Retail Rapture – Christmas Shopping

“Recreational shopping is the shortest distance between two points: You and Broke.”
– Victoria Moran

By: Zy Marquiez
December 28, 2015

Approaching the bottom of the 9th of the year, the Holidays are winding down.

People are snazzy, have a pep in their step, and are spending dollars ubiquitously like their lives depend on it.

Its that last fact that is often quite overlooked.

The holidays are used by the establishment in a myriad of ways. Most duplicitous among the underhanded reasons lies the profit motive. This is the least analyzed, and often most harmful of all notions parroted during the holiday season to individuals & families.

Why is such the case? Because many folks will go all-in during holiday shopping, and some do it without even having the funds to do so [i.e. credit cards, loans, borrowed money, etc.]

If the holidays truly are about quantity shopping quality time, as many people are quick to expound, then the material component to the holidays isn’t needed to carry out such.

For something to have meaning, the time/experience/memory had should be exceptional to the individual. This, and this alone, should be what is related as a message. However, we know the establishment and deceitful media does not ever come close to that idea without touching the material realm.

This isn’t to say that a gift, something tangible, cannot have meaning. Far from it.

Meaning, most of the time, comes from the eyes of the beholder in a sense. Overlooked many times though, is the fact that meaning many times comes from how others see things, which just so happen to be material a lot [most?] of the time.

For instance, an object by itself is just an object. But we have all seen the power that any material object can have – no matter what it is – over people when others besides themselves crave it.

If an object isn’t lusted for by thousands, people usually don’t give it a second look. However, the second ‘everyone’ wants something, then its en vogue, in style, the new fad.

Some examples of this are phones, games, toys, purposes, clothing, brands [which comes from the word branding, which has a nefarious history, but that’s another story] so on and so forth.

At its most basic premise, what we are talking about here is the overwhelming urge to shop, for the sake of shopping. It is recreational shopping at its finest.

And if that is what is carried out, rather than the search of something meaningful for the happiness of other, then its void of substance.

Why is this? Because shopping can be done at any moment in the year, any time, any place, any locale, and the only reason most people shop during the holidays is because the corporate conglomerates and media have helped socially engineer retail rapture to unheard of levels.

The amount spent during the holidays is ludicrous. It’s the type of resources used that could literally change entire families/communities/regions, but are used to shop for things that most people aren’t in need of.

Sure, it’s called meaningful, but why should something material that’s purchased during a time that you’re ingratiated to spend money on, have any more meaning than any other time that you are taught to spend money on?

Here are some memes expounded by the establishment/media and how much money was expected to be spent for each particular holiday:

– If its 4th of July, you’re a patriot. Of course, with the establishment expecting $6 Billion for this holiday, why wouldn’t they carry out propaganda. True Translation: spend money to ‘support’ your country corporations.

– If you spend money on Labor Day, you’ve earned it due to hard work. Then again, with the establishment having expected $13.5 Billion to be spent on labor day what wouldn’t they say? True Translation: you’ve earned the right to line corporate pockets to the hilt.

– If its during Halloween, then it’s a celebration and whathaveyou. And this has become an enormous time of the year for money spent compared to what it used to be decades ago. If you’re skeptical it was estimated Americans planned on spending $7.4 Billion on Halloween alone. True Translation: spend money because that’s what celebrations are for. P.S. That includes 350 million dollars for pet Costumes. You read that correct.  

– Thanksgiving? One needs to be thankful of course! Coupled to this is Black Friday, in which people spent in 2014 $89 Billion in online sales alone. True Translation: spend even more money.

– Finally, Christmas. The reason for all bliss to exist. The propaganda is extremely high, especially given the fact that Americans are expected to spend $600 Billion dollars. True Translation: quantity/objects are where meanings are at, thus, spend money.

In none of the examples above is the press ever even dabbling into just spending quality time with people, without lining the pockets of the corporate cartels. The mere thought is sacrilegious. Such is an act of suicide for presstitutes to engage in such abhorrent behaviour. How dare they?

This is why it rests solely on the individual – the foundation of society – to be prudent, incisive, and rather discriminatory in the way that any money is spent, especially during the holiday season. Coupled with that is the fact that the very loot money that’s gathered by the corporate crooks is the profits used to throw the populace under the bus at every given turn.

That laughing sound behind the curtains is irony by way.

