Analyzing Human Action – The Mirror Of Your Soul

By: Zy Marquiez
December 7, 2015

“Imagination decides everything.”
– Blaise Pascal

As a powerful individual, your ability to choose – to carve out your own reality – is what made you who you are. Along the way, those endless choices have brought you upon an avenue chock full of possibilities that helped you mold yourself into who you chose to be come and what you ultimately stand for.

Through our personal roller-coaster journeys called life, we often find things/ideas/symbols/art pieces that echo our very soul through and through.

Hold that thought for a second.

Am sure someone has asked you to ponder upon the following for a moment. If nobody has, then take a minute to think, or as long as you need for you to narrow it down.

What is your personal song? The song that is you in every way shape and sound?

If you can’t narrow it down for whatever reason, consider the perfect book, the perfect verse, photograph, view, or moment shared with a significant other. Does that widen the breadth of options?

Now that you have the answer, what is it? Do you know this art piece like the back of your hand? Of course you do. That’s why is your favorite moment.

Why is this important?   Because we are going to undertake a mental exercise for a moment.

This song [or whatever you chose] will represent everything you think is perfect about life. This song is the upper echelon of existence, pure bliss, mellifluous rapture, the works. This song ultimately represents you and the perfect reality in your mind.  This song is the material representation of your very essence: your soul.

This song should be so powerful, that it should be able to fix all problems, mend all rifts, and heal all wounds. Everything.

In fact, am certain that for nigh everyone, these songs are so meaningful/powerful that they have helped us through some dire straits.

Now sit listening to it for quite a while. In fact, listen to it as long as you want. Could this song, really in all its infinite glory, be a synopsis of everything that is perfect in life for you? Could you listen to this song for the rest of your life and do nothing else?

A version of the previous idea was posed by Jon Rappoport [nomorefakenewscom] during an interview a while back. That is when his words/idea really resonated with me.

At first blush, the possibility seemed quite likely that in my case listening to the song, forever, might be possible. Had to ruminate quite a while about it however.

After some time, figured out that personally, even if it was the perfect song – in all its infinite glory – it would eventually get tiresome and it would bore me out of my skull.

Why is this? Because we know there is more out there. Having had experienced different ideas/escapes/latitudes that we consider perfect, we realize that life is about…variety. It’s about change. Is about breathtaking moments, which are the opposite side of the coin of the events that cause entropy/chaos.

The most perfect moment, the most perfect photograph, the most perfect kiss, is all bound upon the idea that is detachable from reality in away. In that way, carrying it around in your mental inbox heightens your life by having experiencing such personal perfection within your reality structure.

Yet, given the fact that life itself is beautiful because of the imperfections [one can’t appreciate the good without having experienced the bad], those personal and unique quintessential moments resound within our very soul since those are the exception.

That’s what makes perfect moments – a perfect song/photograph/verse/time shared – so special. Because it’s a symbol of who you are in a way. Or better said, it’s a symbol of what you believe one fragment of perfection is. It’s the brainchild of imagination, bliss and perfection exemplified.

The beauty of it all? There’s more.

There is always more.

There are more options. More songs. More books. More verses. More photographs. More moments.   More avenues/journeys which can guide you into new unknown wonders.

With so many untold possibilities and versions of what people hold as perfect, why are so many people eager to push their version of what they see as great/perfect onto others?   You would figure people would be eager to share [and not push], explore [and not shun] what can be found, or accomplished together even. Rare is the case it seems.

And no, the former is not about superficial material objects or anything of the like. It’s about ideas/moments that change people. Heck, that change the entire course of their lives.

We’re talking about monumental personal changes that in any way shifts your life/reality tectonically into a whole new continental landscape of possibilities.


Now that you have a centerpiece for your dreambuilding operation, what you to do? Is it time to let that song/moment cycle through endlessly, for the rest of time? Or is it time to venture into the ceaseless unknown to see what other gems you may find?

Better yet: are you going to share your idea/knowledge with others? How about sharing it with those that lift you up? Those individuals would certainly know you best , and certainly appreciate you for who you are in your essence.

Either way, it’s a beautiful thing to have so many choices and to be able to choose, rather than to have anything – ideology/idea/religion – pushed onto you as if your freedoms are limited, or as if you have no other choice. As if your mind can’t make a choice on its own. As if you have no personal power as an individual. As if your wisdom is non-existent. As if life/reality must fit in a box, and anything that doesn’t fit within that particular type of box doesn’t belong there.

How about this: why not think of the most perfect of everything that you can think of, make sure you have that/those idea[s] solidly in your mind, and hold it there. Thence, do everything possible to think of something better, something greater, something vastly more interesting/boundless than what you just thought before. Now isn’t that stretching imagination a bit?

That’s better. That’s a lot better.

It’s like taking a photograph, and turning it into a universe.

Seeing a snippet of the latitude that imagination provides can do wonders. It truly can. Like a torpedo, it hones in and focuses on those things that drive you that separate free individuals from the pack.

If you’re a musician, this is the moment you write a new tune. If you’re an artists, this is where you can paint a boundless landscape on that blank canvas. If you’re a writer, this is where you put pen to paper, and get to work manifesting reality at the stroke of a pen.

What do all those examples have in common? Creation via your imagination.

The question isn’t why. The question is, why not?

The choice is yours.

Be mindful:

“Logic will get you from A to Z. Imagination will get you everywhere.”
– Albert Einstein