able to read and decide any and all opinions or analyses and not to have government decide what I am or am not allowed to read. It’s about the freedom to keep privacy about what I choose to buy and not leave a digital trail that my bank could release to the tax authorities or to Homeland Security or the FBI, or sell to profiling consumer operations. Controlling public communication and controlling private money would go a long way to creation of the perfect totalitarian state. Not a good idea, I would say.

Read More At: WilliamEngdahl.com
F. William Engdahl is strategic risk consultant and lecturer, he holds a degree in politics from Princeton University and is a best-selling author on oil and geopolitics, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”

Vatican, Bilderberg and a ‘Migration’ Crisis

Vatican, Bilderberg and a ‘Migration’ Crisis
F. William Engdahl
December 17, 2016

The annual meeting of the secretive Bilderberg Group took place this year in Dresden, Germany from June 9-12. Notable is their terminology in an official press release announcing topics for discussion. Point three (not necessarily in terms of importance) is curiously titled “Europe: migration, growth, reform, vision, unity.” Curious is the choice of the word “migration” for the EU refugee crisis that began in Spring 2015 as Turkey opened the detention centers and refugee camps from Syrian war refugees and pointed them to the EU. More about that later on. Here I want to concentrate on the little-known historical ties or links between the Bilderberg Meetings, founded in 1954, and the Vatican, and the role of both in heating up the current EU refugee instability.

In May, 1954 in Oosterbeek, near to the German border, a highly secret meeting was held at the Hotel de Bilderberg. The meeting was hosted by Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, husband of Queen Juliana. It was called simply, “Bilderberg Conference,” from the name of the hotel where the first talks were held. Out of three days of private discussion, a new Trans-Atlantic think-tank was created. It was to become one of the most effective organizations for influencing world events after 1954 up to the present, and one of the most damaging and secretive.

German-born Prince Bernhard was a controversial figure, a notorious philanderer, who had been a member of the German NSDAP and Reiter SS. In 1976 Bernhard was accused of accepting a $1 million bribe from the US fighter aircraft maker, Lockheed, to influence jet purchases by the Dutch Air Force. When Bernhard was forced to resign because of the scandals, he was succeeded as Bilderberg Chairman by then German Bundespräsident, Walter Scheel, and then afterwards by Britain’s Lord Carrington, a confidante and later business partner of Henry Kissinger. From the beginning it was clear Bilderberg was not the Little League of world politics.

In 2014 the Bilderberg Group’s official website, with sparse information, stated its purpose as simply to, “foster dialogue between Europe and North America.” It adds that it meets once a year with around 120 select attendees from finance, politics, industry, media and academia. Its rules mandate that two-thirds come from Europe and the remainder from the USA and Canada, with one third of the total always from the world of politics. Bilderberg participants from the US are always members of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).

Shadowy origins

The Bilderberg Group, in the words of the first Bilderberg Secretary General, a shadowy and enormously influential Polish exile, Joseph Retinger, came from an initiative Retinger made in 1952 to counter, “growing distrust of America which was making itself manifest in Western Europe and which was paralleled by a similar distrust of Western Europe in America.” In brief, its aim was to make certain that the strategic policy orientation of Western Europe and of the United States was in harmony. The decisive question to be asked was harmony in pursuit of which and whose geopolitical goals?

Joseph Retinger

Joseph Retinger was one of the most influential political figures shaping the pro-Atlanticist architecture of post-World War II Western Europe. He founded the Strasbourg-based Council of Europe, to lobby for the Washington-backed plan for creation of a United States of Europe, today called the European Union. He created the CIA-funded European Movement, as well as the CIA-funded European Youth Campaign. By far his most influential project was bringing the Bilderberg Group into being, and serving as its key European director and Secretary General, all far away from the public eye, as he preferred.

