5 Of The Most Advanced Ancient Civilizations On Earth You Should Know About


Source: Ancient-Code.com
August 8, 2016

In this article, we take a look at five of the MOST ADVANCED Ancient Civilizations on the planet.

Ancient Egyptian Civilization


The ancient Egyptians were renowned for being super advanced not only in Mathematics and Architecture but in Medicine and Astronomy like only a few other civilizations on Earth.

Thousands of years ago, the ancient Egyptians developed medicine that allowed them to treat parasitic disease and malaria while flourishing on the River Nile.

Their knowledge of anatomy enabled them to treat a number of diseases using unconventional methods.

In other words, the Ancient Egyptian Civilization Helped shape the world we live in today.

Interestingly, Ancient Egyptian is considered as one of the oldest languages on planet Earth; it has survived for five thousand years, having a lifespan longer than nearly all other languages on Earth.

According to researchers, their language can be divided into five phases: Old Egyptian, Middle Egyptian, Late Egyptian, Demotic, and Coptic. Interestingly, their ancient writing system –which was made up of a complex system of hieroglyphics—can be traced back to around 2690 BC.

Scientifically speaking, the ancient Egyptians were way ahead of their time and by 1650 BC, they had a grasp of multiplication, division, fractions, prime numbers, linear equations, and geometry.

Oh and, not to mention that SOMEHOW, they erected some of the greatest ancient monuments on the surface of the planet: The Pyramids.

However, personally, one of the most interesting things about the ancient Egyptians is the fact that they were the first ancient civilization that invented a way to measure time. The ancient Egyptians did not only invent the calendar; they created the machine that kept track of time and had two types: Water Clocks and Sun Clocks.

Ancient Maya Civilization


Just as the Ancient Egyptians, the Ancient Maya were brilliant astronomers and even better mathematicians. They are credited –although it is still disuputed— for the invention of the ZERO and measuring the length of a solar year with fascinating accuracy.

The ancient Maya developed and flourished in the southernmost parts of modern-day Mexico, Guatemala, and Belize.

The Ancient Maya were one of the most important and developed ancient civilizations ever to exist on Earth. They are especially noted for the Maya script, the only known developed writing system of the Pre-Columbian Americas. The earliest inscriptions of a Maya script and identifiable Maya writing go back as far as the 3rd century BCE and were discovered in San Bartolo, Guatemala.

Interestingly, this ancient Mesoamerican civilization is known to have PERFECTED the use of RUBBER creation diverse products from it 3,000 years before people in the old World even knew what rubber was.

The truth is that when Spanish conquistadores set foot on the American Continent and met the Ancient Maya civilization, they encountered not a primitive culture, but one that was extremely developed leaving many Spaniards astonished.

Indus Valley Civilization

Indus Valley Civilization

The Ancient Indus Valley Civilization is considered –based on a new study— as one of the oldest civilization on the planet (8,000 years old) and even predates the Ancient Egyptian and Mesopotamian civilization by thousands of years.

The ancient Indus Valley Civilization is known for some things, but most importantly for their extremely well-planned cities. Before cities such as Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro were built, its constructors planned every single detail about the cities with extreme detail.

According to researchers during its peak, the Indus Valley Civilization may have had a population of over FIVE MILLION inhabitants.

They were among the first ancient cultures to create houses from backed bricks and incorporated extremely elaborate drainage systems and water supply systems.

It is noteworthy to mention that the Indus Valley Civilization achieved fascinating accuracy in measuring mass, time and length. In fact, the Indus Valley Civilization was among the first to develop a system of uniform weights and measures.

The Ancient Civilization of Caral


One of the most mysterious and advanced ancient civilization to ever exist in South America is a civilization called Caral, which lived in the coastal region of modern-day Peru.

According to historians, one of the earliest forms of communication –equivalent in age to the Cuneiform Script developed by ancient Mesopotamian civbiliztations—on Earth was developed by the ancient civilization of Caral.

In fact, archaeologists believe that Caral is one of the most sophisticated ancient civilizations ever to develop on Earth.

This ancient civilization created pyramids, circular plazas, and intricate staircases thousands of years ago.

Their pyramidal complex covers a staggering 165 acres and is one of the largest on Earth.

The Pyramids built by the ancient civilization of Caral is contemporary with the ancient Egyptian Pyramids.

The main pyramid found at Caral covers a staggering area nearly the size of four football fields and is eighteen meters high.

One of the most important things we have to mention about Caral is that no weapons, no mutilated bodies or any signs of warfare are present on the site, which points to the fact that Caral was a diplomatic and highly developed culture and the oldest city in the western hemisphere.

It turns out that the not-so-famous ancient Peruvian civilization developed advanced methods in agronomy, medicine, engineering and architecture over 5000 years ago. Their knowledge in several science ahs left today’s researchers perplexed and unable to answer the many mysteries behind the greatest South American civilization to develop independently.

As for energy exploitation and fluid mechanics, Caral took advantage of the wind, now known as the Venturi Effect, by channeling it through underground ducts in order to achieve high temperatures through bonfires.

Interestingly, researchers have found that the ancient inhabitants of Caral used willow —containing the *active chemical ingredient of aspirin*— to relieve pain such as headaches.

The ancient engineers of Caral were splendid engineers mastering civil engineering and applied seismic resistance technology to the over-5000-year-old constructions.

