Five Cancer-Fighting Recipes That Also Helps You Beat The Summer Heat

Summer produce
Isabelle Z.
July 13, 2016

As summer kicks into full swing, gardens everywhere are overflowing with fruit and vegetables. If you’ve been looking for creative ways to use summer produce, the American Institute for Cancer Research has published five of its most popular cancer-protective recipes that can help you beat the heat, while taking advantage of the plethora of great fruits and vegetables that are currently in season.

Breakfast berry parfait

First up is their Breakfast berry parfait, which can help you start out your day with an all-important punch of protein. It also has important compounds that fight cancer, such as vitamin C and a phytochemical known as ellagic acid. The best part of this recipe is its adaptability. It will taste just as good if you need to make it ahead of time, and you can easily transport it to work or wherever you happen to eat breakfast – although it also makes for a great snack. You can also switch out the berries as needed.

Shrimp fajitas

Another winner is the AICR’s satisfying Shrimp fajitas recipe. This dish is great for a cookout, and it uses a marinade before grilling, which has been shown to help reduce carcinogen formation. The shrimp is lightly spiced to give it just the right amount of edge, while the sweet grilled peppers and onions balance the dish out nicely. It’s also low in calories, which is important for maintaining a healthy weight – another way to protect against cancer!

Southwestern bean salad

Cold salads are the ideal side on a hot day, and they’re also highly convenient for picnics and beach outings. This Southwestern bean salad recipe uses black beans as its base on account of their high amounts of protein and cancer-fighting flavonoids and fiber. This colorful salad is kid-friendly, and children can even get it on the act by helping to mix the ingredients – just make sure an adult takes care of chopping the peppers and carrots it contains!

Grilled panzanella

Panzanella is a memorable side that not many people have heard of, but is almost universally liked. It’s a bit of a departure from the norm, yet it is accessible enough that most people will be willing to try it. The AICR’s healthy version of this dish makes use of whole grain bread that is lightly toasted. It’s packed with cancer-fighting vegetables like red pepper and tomato, as well as basil and garlic, and it serves as the perfect counterpoint to grilled fish. Olive oil provides a dash of healthy fat.

Kale frittata with tomato and basil

A frittata is a versatile egg-based dish that is just at home at brunch as it is on your dinner table. It’s also a great option if you’re looking for a healthy meal that can feed a crowd. The recipe calls for kale, which is rich in carotenoids, as well as tomatoes. However, creativity is encouraged, as nearly any vegetable will work in this dish. There are lots of ways to make a frittata, but this Kale frittata with tomato and basil recipe cleverly incorporates a light broiling in the oven as the final step to enhance its great flavors.

While the best place to get fruits and vegetables is from your own garden, that is simply not feasible for people who do not have a lot of land at their disposal. Thankfully, vertical gardening solutions like the Garden Tower enable even those who live in apartments to grow their own organic food with little effort, giving them control over what goes into their bodies. You can grow carrots for the Southwestern bean salad, and tomatoes for the grilled panzanella. In fact, you can grow countless other vegetables and herbs to create your own mouth-watering, cancer-fighting delicacies!

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Zy Marquiez is an avid book reviewer, an open-minded skeptic, yogi, and freelance writer who regularly studies subjects such as: Consciousness, Education, Creativity, The Individual, Ancient History & Ancient Civilizations, Forbidden Archaeology, Big Pharma, Alternative Health, Space, Geoengineering, Social Engineering, Propaganda, and much more. His own personal blog is where his personal work is shared, while serves as a media portal which mirrors vital information usually ignored by mainstream press, but still highly crucial to our individual understanding of various facets of the world. My work can also be found on

7 thoughts on “Five Cancer-Fighting Recipes That Also Helps You Beat The Summer Heat”

  1. Agree with all except the meat references noted. Fish and sea life do feel pain and can suffer: along with the fact that many species are overfished and contain high levels of mercury/other metals. Also, let us not forget the vast (non-target) wildlife caught via bycatch who drown in trawling nets while fishing for target species! This is appalling! Isn’t it time we evolved and focused on plant-based sources?

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        1. Read it in “The Secret Life Of Plants Book”. If am not mistaken, not only did they feel pain in one instance, but they also felt fear when being threatened in the experiment. Its a really interesting experiment.

          Okay, here we go. Am going to quote pages 68, 69:

          Noting that plants had long ago been shown to have “short-term memory,” Merkulov said that this fact too had been confirmed by the Kazakh scientists. Beans, potatoes, wheat, and crowfoot [Ranunculus] after proper “instruction” seemed to have the capability to remember the frequency of flashes from a xenon-hydrogen lamp. The plants repeated the pulsations with what Mrkulov called “exceptional accuracy,” and since crowfoot has been able to repeat a given frequency after a pause as long as eighteen hours it was possible to speak of “long-term” memory in plants.

          The scientists, next went on, according to Merkulov, to condition a philodendron to recognize when a piece of mineralized rock was put beside it. Using the system developed by Pavlov with dogs, whereby he uncovered the “Conditioned reflex,” the scientists simultaneously “punished” a philodendron with an electrical shock, each time a mineralized ore was placed next to it. They reported that, after conditioning the same plant, anticipating a hurtful shock, would get “Emotionally upset” whenever the block of ore was put beside it. Furthermore, said the Kazakh scientists, the plant could distinguish between mineralized ore and similar piece of barren rock containing no mineral, a feat which might indicate that plants will one day be used in geological prospecting.”[PG 68, 69]

          There’s a lot more data that’s really intricate. It really makes one ponder about life, you know.


    1. And to your point, definitely think there’s a big problem with our species, or at least part of it. The lack of respect for nature, plant, animals, human, and more is so beyond what’s sensible its just dis-heartening. It’s sad because this wasn’t always the case and our materialistic point of view with our ever undying consumption has only made things worse.

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