At the time his Bilderberg project took form the Korean War was ending and US Marshall Plan aid to Europe as well. Józef Hieronim Retinger had spent the war years in London as adviser to the exile government of Prime Minister General Wladyslaw Sikorski. While Retinger’s name was virtually unknown to the world at large, he was one of the most influential string-pullers of the postwar period in Europe and the United States. He was able to get private audiences with the Pope as well as the American President at will. It was he who selected Prince Bernhard to act as figurehead host and who selected which Americans and which Europeans would be invited to Bilderberg.

The American Steering Committee for the first Bilderberg Meeting in 1954 consisted of USA chairman Joseph E. Johnson, president of the Rockefeller-tied Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Others included George Ball, who during the Second World War was in London serving as director of the Strategic Bombing Survey, to analyze the impact of British and American bombing of German cities and civilian populations.

The American Bilderberg Steering Committee also included H. J. Heinz II, of the food group and father-in-law of John Kerry’s current wife; George Nebolsine, a State Department consultant on the Marshall Plan; and Dean Rusk, then President of the Rockefeller Foundation, later Secretary of State.

The real guiding hand behind the American side of the Bilderberg Group, however, was the first head of the newly-established Central Intelligence Agency, General Walter Bedell Smith. In 1950 Smith became Director of the CIA. The CIA helped organize, and sponsored the formation, and operation of the Bilderberg Conferences.

In late 1952, Retinger went to America to test his Bilderberg idea on his American contacts, where he met with Averell Harriman, David Rockefeller, and Bedell Smith, then director of the CIA. After Retinger explained his proposal, Smith reportedly said, “Why the hell didn’t you come to me in the first place?” The CIA chief then told Retinger to go to C. D. Jackson, who was about to become President Eisenhower’s Special Assistant for Psychological Warfare, and Eisenhower’s liaison between the Pentagon and CIA. viii.

The attendees at the 1954 initial Bilderberg Meeting included David Rockefeller, who today is the only Bilderberg “Advisory Group” Member. It included State Department official, Paul Nitze. As well, Gardner Cowles, US media baron and founder of Look magazine, who had been the US Government deputy director of the Office of War Information, the US propaganda ministry that created the Voice of America (VOA). It included J.P. Morgan Bank director Nelson D. Jay, a close Rockefeller associate.

The first Bilderberg attendees also included C.D. Jackson, by then Eisenhower’s architect of the Cold War; Alcide de Gasperi, Italian Prime Minister; and Antoine Pinay, a former French Prime Minister. Pinay was to become, the decisive personality shaping the long-term agenda of Bilderberg.

In Retinger’s words he founded Bilderberg Group simply to, “foster dialogue between Europe and North America.” That was for public consumption. In reality he built a very dark agenda that drew in the most reactionary circles in postwar Europe and tied them to the most powerful of postwar American oligarch families, that of Rockefeller, Harriman and their emerging “American Century.” The Bilderberg Group was to insure that that Century would be heavily influenced by postwar Vatican geopolitics. Its first meeting in 1954 was funded by Walter Bedell Smith’s CIA, with subsequent meetings financed by the CIA’s close ally during the Cold War, the Ford Foundation.

Le Cercle—The Vatican-Rockefeller Alliance

The key to the extraordinary power and influence of the annual Bilderberg Meetings from 1954 laid in the unpublished role of the secretive pan-Europeanist organization then known as Le Cercle, sometimes referred to as Cercle Pinay, a reference to the pivotal role in shaping Bilderberg played by the network of French Prime Minister Antoine Pinay, an intimate friend of Bilderberg founder Retinger.

Pinay’s Le Cercle (The Group) was the link that covertly tied most European intelligence services including the German BND and BfV, MI-6 in Britain, France’s SDECE, Holland’s BVD, Belgium’s Surete de l’Etat and Swiss and later even Saudi intelligence and apartheid South Africa’s secret service, BOSS. Prominent politicians associated with Pinay and Le Cercle included Franz Josef Strauss, Otto von Habsburg, Konrad Adenauer, Julio Andreotti of Italy, General Antonio de Spinola of Portugal, a conservative who went on later to become President; Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan.