The Ancient Civilization of Tiahuanaco


Thousands of ears ago an advanced civilization rose near the shores of Lake Titicaca in the Andean mountains quickly becoming one fo the most advanced civilization on Earth. Strangely, like many other advanced civilizations, this too disappeared some 500 years after its rise.

The sophisticated people of Tiahuanaco created fabulous cities like Tiahuanaco and Puma Punku and were the FOREFATHERS of another great civilization. The Gateway of the Sun is on of the most well-known structures. According to archaeologist Arthur Posnanky, the temples the ancient Tiahuanaco civilization made was designed with polished stone blocks that have several rows of small round holes, according to Posnanky, they could have been used to hold something in the distant past. These round holes are so precise that it is hard to believe that ancient civilizations made them without some sort of advanced technology.

Read More At: Ancient-Code.com

Ivan is a freelance writer, editor-in-chief of ancient-code.com, he also writes for EWAO, Share Knowledge, Svemir Online and Ancient Origins.History, Archaeology, Space and world’s mysteries are some of the topics he writes about.

Ancient Portals Around The Globe: The Ancient Gate Of Hayu Marka Mada’in Saleh

Source: Ancient-Code.com
July 5, 2016

Amazing Stargates

Is it possible that Stargate aka Portals exist around the globe? Or are legends that speak of such portals nothing but ancient myths?

There are numerous ancient sites around the world which display fascinating properties that archaeologists cannot explain. Various ancient sites all across the planet are proof that thousands of years ago, ancient cultures knew of a lost technology that has been lost in modern times.

Ancient sites like the Gate of Hayu Marka in South America and Mada’in Saleh in Africa display fascinating similarities not only in their construction but also in their extensive history that speaks of fascinating details.

Locals consider these ancient sites as powerful places with mystical powers. These strange doorways were created by civilizations thousands of years ago for mysterious reasons. Why build gigantic doors into solid rock? Were these sites created to support local legends? If so, why are these legends not isolated phenomenon?

In fact, there are dozens of ancient sites around the globe displaying fascinating similarities as if ancient cultures were interconnected somehow.

Our first site of interest is Hayu Marka in modern-day Peru. This ancient ‘Stargate’ is found near Laketiti Caca and is referred to by locals as Maru Muru, but many know it as the Gateway of the Gods.

Legends say that this door will open one day and welcome the creator gods of all mankind. These gods are said to return in their “Solar Ships” and all of humanity will be in awe.

However, since time immemorial, this region has been revered by local natives who actually consider it as the “city of the gods.”

Even though to date only a few structures have been discovered, researchers believe that there are numerous monuments hidden beneath the surface.

The enigmatic “Gate of the gods” was ‘discovered’ by accident when local tour guide Jose Luis Delgado Mamani was hiking in the surrounding area.

Mamani stated that he had long before dreamed about this structure and saw what appeared to be a door covered with pink marble with several figures located to the sides.

These visions are closely linked to the legends of the native Indians of the area that tell that this “door” was a “gateway to the land of the Gods.”

Legends speak that in the distant past, great heroes crossed into the land of the gods, enjoying a prosperous and glorious immortal life.

Among the most popular legends is one that says that during the time of the Spanish conquest, an Incan priest called Amaru Muru, from the temple of the seven rays fled from his temple with a sacred golden disk known as “the key to the gods of the seven rays.“

The priest hid in the mountains of Hayu Brand afraid that the Spanish might take the key from him.

Later the priest arrived at the “Gate of the Gods” at Hayu Marca, where he showed the key to several priests and shamans of the area.

After they had performed a ritual, the door opened with a blue light emanating from it.

The priest, Amaru Muru handed the golden disk to one of the shamans and entered the door, he was never seen again.

This amazing story sounds eerily similar to what we today refer to as a stargate or portal. While modern science believes such travel is impossible, legends all around the globe speak of travel through mysterious ‘gates’ thousands of years ago.

But Hayu Marka in modern-day Peru isn’t the only one.

Qasr al Farid, tomb in Archeological site Mada'in Saleh, Al-`Ula, Saudi Arabia

Another archaeological site located in Mada’in Saleh in Saudi Arabia offers further fascinating details. The ancient site was believed to have been erected by the ancient Thamud people who inhabited the region from at least the first millennium BC.

According to the Qur’an, the ancient Thamud people inhabited the area after Noah but before Morses. Ancient Islamic Text suggests the Thamudis —who intricately carved their homes and temples out of the mountains—were punished by Allah because of their idol worship. The Thamudic people were struck by earthquakes and lightning blasts.

Still today, the ancient site hold a reputation as being a cursed place.

But interestingly, the ancient site of Mada’in Saleh and the “Gate of the gods” at Hayu Marka share fascinating details in their construction. Both were carved out of a huge piece of rock.

What was the actual purpose of these giant gate-like monuments? Were they created as ancient tombs as mainstream scholars point out? If so, where are the occupants of these tombs? Were the mysterious doorways that do not lead anywhere built for aesthetic or spiritual reasons? Or is it possible there is another significance to them?


Is it possible that both Mada’in Saleh and the “Gate of the gods” at Hayu Marka are in fact ancient stargates that were left behind by highly sophisticated civilizations? Were they real-life stargates leading to different planets or even dimensions? Are they part of a long-lost ancient technology?

There are countless questions that remain unanswered but for us to understand these ancient sites and their real meaning, we need to let go of the strict patterns set into place by mainstream scholars which maintain that thousands of years  ago, ancient civilizations around the globe were not connected with each other and that advanced technology did not exist thousands of years ago.

Read More At: Ancient-Code.com