However, complaining about corporations that ‘run the show’ and giving them dollars day in and out, every holiday in and out, having that money used against you, is shooting yourself in the foot is shooting yourself in both feet and blaming the weapon for you shooting yourself.

Spend money? Sure. We just be wise about it.

Just remember, quality is quality.   Quantity is quantity. Some people use them interchangeably, – unknowingly [more gifts = more love] – but they are not.

In reality: quality = love / more quality = more love.

Now there’s a choice you won’t hear the current paradigm expound upon any time soon.

Be prudent.

Have fun.

Enjoy your time with those you love. That’s what life is really about.



The Breakaway Guide To Mainstream Media Manipulation & Propaganda

U.S. Thanksgiving, Black Friday Sales Break $1B; Total Holiday Spend Online Will Be $89B

The Individual – The Foundation Of Society

Retail Rapture – Black Friday

By: Zy Marquiez
November 27, 2015

“Recreational shopping is the shortest distance between two points: You and Broke.”
– Victoria Moran

The season for the reason is on the horizon! Take your checkbooks out, credit cards, paper money, and everything else you’re willing to sell to raise federal reserve notes!

All jesting over, in all seriousness, let’s pump the brakes for a moment.

As a minor prelude, this post is not meant for everyone that purchases items during Black Friday. It’s meant more for the mentality that has manifested itself around the Retail Rapture that is known as the appropriate and ominously named, ‘Black’ Friday.

Many people opt to carry out their christmas shopping during Thanksgiving Weekend. It’s what some would call the unofficial beginning for Holiday shopping.

Shopping in it of itself is just purchasing a product. That is simple enough. However, what has taken place manifested via social engineering the last decade or so to increase sales [while real media household income has fallen, mind you] has shown what levels human depravity will sink too for the latest $5 dollar toaster.

Here are an assortment of reasons that recreational Black Friday Shopping should be carefully pondered.

Saving money is not a bad thing. However, not all of the products shown are in fact the cheapest price points you could get them at if one were carrying out research of those latest products.

If you are an in-person shopper, the increase density of people that some of those shopping centers and stores have also seemingly proportionally increased the level of violence as well.

The video below details this issue rather well:

Dovetailing with that is the mindless consumerism of products purchased which people did not need in the first place. If you need something, really need it, great. Purchase it. Save money. However, if you’re maxing out credit cards [and hopefully not paying interest, because if you are, then the items purchased really aren’t as cheap as many people make them out to be if you’re going to be paying interest for months] then that might not be the most prudent thing to do. And if you’re following the crowd – literally – then that’s even worse.

The above are not judgements, these are observations of events taking place. If people want to spend money on gifts, sweet. If they want to go to places where they run the increased risk of violence given the mental me-first attitude of many in the populace, all good. If they want to put themselves in financial positions that are detrimental to themselves, fine. But the highly ironic is that many [most?] of these people that are spending money aimlessly in Black Friday and during the holidays, are the same people that will throw Corporations under the bus, when in fact they are the ones funding them. That’s not being apologetic for the corporations, but the Corporations and the shadows behind them have power because of mindless consumerism, and Black Friday is the epitome of income/profit generation for corporations. It’s highly hypocritical to want a better world, and then fund the very corporations that will and have thrown the population under the bus hiking prices needlessly, not having wages keeping up with cost of living, shipping jobs over sees, so on and so forth.

It isn’t surprising that America has become the posterchild for financial ineptitude, but that’s in large part due to indoctrination, propaganda that’s fused at the outset with poor schooling, which does not cover intelligent financial planning [gee, wonder why?]. Why would the comptrollers want you to know how to handle your finances? That would mean less profits for the corporations that would do anything, and often do, for profit, and less market share that can be tapped.  Furthermore, that has lead to a significant decrease in savings, increase in large debt expenses, half the country making about equal or less than $27,500 per year, stagnant income growth for many American families, less assets per family/individuals, and vastly smaller amounts of retirement income/savings that has lead to most folks leaning on social security as their main income stream.

How can one move forward, how can one live a better life, a healthier life, how can one break away from the matrix of control if someone chooses to give it energy in every which way? It’s an impossibility.

With that said, what are our options? We can choose to play their latest game, or we can pull the plug.

The choice is yours. It always is.

Let us part with this:

“The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion.”
– Albert Camus