Antoine Pinay’s group, Le Cercle, in turn was tied as well to the powerful and very right-wing Roman Catholic lay organization, Opus Dei, which had just been given final Catholic Church official approval in 1950, two years before plans for Bilderberg began, by Pope Pius XII. The organization was made well known, to its discomfort, as a subject of the 2003 Dan Brown historical novel, Da Vinci Code.

Among the later achievements of Le Cercle was the manipulation of the 1979 British elections that successfully brought in anti-labor right-wing Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. It was done with Le Cercle leading members, Sir Brian Crozier, MI-6 head Sir Arthur Franks, and MI-6 division head, Nicholas Elliott.

The late Bavarian political czar, Franz Josef Strauss, “The Lion of Bavaria,” noted in his memoirs that he had held a friendship with Le Cercle’s Antoine Pinay since the two first met in 1953. Le Cercle networks in Germany promoted Strauss’s candidacy, unsuccessfully, to become German Chancellor. In 1955 Strauss also became a regular member of the Bilderberg Meetings.

Bilderberg founder, Josef Retinger, a Polish-born Roman Catholic, organized his European network of the Bilderberg through the mediation of an Italian CIA asset, Prof. Luigi Gedda, head of Azione Cattolica. Gedda was also medical adviser to Pope Pius XII, a very strong right-wing anti-communist pontiff, who before the Second World War, as Cardinal Eugenio Giovanni Pacelli, had been architect of the 1933 Reichskonkordat with Hitler’s Nazi Party. Already in 1932 Pacelli as Vatican Secretary of State had played a key role in convincing Roman Catholic German Chancellor Franz von Papen to steer his Catholic Center Party into an anti-left alliance and join with the NSDAP of Hitler.

Clerical fascism and Pius XII

As Pope, Pius XII had a clear political bias and it was towards support of clerical or nominally Roman Catholic fascist or extremely repressive right-wing regimes, a form of what some termed clerical fascism, the fusion of the Church with fascist or dictatorial political regimes, such as in Franco’s Spain or Spinola’s Portugal.

During the Second World War Pius XII refused to condemn the clerical fascist pro-Hitler regime of Roman Catholic Ante Pavelić, the leader of the newly proclaimed Croatian state. Informed by Catholic clergy of the genocidal murders of Orthodox Serbs who had refused to embrace the Catholic faith, Pius XII, even though he possessed a list of Croatian clergy members who had “joined in the slaughter,” did not condemn the Pavelić regime or take action against the clergy involved. Instead he elevated Aloysius Stepinac—a Croatian archbishop convicted of collaborating with the Ustaše—to Cardinal.

In effect, Retinger’s European Bilderberg networks linked the extreme right-wing European anti-communist networks—including the Vatican of Pius XII, of Opus Dei, of the Franco government in Spain, of Portugal’s General Spinola and numerous other right-wing European anti-communist networks—to the triumphant American elites around the powerful Rockefeller group, through the networks and person of David Rockefeller. It was a power marriage that was to have a profound effect on the development of postwar European society and politics.

Francis and the ‘Migrants’-Words are all I have…

Now against this background of Bilderberg true history, the question to be asked is whether the first Jesuit Pope in history, Francis, is following in the heavy footsteps of Pius XII? Is he deliberately trying to stir things up in Europe through his support of the huge influx of war refugees from Syria and North Africa in the past year?

Words are an essential form of human communication, quite complex in the energy they convey to others. Depending on the word and its context, it can convey negative energy, hate energy; it can convey neutral energy, neither here nor there; it can also convey love, harmony, peace energy. If there is any organized group on the face of this Earth that is master of such word use precision it is the Society of Jesus, Pope Francis’ mother organization. This is relevant in reading his numerous missives on the population disruptions of the Middle East and Africa and the EU in the past three years.

There are three words being loosely thrown about today in regard to the EU crisis, and crisis it is. There is the word, “refugee,” legally defined as “a person who has been forced to leave their country in order to escape war, persecution, or natural disaster.” Then there is the related term, “asylum-seeker” defined as “a person who has left their home country as a political refugee and is seeking asylum in another.” Third there is the entirely different concept behind the word used both by Pope Francis and by the 2016 Bilderberg Meeting in Dresden, namely the word “migrant.” Migrant is precisely defined as “a person who moves from one place to another in order to find work or better living conditions.” Here there is no mention of war, political persecution or life-endangering calamity.

By calling it what it clearly is not, a migration into the EU from the south, the word completely blunts the causes behind that migration, namely a US-UK-France-instigated series of wars, wars for control of oil and now gas, wars in Libya, Egypt, Tunisia, Syria, initially called by Hillary Clinton the Arab Spring. The million-plus human beings streaming into the EU from Turkey over the past fifteen months are no migrants. They are refugees from wars.

In calling them migrants it implicitly makes either racist or bigot anyone questioning the legal procedures employed by the Merkel government and the German Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF). According to reliable investigative reports conveyed to this author, the German Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge (BAMF) since November 2014 has abandoned the rules and legal directives for refugees (not asylum seekers) for no public reason and without any notice to the public. Interesting.

“Structural Reality?”

In a Papal Message of January 17, 2016, the Pope declared, “In our time, migration is growing worldwide…Migration movements are now a structural reality, and our primary issue must be to deal with the present emergency phase by providing programmes which address the causes of migration and the changes it entails, including its effect on the makeup of societies and peoples.” He goes on, “Biblical revelation urges us to welcome the stranger; it tells us that in so doing, we open our doors to God, and that in the faces of others we see the face of Christ himself.” What if that stranger wants to kill you and to rape your daughters?

Nice words these are indeed. It ignores entirely the actual disruptive reality of the flood of war refugees into Germany and the rest of the EU. Rather than to focus his immense influence on bringing about peace and reconciliation of all domestic parties in Syria and condemning the terrorism of ISIS, Al Qaeda/Al-Nusra Front and the others destroying one of the oldest cultures in the world, a poly-religious one, Francis chooses to tell Europeans to open their hearts and even homes to the “migrants.” In this context, as I noted at the start, it is highly significant that this year’s Dresden Bilderberg Meeting referred in their discussion to “Migration” not Refugee Crisis. It appears both the Pope and Bilderberg planners are singing from the same sheet of music on this at least.

On January 6, in his message on the feast of Epiphany, the same Pope released a Papal video in which he called for creating a one world religion in effect: “Many think differently, feel differently, seeking God or meeting God in different ways. In this crowd, in this range of religions, there is only one certainty that we have for all: we are all children of God.”

Some days later, January 11, 2016 in an address to the Vatican diplomatic corps, Francis insisted that Europe has the means to absorb migrants without sacrificing its security or culture. He criticized the distinction made by the international community between refugees fleeing persecution and those fleeing poverty, referring to “the grave crisis of migration which we are facing.” He condemned various EU national attempts to find their own national solutions to this crisis of migration: “…there is no place for autonomous solutions pursued by individual states, since the consequences of the decisions made by each inevitably have repercussions on the entire international community. Indeed, migrations, more than ever before, will play a pivotal role in the future of our world.”

Unlike Francis, I firmly believe that borders DO matter, that national autonomy, like individual autonomy, does matter, is in fact, an essential component of our existence, our individual sovereignty our national sovereignty. We human beings are unique individuals every one. We are not some amorphous blob with no individuality. These differences are sacred in my view. Not according to the words of the Jesuit Pope. Our world with all its wars and deep disturbances is not at the state of nirvana which Pope Francis would like us to believe where peace and Christian charity overcome every obstacle. It well may be in the future but to pretend it already is belies in my view a hidden agenda.

David Rockefeller is an open partisan of a one world order where he and his ilk would sit atop all mankind, a disgusting idea. For such a one economic world, we must dissolve national borders. This, the Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership is designed to do in large part, if, that is, EU leaders are suicidal enough to agree. Then to control an entire world, it needs a synthetic new religion. The forced refugee crisis is designed to blur national borders and historical ethnic or national culture. There is far more behind all the nice speeches of the Pope and the talks of Bilderberg than we are being told. It’s not without reason that the word “Jesuitical” in ordinary usage means “one using subtle or oversubtle reasoning; crafty; sly; intriguing.”


F. William Engdahl is strategic risk consultant and lecturer, he holds a degree in politics from Princeton University and is a best-selling author on oil and geopolitics, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”

Read More At: WillaimEngdahl.com

#32 God-Talk; Dr Tom Campbell; My Big TOE, The Theory Of Everything / Unified Field Theory; Dr. Andy & Doug

Source: Doug Thorpe
December 13, 2016

God-Talk is a show where a Rocket Scientist & Medical Doctor/Pastor discuss science & religion.

Thomas Warren Campbell is a physicist, lecturer, and author of the My Big T.O.E. (Theory of Everything) trilogy, a work that claims to unify general relativity, quantum mechanics, and metaphysics along with the origins of consciousness. Claims reality is both virtual and subjective

Campbell has had a long career as a scientist and physicist. He worked nearly 30 years within the US missile defense community.

Campbell most recently worked for NASA within the Ares I program (follow-on to the Shuttle) assessing and solving problems of risk and vulnerability

In 1968, Campbell enrolled in a Transcendental Meditation class and discovered an aptitude for it, a technique he says he would employ to discover errors in his computer code while working for Army Intelligence.

During the same time, Campbell worked for Bob Monroe at Monroe Laboratories as a scientist to study altered states of consciousness.

This research facility would evolve to become The Monroe Institute. Tom is the “TC physicist” described in Bob Monroe’s second book Far Journeys

70-metalic books that could change history are AUTHENTIC confirm experts

Source: Ancient-Code.com
December 6, 2016

Researchers have confirmed the authenticity of 2000-year-old metal books that could rewrite history.

Not long ago we reported about the discovery of 70 metallic books found in Jordan that according to experts could change history if proven authentic. Now, a group of scientists has performed a number of different studies in order to confirm their authenticity and origin, arriving at a surprising and unexpected conclusion. 

After scientists analyzed the content they’ve come to the conclusion that the tablets date from within a few years of Jesus’ ministry. Shockingly, the tablets indicate that Jesus did not start his own religion, but RESTORED a thousand-year-old tradition that stretches back to the time of King David. Furthermore, the codices indicate the worshiped God was both male and female.

The set of intricate metal books was found in 2008 in a remote cave in northern Jordan. The tablets were joined as folders by metal rings in whose pages was the first mention of Jesus in history, something that caused confusion and disbelief among experts who immediately accused the discovery of being a hoax.

The books are known as codices and among them is an image of Jesus himself.

Now, a group of experts has finally taken the time to analyze the words and symbols of the metallic books, in order to verify whether or not the set of tablets was real. According to results, the tablets are AUTHENTIC.

The metal books reveal fascinating details. Writings suggest that Christ did not create a new religion, but rather commenced a restoration of a thousand-year-old tradition from the time of King David.

The metal books also reveal that the God they worshiped was both feminine and masculine.


Professors Roger  Webb and Chris Jeynes of the University of Surrey (England) confirmed that the codices ‘does not show the radioactivity arising from polonium that is typically seen in modern lead samples, indicating that the lead of the codex was smelted over one hundred years ago’.

Professors Webb and Jeynes further explain:

‘While there may be variations in decay and corrosion that depend upon the environmental conditions in which the objects were stored or hidden, there is a strong underlying theme of decay from within the metal,’ said the researchers in a press statement.

‘It is oxidizing and breaking down at an atomic level to revert to its natural state. This is not witnessed in lead objects that are several centuries old and is not possible to produce by artificial acceleration (e.g. through heating).

‘This provides very strong evidence that the objects are of great age, consistent with the studies of the text and designs that suggest an age of around 2000 years’.

Continue Reading At: Ancient-Code.com

Book Review: Wars Of The Anunnaki – Nuclear Self-Destruction In Ancient Sumer by Chris H. Hardy Ph.D


Zy Marquiez
August 16, 2016

Wars Of The Anunnaki by Chris H. Hardy Ph.D. is a masterly analysis of part of the hidden history that’s been kept from humanity.  If you have read Hardy’s previous work, DNA Of The Gods, you will undoubtedly love this piece.

The author’s main premise is that many thousands of years ago an ancient war took place in our planet with advanced weapons.  An ancient war that involved nuclear weapons during part of the pyramid wars.  To buttress this premise the author highlights various locales that were targets within the ancient war such as Sodom, Gomorrah.  Further, Hardy uses sources such as texts like the Nippur Lament, and the Hindu Mahabharata and many others to make her case as sound as possible.

The author also notes that lunatic Nergal, with the support of Enlil and more, made it a point of using at minimum 7 nukes to lay waste to those that wish to follow their own path and are deemed inferior to the “gods”.

As Hardy mentions, Enki, one of the ‘Gods’, voiced concern over the use of these Awesome Weapons:

“…the lands would make desolate, the people will make perish.”[sic][1]

Another intriguing detail is that of the Sinai plain, where the author suspects there’s evidence of nuclear weapons use.  The author mentions Zecharia Sitchin’s thoughts on the matter:

“Sitchin attests that the Sinai plain shows an enormous elongated scar, visible from the sky alone, and blackened as if by an immense heat: “The great place ( the spaceport and launching strips in the plain) was never to be seen again…but the scare made in the face of the earth that awesome day can still be seen to this very day”.[2]

For those skeptical of the author’s claims, it’s important to note that the claims are not just stated because of the translations of tablets/texts.  Hardy also uses other intriguing information such as the fact that the places where nuclear weapons might have been used rarely, if ever, have meteor craters.  This is vital because this is one of the main ‘facts’ paraded by the establishment, but holds no credence whatsoever.

Furthermore, as the author saliently states:

“The Libyan Desert Glass (so hard and so pure it is used to make blades), comes from hundreds of square kilometers of glass sheets and shards in the Great Sand Sea in western Egypt, strewn in two large spots.  Given the very explicit accounts we have from ancient texts, we certainly cannot avoid the much more plausible (and rational) explanations implying nuclear or other powerful weapons used in very ancient warfare. ”

As if that were not enough, the author homes in on the vitrified remains of the ziggurat at Birs Nimrod (Borsippa).  Taking into account some of David Childress’ information from Technology of the Gods:

“The ruins crowned by a mass of vitrified brickwork, actual clay bricks fused together by intense heat.”[3]

Which is quite synchronistic.  Why?  Because as ancient texts show:

“Borsippa was the city of Nabu, son of Marduk, and both were targets of the war that lead to the nuking of the Jordan plain.”[P4]

What a coincidence…

Moving on, although certainly a notable part of the story, this book by Hardy isn’t just about Nuclear Weapons.

Throughout the book Hardy focuses greatly on a comprehensive detailed analysis of ancient texts in order to narrow down what took place with the Anunnaki leadership which lead to such ancient devastation . Not only that, but the author also uses Semantics Field Theory [SFT] in order to analyze in depth much of the information that’s been taken as matter-of-fact regarding The Book [the Bible] in relation to ancient history, and does a convincing case of outlining how there were various narrators that were responsible for different layers within it.

Hardy’s cognizant of how The Book has played an integral part – for better and worse – to mold the type of society we live in.  Knowing this, she’s made it a point to make sure her interpretation is as correct as possible given how much trauma has been spawned from ancient dogma that was blindly followed and rarely questioned.

From the role the Anunnaki played in bringing about civilization, to how the development of humanity was subverted by Enlil and his kith and kin, to the psychological impact humanity has dealt with due to the institutional dogma that’s been passed down authoritatively, the author attempts to leave no stone unturned in her quest for what ancient history really was.

As an open-minded skeptic, am very appreciative of her work because regardless of what one thinks of it, its sourced to the hilt, and its rather reasonable given the enormous body of data that keeps growing to buttress the fact that something intriguing and very nefarious did take place in our ancient history.

Wars Of The Anunnaki
offers an apt description of what possibly could have taken place given the wide amount of evidence that keeps being unearthed.  Couple with the author’s relentless search for truth, and her quite wide-ranging and yet incisive questions throughout the tome, the book offers a solid foundation for the possibility of ancient wars in humanity’s past.

If only a fraction of what the author attests is true, then ancient history as we know it is vastly different than what the conventional establishment would have you believe.  And the more time passes, the more it appears that this is not only possible, but very likely.  The fact that the author’s approach is sound, rational and methodical makes this book that much more thought-provoking.

This is the type of book whose data should be openly debated in the mainstream, but never will be.  That being the case, it’s up to inquiring individuals to educate themselves into the possibilities that the mainstream establishment will not touch, and this book sets out to do just that, educate individuals into a large part of our missing history that’s in great part responsible for how society is today.


[1] Chris Hardy Ph.D., Wars Of The Anunnaki, pg. 171.
[2] Ibid. pg., 175.
[3] Ibid. pg,. 189-190.
[4] Ibid. pg., 190.

Facing Down The Left-Right Paradigm & The Coming Age Of Divide & Conquer


Zy Marquiez
July 19, 2016

“News and the truth are not the same thing…”
– Walter Lippman

When fear becomes collective, when anger becomes collective, it’s extremely dangerous. It is overwhelming… The mass media and the military-industrial complex create a prison for us, so we continue to think, see, and act in the same way… We need the courage to express ourselves even when the majority is going in the opposite direction… because a change of direction can happen only when there is a collective awakening… Therefore, it is very important to say, ‘I am here!’ to those who share the same kind of insight.
— Thich Nhat Hanh, Buddhist Monk, The Art of Power

There’s been an ever growing undertone of emotion boiling in certain sections of the populace.  It’s so thick with rage that its boiling over.

The establishment and the mainstream media have played an integral part in fanning the flames of fear, providing the impetus to stir the emotions of these few in the populace to socially engineering all sorts of divides.

If it’s not political divide, its racial divide.  If it’s not that, there’s religious.  If it’s not that, it’s always something else.  Always division.

The media never sees people as merely people – as individuals; the MSM always sees people as part of the collective, and that’s the ruse.  By pinning individuals to labels, it’s simpler for them for steer agendas, such as the divide and conquer left/right paradigm.

For example, notice that the media will never say “Police officer kills another individual.”  See, there’s no divide there, there’s no fracture there.  It serves no purpose.  Instead, news is usually set as “White police officer kills black individual.”  Instant split.  Two different groups at the outset, at minimum.

And if it’s not examples like that, then it’s always another agenda, another schism.  Another group of people to attempt to divide.    

It doesn’t matter what race, religion, creed, group, et al, there will always be a rotten apple in the bunch.  That doesn’t justify the media making it seem like everyone within a particular grouping is every type of evil there is.  That such an attempt of such an ancient ruse that only serves to further rupture the populace in so many ways would be laughable if it wasn’t so serious.

Thankfully, though, not everyone is falling for the ruse.  Have spoken to, and heard in conversations online, in person and such, where all sorts of individuals are questioning the official presstitute spin.   There’s solace to be taken in that.

By seeing we’re being intentionally divided, we can act accordingly and be mindful of those type of vicious ventures when they are being carried out.

Bob Marley said it best:

“They don’t want to see us unite: All they want us to do is keep on fussing and fighting.  They don’t want to see us live together: all they want to do is keep on killing one another.”

Check mate.

Speaking of the left/right paradigm, we all know that the s/election is well underway.  And, elections by their very nature imply two groups, two belief systems, two groups to pin against each other.  That’s how the system is stacked.  Always two sides.  Notice, heaven forbid, it’s never, ever, ever, less than or more than two.  It’s as if it’s some unwritten rule.

In a keen example regarding political Divide & Conquer, John Whitehead, of the Rutherford Institute, saliently states:

“…it’s a sophisticated ruse aimed at keeping us divided and fighting over two parties whose priorities are exactly the same.  It’s no secret that both parties support endless war, engage in out-of-control spending, ignore the citizenry’s basic rights, have no respect for the rule of law, are bought and paid for by Big Business, care most about their own power, and have a long record of expanding government and shrinking liberty.

Most of all, both parties enjoy an intimate, incestuous history with each other and with the moneyed elite that rule this country.  Don’t be fooled by the smear campaigns and name-calling.  They’re just useful tactics of the psychology of hate that has been proven to engage voters and increase voter turnout while keeping us at each other’s throats.”[1]

How many people go through life in our modern times is largely dictated by the media.  This is no secret.  What is oft missed however is the magnitude of how much influence the media exacerbates.

One of the methods that the media carries out large influence over the individual is by hijacking your amygdala – by stoking our emotions.

Amygdala hijacking is:

When the emotional processor [the amygdala] kicks into high gear, the logic center processors [neocortex] get almost turned off and blocked.  Adrenaline, hormone levels, and blood pressure rise, and our memories become less efficient.  We begin to lose our ability to communicate effectively, and we turn to a form of autopilot to make decisions.”[2]

When the media lathers nightly news with left/right paradigm divide and conquer seeds, they stir emotion to the hilt.  The recipe for the caldron of chaos is being set.

As we can see, when the amygdala is honed in on by the media, as a person’s emotions rise, your use of logic will decline considerably and it will be harder to think clearlyThis is rather sobering given how much information the media showcases that stirs emotion on incredible scales.

Another point to consider comes from the latin phrase ‘cui bono’, which means “to whose profit”.  Essentially, we must ponder about who’s benefiting from all this chaos?

It certainly isn’t the people falling for the left/right paradigm.

The media, be it intentional or not, are creating conflict at large scales when they socially engineer rivalry between different groups.  My intuition tells me it is intentional, because they don’t have to make it nigh always about race/religion/creed.  The media could just report news about individuals, but notice they never do that?

Notice, almost everything they ever report on, is about disempowering the individual, and empowering the nanny state?  About empowering the police state?  And where there is chaos, there’s money to be made.  Don’t ever forget that.

The more we incisively analyze and gaze through the propaganda, the easier it is to notice the entrapment of the populace into these false dialectics.  This promotes the self-destruction of individuals when they give into the enormous emotion-laden ‘instincts’ that drive them to carry out violence in myriad ways.

The comptrollers don’t want to see us together, where we are stronger.

With that in mind, it’s important to note that real empowering change begins with the individual.

Unplugging from the social engineering scheme is the only way to remove ourselves the malicious left/right divide and conquer paradigm, but also to live a healthier, more meaningful and fulfilling life.

Everything we do, as individuals, has the power to change something.  Let’s each become our own impetus to become a more savvy person, and more mindful individuals.

To avoid these tensions, we need to avoid endless propaganda that’s taking place via the media.

Don’t  just acquiesce to things that are said.  Ponder it.  Exam in.  Research about it.  Ask questions about it.

Destructive behaviours benefit no one except those that profit from chaos.  We need to disentangle ourselves from that which seeks to hinder us, and gravitate to that which brings us towards a more centered, calm, and aware state.

They call it Television Programming for a reason.

If we don’t chose to take a stand now, the fracturing of the populace will only grow into an age of divide and conquer the likes of which we never witnessed in modern times.

Be wary.  Be mindful.

Don’t get programmed to divide.  We are all better than that.

Let those who wish to fracture the populace swim in their own malice while we seek to be the change we wish to be.

After all, if we don’t do it, who will?


[1] David Icke, Phantom Self, pg. 126.
[2] Christopher Hadnagy, Unmasking The Social Engineer, pg. 166